
  • 网络tourist flow
  1. 旅游客流是旅游流研究的核心。

    Tourist flow is the core of tourism flow study .

  2. 旅游客流作为旅游产业链的基础,其重要性日益突出,因此旅游客流驱动模式研究已成为旅游界研究的一个新热点。

    As the basic of tourism industry chain , tourist flow is becoming much more important . The research on the mode of driving tourist flow is a new hot topic of tourism industry .

  3. 上海旅游客流的B-J方法预测研究

    A Study of B-J Method of Tourist Flow Prediction

  4. 张家界市旅游客流空间分布特性研究

    Analysis of spatial distribution characters of tourism flow in Zhangjiajie City

  5. 发展中的多媒体通信国际旅游客流空间移动规律研究

    A Research On the Disciplinarian of Spatial Move of International Tourism Traffic

  6. 乌鲁木齐市城市公园旅游客流研究

    Research on Tourist Flows of Urban Parks in Urumqi

  7. 旅游客流预测是旅游开发的基础研究内容。

    The quantitive prediction of the tourist was the main content of the tourism development .

  8. 旅游客流空间特性是旅游地理学重要研究内容之一。

    Spatial characteristics of tourism flow is one of the most important contents in tourism geography .

  9. 运用统计数据和实地调研资料,分析了四川省入境旅游客流的基本特征和时空动态变化规律。

    Based on the inbound tourism flow , this paper analyzes the categorization of tourism area in China .

  10. 轮渡客流主要是节假日休闲、旅游客流为主,所占比例较小。

    The ferry passenger flow mainly is the holiday leisure , the traveling passenger flow primarily , accounts for the proportion to be small .

  11. 旅游客流是旅游目的地与旅游客源地之间相互作用的结果,掌握旅游客流特征是进行旅游研究最基础的工作。入境旅游客源市场与营销策略研究&以徐州市的入境旅游为例

    Tourist flows are the results of the interaction between tourist destination and tourist origin . The Inbound Tourist Origin Market Features and Marketing Tactics

  12. 由于旅游客流在各类要素流中的特殊地位和作用,旅游业合作可以成为今后一个阶段中国东西部合作的重要突破口。

    Owing to the special function of tourists flow , the tourism cooperation can be the breakthrough for the EWC in the following years .

  13. 第四章研究了三亚市旅游客流的时间特性,其中以客流季节性研究为重点。

    In Chapter Four , the author studies the temporal characteristics of domestic tourist flows in Sanya City , laying emphasize on the tourist seasonality .

  14. 从流向上看,国际旅游客流由北向南移动,由内陆向沿海地区及其岛屿移动。

    As regards to the moving direction , traffic of international tourism moves from north to south , and from inland to coastal areas and islands .

  15. 在大量实地调研的基础上,本文研究了中国典型的内陆城市&乌鲁木齐市城市公园旅游客流的人口学特征及旅游者行为。

    Based on on-the-spot investigations and surveys , this paper studies the demographic features of urban-parks tourist flows and the behavior of tourists in Urumqi , which is the typical inland city .

  16. 由于季节性的存在,导致了旅游客流的季节性波动,造成淡旺季景区的巨大反差,制约着景区的发展,影响景区的整体效益。

    The existence of the seasonal leading to seasonal fluctuation of tourism passenger flow , cause the great disparity between off-season and peak season , which restricting the scenic spot better and faster development .

  17. 四川入境旅游客流的发展可分为三个阶段,即初步开拓境外客源市场并迅速崛起阶段,大幅度波动并缓慢发展阶段和二次发展阶段;

    The development of ETFs to and in Sichuan Province can be divided into three stages , namely preliminary development and rapidly rising stage , wide-range fluctuating and gradual development stage and secondary development stage .

  18. 在重力模型的基础上,以航空票价为经济距离指标,建立了基于航空廊道的旅游客流空间潜力模型;分析了张家界市旅游者空间行为特征。

    By using the gravity model and economic index of flight price , the paper establishes spatial potent model of tourism flow based on the flight corridor and analyzes spatial behavior characteristics of tourism in Zhangjiajie city .

  19. 利用1996~2001年国内旅游客流月份分布数据,分析了三亚、北海、普陀山等海滨(岛)型旅游地和黄山、九华山等山岳型旅游地国内客流季节性特征。

    In this paper , data of monthly distribution of domestic tourist flows in recent years are applied to analyzing the seasonal characteristics of domestic tourist flows both in coastland resorts such as Sanya , Beihai , Mt. Putuo and mountain resorts such as Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Jiuhua .

  20. 例如:股票分析、心电图分析、交通旅游的客流分析、产品的销售量分析等都可以归类为时间序列分析问题。

    For instance , the analysis of stock , the analysis of cardiogram , sales of some product are examples of time series analysis .

  21. 休假制度对遗产旅游地客流的影响&以武陵源为例本度假村是过往旅客吃、

    Impact of holiday policy upon tourist flow in world heritage site : Taking Wulingyuan of Hunan as a case ; Our holiday centre is an ideal place for travellers ' accommodation , shopping and recreation .

  22. 山岳型旅游地国内客流时空特性&以黄山、九华山为例

    Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Domestic Tourist Flows to Mountain Resorts

  23. 湄洲岛国家旅游度假区客流时空分布研究

    On National Holiday Resort Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Passenger Flow & A Case Study of Meizhou Island

  24. 旅游产品与客流时空分布相互作用规律是旅游地理学研究的重要内容。

    The interaction of tourism product combination and the time-space distribution of tourist is an important content of tourism geography .

  25. 在大量实地调研和资料基础上,本文研究了中国新型的旅游城市张家界旅游客流市场的空间分布特征;

    Based on lots of spots investigation and data , the paper studies the spatial distribution characteristics of tourism flow markets in Zhangjiajie city which is a new tourism city ;

  26. 本文根据已有的研究,结合研究目的,主要从旅游地、旅游客流和旅游交通三要素入手分析山东省旅游空间结构。

    Based on the existed research and considering the purposes , this paper mainly analyzes the tourism spatial structure of Shandong Province from three aspects , the tourist destination , the tourist flows and tourism traffic .

  27. 研究体系中主要采用定性分析、定量分析和地理信息系统中的空间分析研究高速公路对山东省旅游地、旅游客流和旅游交通空间结构的影响。

    The research system mainly uses qualitative analysis , quantitative analysis and spatial analysis of geographic information system to research the impact of expressway on tourism destination , the tourist flows and tourism traffic spacial structure in Shandong province .

  28. 这是狭义上的旅游流,即是旅游客流。

    It is the concept of Tourism Flow in a narrow sense , namely , Tourist Flow .

  29. 而广义旅游流是一个包括旅游客流、旅游信息流、旅游物流、旅游资金流和旅游文化流等子流在内的一个巨系统。

    In a broad sense , Tourism Flow is a mega-system that includes tourist flow , tourism information flow , tourism material flow , tourism capital flow and tourism cultural flow .

  30. 目前国内关于海滨旅游地的研究主要集中在旅游资源评价方面,有关旅游客流和居民感知的研究成果不多。

    Up till now , considerable research on coast resorts mainly deals with the evaluation of tourist resources .