
nèi ɡònɡ shēnɡ tǐ
  • endosymbiont
  1. 在蚜虫中发现的另外一种内共生体则阐明了必须基因的另一种可能的命运。

    A second endosymbiont , found in aphids , illustrates another possible fate for the genes of a hanger-on .

  2. 由于宿主也为这种所谓的“内共生体”提供营养,因而他们只需要自己基因中很少的部分就可以繁殖。

    Because the host supplies nourishment for these so-called endosymbionts , they are able to get by with fewer genes of their own .

  3. 环境胁迫对禾草&内生真菌共生体的影响

    Influence on Forages Grass and Fungal Endophyte Symbiotic in Environment Stress

  4. 缺磷对黑麦草-内生真菌共生体生长和根中酚含量的影响

    Effects of Phosphorus Deficiency on Growth of Perennial Ryegrass-Fungal Endophyte Symbiont and Phenolic Content in Root