
ɡǔ fǎ yònɡ bǐ
  • 熟语bony brushstrokes
  1. 中国画的技法是以“骨法用笔”作为支撑,艺术的基本表现手段是线。

    The technique of Chinese painting is supported with the painting of its frame and its artistic expression is showed in lines .

  2. 在坚持以形写神、骨法用笔、外师造化,中得心源的优良传统的同时,以我为主的吸收优秀外来元素,推动写实水墨人物画造型的成熟与发展。

    It , by sticking to the excellent tradition and simultaneously absorbing the foreign good elements , pushes forward the maturity and development of realistic painting modelling .

  3. 析骨法用笔传移模写迁想妙得元笔宋法与乱头粗服&论四王与四僧艺术思想之异

    Analysis on Bone Method Uses a Pen , Spread to Move a Mold to Write , Move to Think Wonderful Get On the Difference of Art Concepts between Four Wangs and Four Monks

  4. 由于书画同源,以及两者在达意抒情上都和骨法用笔、线条运行有着紧密的联结,因此绘画同书法、篆刻之间有着密切的联系。

    As homologous paintings , as well as two in the lyric to convey his ideas on all of a pen and bone lines running close association , painting with calligraphy , seal carving has maintained close ties .