
  • 网络Licheng County
  1. 柿饼是黎城县特色土产之一。

    Dried persimmon is one of the characteristic local products in Licheng .

  2. 第一章绪论,简要介绍黎城县的地理状况和历史沿革;界定黎城话的归属并评述黎城话语音的研究现状;交代本文的研究意义和研究方法。

    The first chapter is the Introduction . This chapter briefly introduces geographical condition of Licheng County , defines the ownership of the Licheng dialect , discusses the current situation of Licheng speech research and describes the significance and methods of this paper .

  3. 本研究选取了山西省黎城县的三所小学,通过观察和访谈相结合的方法对小学课堂环境进行了调查。

    To survey the physical environment , social environment and psychological environment of the classroom , We selected three primary schools in Li Cheng city of Shan Xi province . With the method of observation and interviews , We found many questions in the classroom environment of the primary schools .

  4. 第二章描写黎城话的音系,并描写黎城县各方言小片之间的语音差异。

    The second chapter describes the phonetic system of Licheng dialect and voice differences between the different regions .