
cháng qiǎng
  • Changqiang
长强[cháng qiǎng]
  1. 肛瘘术后患者长强穴注射亚甲蓝镇痛效果观察

    Analgesic Effect of Injection with Methylene Blue at Changqiang Acupoint After Anal Fistula Operation

  2. 组内比较:长强组治疗12周后与治疗前、治疗6周后比较,数据均有明显差异(P0.05)。

    Comparing in the group : in the Chang Qiang group , there were significant difference ( P 0.05 ) in groups after 12 weeks of treatment compared with before treatment , 6 weeks after treatment .

  3. 长强敷贴治疗慢性前列腺炎疗效观察前愈治疗细菌性前列腺炎的拆方试验

    Clinical Observation of Length-strong Point External Application on Chronic Prostatitis

  4. 论文针对S波段长脉冲强流RKA进行了深入的理论分析,并开展了相应的实验研究,取得了与理论相符的实验结果。

    S-band long pulse intense current RKA are theoretical investigated deeply , and the corresponding conclusions are used to design and guide the RKA experiments .

  5. 介绍了在长脉冲强流相对论速调管(RKA)研究中强流相对论空心电子束(IREBs)的一种小信号群聚理&空间电荷波理论。

    A small signal theory & space charge wave physics relevant to modulation properties of intense relativistic electron beams in klystron amplifiers is described in this paper .

  6. 长脉冲强激光整束热晕实验研究

    Whole-beam thermal blooming experiments with a long laser pulse

  7. 介绍了一种应用于长脉冲强流二极管的径向绝缘结构。

    A radial insulation structure which is used in long pulse high current diode is introduced in this paper .

  8. 在温室利用在质进行水果黄瓜的高产栽培,应选择无限生长、采收期长的强雌性水果黄瓜品种,种植时先对营养土、种子消毒后用育苗盘培育壮苗;

    A strong female fruit cucumber variety with unlimited growth and long harvesting duration was cultivated with substrate in greenhouse .

  9. 受断裂和隐爆角砾岩带控制,赋存于中生代陆相火山&侵入岩及晚印支期碱长花岗岩强硅化带中。成矿与火山-侵入岩作用有密切成生关系。

    Dongan gold deposit is distributed in Mesozoic continental volcanic-intrusive rocks and late Indosinian strong silicification belt within alkali feldspar granite .

  10. 长脉冲强激光对光学材料热损伤的研究脉冲强激光辐照下材料响应的非傅里叶效应

    The Thermal Damage Research of Optical Materias under Millisecond-pulsed Laser Irradiations ; Non-Fourier response of target irradiated by multi-pulse high power laser

  11. 矿床受隐角砾岩和断裂控制,赋存于中生代陆相火山&侵入岩及晚印支期碱长花岗岩强硅化带中。

    Controlled by fracture and fracture alteration belt , Dongan gold deposit is distributed in Mesozoic continental volcanic-intrusive rocks and late Indosinian periodical strong silication belt with alkali-feldspar granite .

  12. 但是随着纺织业的发展,新的纺织技术对棉花品质的要求越来越高,因此培育纤维长、强、细兼备的棉花品种是目前棉花育种工作者的重要目标之一。

    However , with the development of textile industry , new textile technology requires high cotton fiber quality , so it is the one of main work for cotton breeders to breed varieties with longer , stronger , and thinner fiber .

  13. 这部影片篇幅长,戏剧性强,不过还不能誉为“史诗”。

    The film is long and dramatic but does not quite earn the epithet ' epic ' .

  14. 研究发现,志愿者目前的视力与其暴露在阳光下(尤其是导致灼伤的中波紫外线辐射)的时长有很强的相关性。

    Strong correlations were found between current eyesight and volunteers ’ lifetime exposure to sunlight , above all UVB radiation ( which is responsible for burning ) .

  15. 但野生型GFP及增强型GFP等因半衰期长,稳定性强,对反映一过性转录表达调控的变化不甚理想。

    But wild type GFP and EGFP are not ideal to detect the transient changes of gene expression regulation .

  16. 为研究长时间的强噪声对大鼠的影响,50只雄性SD大鼠随机分为5组:正常对照组、噪声暴露(120dBSPL宽带噪声,每天2h)1d、3d、7d和14d组。

    To study the effects of sustained intensive noise on rats , fifty SD male rats were randomly divided into : control group and 1 d , 3 d , 7 d and 14 d noise exposure groups ( 120 dBSPL , broadband noise , 2 h daily ) .

  17. 画眉草(Eragrostisspectabilis(Linn.)Beauv.)一种一年生丛生观赏草,花期长,抗逆性强,管理粗放,被广泛应用于园林、固土护坡、室内绿化等。

    Ornamental grass ( Eragrostis spectabilis ( Linn . ) Beauv . ), a kind of annual bunch grass , long flowering period , strong resistance , extensive management , is widely used in gardens , slope stabilization , indoor greening .

  18. 面对大型工程项目投资大、周期长、复杂性强、协调难度大等特点,结合国内项目管理水平及业主实际要求,我国项目管理者开创了一体化管理模式(IPMT)。

    Facing more investment , longer cycle , more complex and difficulty of coordination these factors , our country project manager creates the mode of integration project management team ( IPMT ) according to domestic project management level and requirements .

  19. 为什么我们总是把这种长发标准强加于这些女孩儿身上?

    Why are we always pushing this standard of long hair on our girls ?

  20. 与其它家畜比较,鸵鸟具有寿命长,繁殖力强、生长快等优点。

    Ostrich is longevity , fertility and quick growth comparison to other domestical animals .

  21. 即模因来看待,同时按照寿命长,繁殖力强和准确性高的标准来分析模因。

    as memes , and analyzing them in terms of longevity , fecundity and fidelity ,

  22. 实验结果表明,在长波段有强的光电压信号。

    The experimental results show that there exists a strong photovoltage signal at long wavelength bands .

  23. 长锚索补强支护松软破碎矿体中的回采进路设计与施工

    Design and construction of the cable bolt support system for the stoping drifts in loose and broken ore bodies

  24. 登陆时台风中心比湿值、等值线的梯度越大、移速的越慢,则降水时间越长、雨强越大,降水越集中。

    The bigger the gradient of the specific humidity field is , the slower the typhoons moves , and the longer and stronger the rainfall .

  25. 地面积雪时间长、高空强冷平流补充南下与晴空辐射降温是形成此次低温冷害的主要原因;

    The main reasons of the freeze injury are long day of snow cover , strong cold advection supplement and low temperature caused by clear air radiation ;

  26. 调查表明:女性无名指长运动能力强伦敦国王学院的研究人员周四提出,从女性无名指的长度可以看出她的竞技潜力。

    The length of a girl 's ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential , researchers at King 's College London said on Thursday .

  27. 对于那些规模较小、实力较弱的中小企业来说,网络营销以低成本,范围广,时效长,效果强成为中小企业玩得起的营销。

    For those smaller , weaker small and medium enterprises , the network marketing of " low-cost , long-term , obvious effect " has become their affordable marketing option .

  28. 锂离子电池具有质量密度高,体积密度大,循环寿命长,可靠性强等优点被广泛应用于各种电子产品和动力电车等方面。

    Lithium ion batteries , which take advantages of high gravimetric and volumetric energy densities , long cycle life , and improved reliability , have been widely used as power source .

  29. 催化裂化装置是一个高度非线性、时变、长时延、强耦合、分布参数和不确定性的复杂系统。

    FCCU ( fluid catalysis and cracking unit ) is a highly non-linear , time variable , long time delay , intensive coupling , parameter distributed , indefinite and complex system .

  30. 混凝土重力坝是坝工建设中广泛采用的坝型,体积大,服役时间长,补强加固是主要的抗震修复措施。

    Concrete gravity dam , which is widely used in dam construction , has features of great bulk and long serve time , so reinforcement measure is the main anti-seismic restoration way .