
dà diào
  • major
大调 [dà diào]
  • [major] 大调式中的音调或调性

大调[dà diào]
  1. 贝多芬《C大调第一钢琴协奏曲》(第一乐章)的演奏风格

    The Playing Style of Beethoven 's C Major Piano Concerto No.1

  2. 今天我的穿着基于C大调,

    So today I 'm dressed in C major ,

  3. 这首歌是用C大调创作的。

    The song was written in C-major .

  4. 《D大调四手联弹奏鸣曲,作品K。381,第一乐章》。

    Sonata in D Major for Piano Duet , K.381,1st Mvt .

  5. 试论音乐结构中的二分性原则&以贝多芬《■B大调弦乐四重奏》之结构为例

    On the Dualism of Musical Structure as Reflected in Beethoven 's String Quartet in ' B

  6. 贝多芬:钢琴奏鸣曲第25首,作品79,G大调。

    Beethoven : Piano Sonata No.25 Op.79 in G major .

  7. 你能把这个赋格曲转换成G大调吗。

    Can you transpose this fugue into G major ?

  8. 《C大调交响曲》写于1961年,它是科达伊晚年的代表性作品之一,也是作者一生中唯一创作的交响曲。

    C major symphony write in1961 , it be one of representative 's work of his old age .

  9. 董尼才悌:F大调小协奏曲,为双簧管与弦乐团。

    Gaetano Donizetti : Concertino for oboe and string orchestra in F Major .

  10. 关于肖邦《F大调第二叙事曲》的演奏分析及探讨

    On Performance of Chopin 's F Major Second Ballade

  11. 第四谐谑曲为混合曲式结构,E大调,3/4拍子。

    The No.4 Scherzo adopts a mixed form , E major , 3 / 4 time .

  12. 那好像是我的F大调奏鸣曲。

    It is from my Sonata in F.

  13. 研究人员介绍,新发现的G大调前奏曲比协奏曲略微更加“完善”。

    The researchers describe the newly-found Prelude in G major as slightly more " refined " than the Concerto .

  14. 杜兆植先生《G大调大提琴协奏曲》第一乐章的音乐分析

    The Analysis of the Music of the First Movement of the " G Major Key Cello Concerto " of Mr Du Zhao-zhi

  15. 周二,她在皇家节日音乐厅演奏莫扎特莫扎特《G大调小提琴奏鸣曲》时因为有孩子在台下咳嗽而生气。

    She took offence at a child coughing during her performance of Mozart 's SonataIn G at the Royal Festival Hall here on Tuesday .

  16. 新英格兰青年乐团-教堂奏鸣曲第12章,小号E大调末乐章协奏曲,四提琴弦乐协奏曲。

    New England Youth Ensemble – Church Sonata No.12 , Finale from Trumpet Concerto in E Flat , Concerto for Four Violins and Strings .

  17. 可是我记得很清楚,3岁那年我举行第一次钢琴音乐会的时候,弹的是贝多芬的G大调小奏鸣曲。

    But I can remember very well when I was three making my concert debut on the piano playing a G Major sonatina by Beethoven .

  18. 节目单上说第一个节目是贝多芬的《f大调第六交响曲》,人们称之为《田园交响曲》。

    The playbill says that the fist selection is Beethoven 's Symphony No. 6 in F Major , commonly know as The Pastorale .

  19. 第一章叙述帕德雷夫斯基的个人经历,分别从社会、个人两个方面,具体阐述《G大调小步舞曲》的音乐创作背景。

    The first chapter describes the personal experiences of Paderewski , and discusses the creation background of Minuet in G Major in detail from the social and personal aspects .

  20. 感受古典的魅力放飞艺术的灵魂&浅析莫扎特《F大调钢琴奏鸣曲》K.533

    Let the Artistic Soul Fly in Mozart 's Piano Sonata with F Major K.533

  21. 大约有三分之一的爵士乐采用蓝调形式,一首歌有12小节,使用“蓝音”,即把第三、五、七个音阶降半音(如C大调的E、G、B)。

    About one third of jazz is in blues form with twelve measures in a song and uses --- blue notes , " the flatted third , fifth , and seventh notes of the musical scale .

  22. BSO晶体四波混频系统大调制度运动光栅特性

    Properties of Four wave Mixing in BSO Crystal by the Moving Grating at Large Fringe Modulations

  23. 它采用了作曲家最受欢迎的作品之一的“惊喜”交响曲(G大调第94号)旁边的第92(也有G)的,被誉为“牛津”和第97号交响曲C大。

    It features one of the composer 's most popular works , the " Surprise " symphony ( No.94 in G Major ), alongside the92nd ( also in G ) known as the " Oxford " and Symphony No.97 in C Major .

  24. 最后,朗朗加演了一首欢快的返场曲目,莫扎特(Mozart)的《土耳其进行曲》(A大调K.331)。观众一片欢呼,似乎都很赞赏他的表演。

    Finally , Mr. Lang played a pleasant encore , the " Turkish March " from Mozart 's Piano Sonata in A ( K. 331 ) , and audience members roared their approval , seemingly unanimous .

  25. 贝多芬降B大调第二钢琴协奏曲Op.19的研究与演绎

    The Study and Performance on Beethoven 's Piano Concerto No.2 in B Sharp Major OP.19

  26. 对于古典音乐爱好者来说,贝多芬(Beethoven)的降E大调第三交响曲也就是《英雄交响曲》(Eroicasymphony)以及莫扎特(Mozart)的G小调第40号交响曲是两个不错的选择。

    For classical music buffs , two pieces that work for him are Beethoven 's Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major , known as the ' Eroica ' symphony , and Mozart 's Symphony No. 40 in G minor .

  27. 第二部分主要阐述《降E大调第二十六钢琴奏鸣曲告别》Op.81a的创作背景和结构分析,并对每一章都进行了较详尽的内容分析和谱例分析。

    The second part mainly elaborates the creational background and the structure analysis of the Op.81a , and has carried on the content analysis and the spectrum example analysis about each chapter .

  28. 多纳尼演绎海顿&G大调第88交响曲

    Christoph von Dohnanyi : Joseph Haydn Symphony No.88 in G Major

  29. 强外加电场与大调制度下光折变动力学光栅形成研究

    Photorefractive Grating Dynamics under Large Modulation and Strong Applied Electric Field

  30. 振兴阿拉伯的五大调水工程

    The five major projects for diverting water in the Arab world