
gé mù
  • erythrophloeum ferdii
格木[gé mù]
  1. 用红外线CO2气体分析法,分层测定了格木群落主要植物的光合速率和呼吸速率,计算了群落的生产力和光能利用率。

    CO 2 infra red analysis method was used to measure both photosynthesis rate and respiratory rate . The productivity and efficiency of radiation utilization were calculated .

  2. 你听说过格木吗?

    Have you ever heard of the Golem ?

  3. 完全正确格木总是赤手空拳地把目标掐死

    Definitely.The Golem squeezes the life out of his victims with his bare hands .

  4. 千丝万缕你听说过格木吗

    Everything.Have you ever heard of the Golem ?

  5. 格木总是赤手空拳地把目标掐死。

    The Golem squeezes the life out of his victims with his bare hands .

  6. 我国格木的地理分布与种实表型变异研究较多的类群有蚂蚁,基于相关种类的分布臆测生物地理的起源。

    For relatively well-studied groups , such as the ants , hypotheses regarding biogeographic origins can be posed based simply on the distribution of related taxa .

  7. 结果表明,格木群落的总生产力为24970kJ/m2·a,由总生产力计算其光合有效辐射能的吸收利用率为17.05%,净生产力的利用率为4.482%,都比厚壳桂群落高。

    The results show that the gross primary productivity was 24970kJ / m 2 · a , the utilization efficiency of available radiation for gross primary productivity and net primary productivity were 17.05 % and 4.482 % respectively . They were also higher than Cryptocarya chinensis community .