
  1. 克莱门扎打电话给长滩镇找汤姆-黑根接电话。

    Clemenza called the house in Long Beach and got Tom Hagen .

  2. 婚后,他们就搬回长滩镇林荫道。

    Then they had moved into one of the houses on the mall in Long Beach .

  3. 一小时之后,他就安全回到了长滩镇林荫道,向迈克尔-考利昂汇报任务执行情况。

    An hour later he was safely in the mall on Long Beach and talking to Michael Corleone .

  4. 三天之后,恺亚当姆斯在长滩镇考利昂家的林荫道前下了出租汽车。

    Three days later Kay Adams got out of a taxi in front of the Corleone mall in long beach .

  5. 克莱门扎勉强地打电话给罗科拉朋,要他组织一些人和汽车,把通向长滩镇的路监视起来。

    Grudgingly Clemenza called Rocco Lampone and told him to get a few people and cars and cover the road to long beach .

  6. 从长滩镇到市区的路上,他都在设法忘掉他对黑根说的话。

    All during the ride from long beach into the city he had been trying to forget what he had said to hagen .

  7. 不一会儿,他就不省人事,昏昏沉沉地睡去。她偷偷溜到厨房,给长滩镇娘家打电话。

    In a little while he would drink himself into sodden sleep and she could sneak into the kitchen add call her family in Long Beach .

  8. 当迈克尔考利昂来到长滩镇的家门外时,他发现林荫道狭窄的人口处用链条封锁起来了。

    When Michael Corleone arrived at his father 's house in long beach he found the narrow entrance mouth of the mall blocked off with a link chain .