
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales;Grimm Fairy Tales;Hansel and Gretel
  1. 在机器阅读了来自《格林童话》(Grimm’sFairyTales)的一些德文培训数据后,人工智能程序分析了由四个转子的英格玛机器生成的数十亿个排列组合,在海量字母组合中寻找德文语句。

    Having already machine read some German language training data from Grimm 's Fairy Tales , the AI program crunched through billions of permutations generated by the four-rotor Enigma machine sifting combinations of letters for their " Germanness . "

  2. 从批评话语分析看格林童话爱情故事中隐性婚姻观

    The Covert Marriage Viewpoint in Grimm 's Fairy Tales from the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis

  3. 在“小法兰西”(PetiteFrance)社区走过姜饼屋风格的房屋,你会自觉身处格林童话《亨舍尔与格雷琴》(HanselandGretel)的场景中,暗中期待亨舍尔与格雷琴在卵石小道匆匆跑过。

    Strolling past gingerbread-style mansions in the Petite France neighborhood , you half expect to glimpse Hansel and Gretel scurrying across the cobblestones .

  4. 我们观赏的最后一场演出是《老少咸宜的格林童话》(GrimmTalesforYoungandOld),它基于菲利普·普尔曼(PhilipPullman)由经典改编并于去年在美国出版的成人童话。

    The final play we saw , " Grimm Tales for Young and Old , " was based on Philip Pullman 's adaptation of the classic stories , which was published as a book for adults in the United States last year .

  5. 一把金钥匙&浅论格林童话

    A Golden Key : A Comment on Green 's Fairytales

  6. 在后现代语境下,格林童话在中国也遭到了改写和颠覆。

    In the postmodern context , the Grimm fairy tales were rewritten and overturned .

  7. 每天晚上父子俩一起读三册一套的格林童话。

    Every night , they two read a set of Green Fairy Tales in3 volumes .

  8. 其建筑布局以格林童话中的灰姑娘城堡为中心。灰姑娘记起神仙教母的警告,便匆忙地逃离城堡。

    Cinderella remembered her fairy godmother 's warning and ran from the castle in a hurry .

  9. 在视觉媒体时代,格林童话的又呈现出它的当代价值和永恒魅力。

    In visual media times , Grimm fairy times show its contemporary value and eternal charm .

  10. 曾经的格林童话一直是大多数女孩子心中的一个梦,也是她们梦寐以求的结局。

    The Brothers Grimm had been a dream that most girls minds but also the outcome of their dream .

  11. 我们鼓励并希望参赛选手以格林童话,伊索寓言中的故事为改造的原型。

    We would like to encourage artists to reference the original Grimm fairytales and also Aesop 's Fables for inspiration .

  12. 大家都读过格林童话吧,那确实很恐怖。

    I think we 've all read the Grimms ' fairy tales , which are , indeed , very grim .

  13. 《格林童话》是格林兄弟、语言学家雅可布格林和威廉格林收集的德国童话故事集,于1812年首次出版。

    Is a collection of German fairy tales first published in 1812 by German brothers and linguists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm .

  14. 格林童话也许能让人回忆起一段温馨时光:躺在父母温暖的怀里,听他们讲着故事。

    The story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent .

  15. 她指出现存几乎所有的童话集,尤其是格林童话,都被经过编辑修改来反映当时的道德观念。

    Nearly all collections , especially the Grimms , were edited to reflect the morals of the day , she says .

  16. 早在沃尔特掌门时代,迪士尼的动画师就曾考虑将格林童话制作成音乐电影。

    Ever since Walt 's day , Disney animators have thought that a musical film could be made from the Grimm brothers'story .

  17. 公共汽车从城市中蜿蜒穿过,途经那些如同格林童话中一样的高大松树和木制房屋。

    The bus winds its way out of the city through tall pines and wooden houses straight out of Grimms ' fairy tales .

  18. 《格林童话》两个孩子被女巫引诱进森林,父亲追踪面包屑小径。

    Hardback copy of Fairy Tales . Two children led into the forest by a wicked , father , follow a little trail of breadcrumbs .

  19. 一名长相酷似迈克尔·杰克逊的男子给小男孩和小女孩送糖果,这幅画的背景是格林童话&奇幻森林历险记。

    A man resembling Michael Jackson offers candy to a small boy and girl in a variant on the Brothers Grimm 's Hansel and Gretel tale .

  20. 答案是她们植根于一种根深蒂固且长久以来居然一直没有变化的文化传统最早出版于两个世纪前的格林童话。

    The answer is that they are rooted in a tenacious and remarkably unaltered cultural tradition , the fairy tales first published two centuries ago by the brothers Grimm .

  21. 我们真的会害怕哈利波特书中描述的那些可怕的行为吗,而这些在《彼特·潘》,《白雪公主》,或者《格林童话》中都是没有的?

    Are we really afraid that the Harry Potter books will inspire some frightful behavior that Peter Pan , Snow White , or the Grimm 's Fairy Tales will not ?

  22. 曾经,《一千零一夜》和《格林童话》以及《安徒生童话》一样都是我童年的最爱。

    Once in a while ," One thousand and one more nights " was one of my favorites along with " Green Fairy Tales " and " Andersen 's Fairy Tales " .

  23. 以格林童话为例,对德国浪漫主义时期民间童话产生的文学背景、语言的内在结构,及其社会心理功能等三个方面进行了分析。

    The article tries to analyze the literary background , the language structure and the social and psychological functions of the fairytales of the German Romanticism period , especially the Grimms fairytales .

  24. 关于女儿未来可能会同男孩子约会这件事,贝克汉姆的想法让人很是惊骇。他说,他要将女儿关在高塔上,就像格林童话里的长发公主一样。

    David Beckham is so " horrified " at the idea of his little daughter Harper one day having a boyfriend he wants to lock her in a fairytale princess 's tower .

  25. 如果海星像海马一样,也是童话里才出现的生物,那么棘冠星鱼这种有毒的无脊椎动物,也只会出现在暗黑系的老旧格林童话版本中。

    If , like seahorses , starfish look like creatures from a fairytale , the venomous invertebrate known as the crown-of-thorns belongs in one of those old , sinister Brothers Grimm versions .

  26. 格林童话、安徒生童话是童话世界里的两块基石,为后来童话的创作和发展奠定了坚实的基础。

    Grimm 's Fairy and Andersen 's Fairy Tales are the foundation stones in the world 's fairy tales that laid a solid foundation for the later creation and development of fairy tales .

  27. 长发公主出自格林童话,女主角被女巫囚禁在一个高塔里面,而她的长发则是进出的唯一手段。

    It 's the Brothers Grimm story of Rapunzel , imprisoned in a high tower by a witch , with the girl 's long hair the witch 's only means of access and egress .

  28. 在学校毕业以后,我的朋友能说的清楚格林童话的象征意义,但是却不能看懂资产负债表和损益表。

    After leaving college my friends could tell you the symbolic meaning behind the Brother 's Grimm Fairy Tales , but they couldn 't tell you the difference between a balance sheet and income statement .

  29. 我们只希望有人挥一挥魔杖,让他能看到更接近于完整故事实貌的一个版本:由塔塔尔编辑,内含拜雅特所写的引言的那本《格林童话注解本》。

    One only hopes someone has waved a fairy wand and presented him with something close to the full story : the annotated brothers Grimm , edited by MS Tatar , with an introduction by A. S. Byatt .

  30. 希昂韦斯收集的还包括了如《傻老婆》、《女孩和牛》等故事,但这些并没有引起和格林童话一样的关注度,因此逐渐被人淡忘。

    But his work , which also includes untold tales such as The Stupid Wife and The Girl And The Cow , failed to attract the same attention as that of the Brothers Grimm and faded into obscurity .