
lǚ yóu xié
  • sneakers;jogging/hiking/walking shoes
  1. 你看一下国产的旅游鞋号码?

    May I show you a pair of homemade sneakers ?

  2. 他穿了一套稀奇古怪的衣装,粉红色裤子、绿色旅游鞋。

    He wore an outlandish outfit of pink pants and green sneakers .

  3. 年轻人穿旅游鞋很时尚,但不是说所有的旅游鞋都如此。

    It 's fashionable for young people to wear trainers , but not just any trainers .

  4. 笨重的旅游鞋和礼服是不协调的。

    Heavy walking shoes would be incongruous with a party dress .

  5. 我的旅游鞋和牛仔裤适合旅游。

    My trainers and jeans are suitable for travelling .

  6. 旅游鞋,胶鞋胶底轻便运动鞋或橡皮套鞋做得好的皮鞋比两双这种便宜的胶鞋还耐穿。

    Well-made leather shoes will outwear two pairs of these cheap rubber shoes .

  7. 穿这种旅游鞋,精神十足。

    You will be in high spirits with this kind of walking shoes on .

  8. 主要产品:“万宝利”牌旅游鞋,运动鞋,凉鞋。

    Main Products : " Wanbaoli " brand travel shoes , sport shoes , sandals .

  9. 记住:步行对你是最有效的,那就赶紧多买几双旅游鞋吧!

    Remember : you are ruled by the feet-so splurge on some great walking shoes !

  10. 妈妈:(对营业员)我们要买一双旅游鞋。

    Mom : ( To an assistant ) I need a pair of sneakers for my boy .

  11. 我总是穿着休闲装:一件开领衬衫或T恤,一条牛仔裤和一双旅游鞋。

    I wear casual clothes : an open-neck shirt , or T-shirt , and jeans , and sneakers .

  12. 我想买一双劳克式旅游鞋.请看看样品吧。

    B : I want a pair of locus . A : Take a look at the ones on display , please .

  13. 从我省旅游鞋生产现状看修订GB/T15107&94《旅游鞋》标准的必要性

    Necessity of revision to GB / T 15107-94 standard " Travel shoes " from view of current situation of travel shoes testing

  14. 袋袋裤、双肩包,再蹬上旅游鞋,会被当成发育时没发育好的。

    Bag bag trousers , double shoulder pack , again Deng top tour shoe , will be see as growth hour develop okay .

  15. 欲使步履轻盈,请购这种名牌旅游鞋。车道上的砾石被我们的旅游鞋踩得嘎嘎作响。

    Buying walking shoes of this famous Brand , you will walk with a springy step . The driveway gravel crunched underneath our sneakers .

  16. 其中许多人打扮时髦,穿着打磨发旧的牛仔裤和色彩鲜艳的旅游鞋;一半人在默默玩着手机,其他人在热烈地交谈。

    Many were stylishly attired in distressed jeans and bright-colored sneakers ; half tapped away silently on smartphones while the rest engaged in boisterous conversations .

  17. 该公司所属有工艺品生产厂,木门生产厂,陶瓷,旅游鞋和工业品出口生产基地。

    This company has affiliated with it , an artefacts factory , a wood door factory , ceramics , sneakers and a base for making industrial products .

  18. 零售价为13.99美元的芭比娃娃分为四种肤色,头戴安全镜,脚踩旅游鞋,再不见高跟鞋的身影。

    The new doll , which retails for $ 13.99 , comes in four skin tones . She wears safety goggles and sensible sneakers , rather than heels .

  19. 产品用途:鞋业:各类鞋之前包头和后跟,多用于男女皮鞋、运动鞋、旅游鞋等等。

    Applications : Shoe industry : various of shoes'insole , Most of them are used on leather shoes of gentlemen and lady , Sport shoes , traveling shoes etc.

  20. 名牌旅游鞋,美观大方,经久耐穿,价格适中,倍感舒适。

    The walking shoes of this famous Brand are artistic and tasteful , duraBle , and availaBle at moderate price . all this gives users a feeling of comfort .

  21. 时髦人士现在已经穿了好几季的亮光鞋了,但对于今秋来说,磨光处理运用到了男士无尾半正式晚礼服、带装饰的旅游鞋和衬衫领滚边上。

    Hipsters have been wearing the shiny shoes for a few seasons now , but for this autumn the finish trims tuxedos , emblazons sneakers and is piped down shirt collars .

  22. 北京的冬天可以穿一件毛衣和一条毛裤,外着风衣或羽绒服,可穿高帮旅游鞋或皮鞋。

    Beijing 's cold winters require a woolen sweater and thermal underwear , with trench coat or down jacket on the outside , footwear should be leather shoes or high-top sports shoes .

  23. 目前主要从事生产、销售和出口各式运动鞋、跑鞋、休闲鞋、旅游鞋、篮球鞋和靴子。

    Ltd has a history of30 years , specialized in manufacturing , marketing and exporting various kinds of shoes , including Sport shoe , Running shoe , Leisure shoe , Travel shoe , Basketball shoe and Boot .

  24. 结果表明:采用上述配方和工艺生产的鞋用材料,具有高弹性、耐低温、剥离强度大等特点,适用于生产中、高档运动鞋和旅游鞋。

    The results show that the materials for shoes produced by right technique and formulation have good elasticity , resistance to low temperature and high adhesive strength , and can be used for middle and high quality shoes .

  25. 但只要说起开萨博的人,人们脑海中总会出现一群穿灯心绒夹克和地球牌旅游鞋的英伦教授范儿的大叔&可见它的客户群并不广泛。

    While its owners may have reveled in being described as " quirky , " their image never extended much beyond that of the corduroy jacket , earth shoe wearing English professor & not a broad base from which to build .

  26. 一条名牌牛仔裤或一双名牌旅游运动鞋给人以身份。

    A pair of designer jeans or sneakers conveys status .

  27. 导航鞋还可以计算你行走的步数以及消耗的卡路里。如果你忘记带手机了,或者走过了某个旅游名胜,导航鞋就会发出声音提醒你。

    The shoes will also count the number of steps you 've taken and the calories you 've burned - and they 'll even buzz to warn you you 've left your phone behind , or to alert you when you 're travelling past an interesting landmark .