
  • 网络orthopedics;orthopedics and traumatology
  1. 从继承和创新双方面探讨中医骨伤科医师继续医学教育自学方法。

    This paper is the discussion on the probe of self-continuing medical education for the traditional Chinese medical Orthopedics department both from inherence and innovation aspects .

  2. 本文通过文献研究与实地调查研究相结合的方法,探求中医骨伤科流派在手法整复与方药治疗等方面的诊治规律与特点。

    Based on the combination methods of literature research and clinical case study , this thesis explores the regular principles and distinguishing features to diagnosis and treatment of manipulation and prescriptions in Chinese traditional orthopedics .

  3. 王静,另一个附属医院的医院,是一家综合医院CACMS与主要特点和中医骨伤科放在中国。

    Wang Jing Hospital , another affiliated hospital of CACMS , is a general hospital with the main features laid on Chinese orthopedics and traumatology .

  4. 膝骨关节炎(KOA)是骨伤科最为常见疾病种类之一,膝骨关节炎为多发于中老年人群中的慢性、进行性骨关节疾病。

    Knee osteoarthritis ( KOA ) is one of the most common illnesses in the orthopedics and traumatology , KOA is a chronic progressive bone articulus illness mostly happening among the middle-aged and the old-aged patients .

  5. 血液流变学检测技术在中医骨伤科实验研究中的运用

    Hemorheological assay techniques used in orthopedic experiments of the Chinese School

  6. 浅论葛洪对骨伤科的贡献

    A Discussion on Ge Hong 's Contribution to Orthopedics and Traumatology

  7. 我院骨伤科手术预防性抗菌药物应用情况分析

    Analysis of prophylactic use of antibiotics in orthopedic surgery in Longhua Hospital

  8. 研究、制定中医骨伤科辩证框架;

    To help to research the standardization of Zheng about the TCM orthopaedics ;

  9. 铜绿假单胞菌骨伤科感染及耐药谱的5年变迁

    Verdigris pseudomonad infection in orthopedics and traumatology and five-year changes of drug-fast spectrum

  10. 骨伤科分离鲍氏不动杆菌耐药性分析

    Drug Resistance Analysis in Orthopedics Isolations of Acinetobacter Baumannii

  11. 中国中医骨伤科杂志

    Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics

  12. 骨伤科混合感染菌群的分布及耐药特征

    The distribution and drug-fast characteristics of flora of mixed infections in orthopedics and Traumatology

  13. 腰椎管狭窄症是中老年常见骨伤科病种,本病属中医证候中的瘀阻督脉、肾虚损劳之腰腿痛症。

    Lumbar stricture is an ordinary bone-injury disease in the middle-aged and old people .

  14. 运用模拟医院加强中医骨伤科操作技能教学

    Strengthen Teaching of Operating Skills in Department of Osteonosus and Traumatism of TCM by Imitating Hospital

  15. 中医骨伤科具有丰富的理论和实践内容。

    Orthopedics and traumatology department of traditional chinese medicine has abundant content of the theory and practice .

  16. 研究目的:经筋疗法已广泛应用于骨伤科临床,并取得了显著的疗效。

    Objective : Meridian-Muscle Regions Treatment has been widely used in Orthopedic Therapy , and has made remarkable efficacy .

  17. 它涉及生命科学的各个领域,与基础医学、骨伤科、运动医学的关系也至为紧密。

    It involes every field in life science and is closely related with basic medicine , bone injury and sports medicine .

  18. 骨碎补具有促进骨折愈合、强骨补肾的功效,是中医骨伤科方剂中的常用药。

    Drynaria fortunei which is common in TCM prescriptions for fracture can promote healing of bone fractures and strengthen kidney function .

  19. 颈性眩晕是骨伤科常见病,由于多种原因,本病的发病率逐年上升。

    Cervical vertigo is a common disease in orthopaedics , its incidence has been increasing in recent years because of various causes .

  20. 骨伤科患者住院期间死亡相关因素分析健康教育在糖尿病患者住院期间的应用

    Factor analysis correlated to the death of patients with bone injury during the duration of hospital stay Health Education for Diabetic Inpatients

  21. 含中医骨伤科之骨折脱臼整复及脊椎矫正和一般伤筋的治疗。

    The naprapathy also includes the Traditional Chinese Traumatologic naprapathy on fracture , dislocation , spinal manipulation , and general wounded tendon treatment .

  22. 依据中医骨伤科病症诊断疗效标准,96例均达到治愈,无肘内翻发生。

    According to disease diagnosis and treatment standard of Orthopaedics and trauma of TCM , all the patients had fracture healing without cubitus varus .

  23. 筋伤与骨痹是骨伤科常见病,与经筋循行、经筋病变密切相关。

    The muscle and tendon injury and rheumatism involving bone are common orthopedic diseases , and are correlated to Meridian-Muscle Regions traveling and lesions .

  24. 临床上,可按以下方法用方:一,围绕主证用方,即根据骨伤科患者在骨伤后出现的主要证候选方用药;

    They can be used clinically as the following : ① Applied according to the main syndrome of the orthopedic patient after his injury .

  25. 国家标准《中医临床诊疗术语》中已采用该书的病名达215种,占930种(不含骨伤科疾病)病名之23.1%;

    Clinical diagnosis and treatment terminology of TCM of national standard has 215 names of the book , which is 23.1 % of all disease names .

  26. 从辨证和辨病着手,只要经方应用得当是可以治疗许多骨伤科疾病的。

    From the differentiation of syndrome and disease point of view , if applied properly , classical prescriptions can be used to treat many orthopedic diseases .

  27. 我们利用临床实验室和骨折仿真实验模型,对我校99级骨伤科专业学生进行前臂双骨折仿真临床模拟实验教学。

    We teach the students of orthopedics speciality of class 99 in our university with the simulative forearm double fracture model and the simulated clinical laboratory .

  28. 这优于西医治疗骨伤科必须要动手术开刀,但对于严重性的骨伤病非手术不可。

    It is superior to western medicine only relying on operations in curing injured bone . However , when facing serious injured bone , operations are preferred .

  29. 在学术思想、治学方法和临证思维等方面深受各大名家的影响,使冯老师在老年骨伤科疾病治疗方面颇有建树,学有渊源。

    Lie was deeply impacted by various masters in academic thinking , scholarly approach and treatment thinking , which made many achievements on the treatment of orthopedic diseases in old age . 3 .

  30. 目的:为了更好的发挥栀子红花在治疗骨伤科软组织损伤及骨关节病变效果,避免传统涂膜剂的分布不均甚至分层、不稳定等缺点。

    Purpose : In order to better use gardenia red flower in treatment of soft tissue injury formulary eyepit lesions effect , avoid the uneven distribution even traditional film coating layer , unstable shortcomings .