
  • 网络Attenuation factor;decay factor;damping factor;PDOP
  1. 一个带衰减因子的电池分段数学模型研究

    Research on a piecewise mathematical model with decay factor for battery

  2. 与Y.H.Zhao等人的衰减因子不同的是,该衰减因子表达式包含了材料、结构参数,可为器件加固设计提供更为直接的参考。

    Our decay factor expression includes the structure and material parameters . So it can give direct reference for devices strengthen .

  3. 远震P波衰减因子的测量与Q成像方法

    Methods of the measurement of the attenuation factor of teleseismic P wave and Q seismic tomography

  4. 本文针对定点分裂基FFT算法,推导出加入1/2衰减因子可以避免定点运算时产生的溢出。

    This paper derives that multiplying 1 / 2 factor can avoid fixed-point overflow .

  5. 在技术处理方面,我们改进了由于可视函数的Fourier变换所得到的衰减因子。

    For the technique treatment , we improve the decaying factor coming from the Fourier transformation of visibility function .

  6. 推导中避免引入衰减因子G,较Davis模型更为简单。

    By neglecting the attenuation factor G , the formula is much simpler than the Davis model .

  7. 基于循环互相关的LFM多径时延和衰减因子估计

    Multipath Time-Delay and Attenuation Estimation of LFM Signal Based on Cyclic Cross-Correlation Transform

  8. 高频谱峰的频率位置基本不变,相应频率衰减因子的绝对值有增大趋势,振幅显著减低(P<0.05)。

    There was no position change of high-frequency ( HF ) peak . The absolute value of HF dumping factor showed an increase tendency , and the HF amplitude was significantly decreased ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 几何精度衰减因子GDOP和卫星信噪比SNR等多方面因素的影响,增大了GPS单点定位误差。

    GPS positioning accuracy is influenced by Geometric Dilution of Precision ( GDOP ), Signal Noise Ratio ( SNR ) and so on .

  10. 根据差分GPS原理,分别从影响定位精度的三个方面:时间同步、远近效应、几何精度衰减因子予以讨论。

    According to the principle of DGPS , separately discusses the problem in three aspects which is influenced position accuracy , that is time synchronization , near-far effect , geometric dilution of precision ( DOP ) .

  11. EXAFS数据分析中振幅衰减因子标度常数近似影响的模拟研究

    The model study of the scale factor approximation of the amplitude reduction factor in the EXAFS data analysis

  12. 针对简单平均方法的不足之处,提出了一种基于精度衰减因子(DOP)加权的卡尔曼滤波方法。

    Then a new method based on Kalman filter weighted by DOP is proposed according to the drawbacks of simple averaging method .

  13. 然后通过对估计策略的影响分析,得到了“最优H-infinity滤波扰动衰减因子范数条件”。

    Then , an analysis of filtering strategy effect led to the norm condition of optimal H-infinity filtering disturbances attenuation gene .

  14. 基于以上程序,分析了翘曲衰减因子k1、横隔板、曲率对翘曲作用的影响。

    Based on the above procedures , the warpage attenuation factor kl , diaphragm , curvature effect on warping torsion are analyzed . 3 .

  15. 修正的Friedlander方程指数衰减因子

    Analysis on an exponential attenuation factor in the modified Friedlander equation by overpressure tests

  16. 根据Mie理论,计算了降雨率小于12.5mm/h时,降雨融化层对5,10,35,94GHz电磁波的雷达反射率和特征衰减因子的垂直廓线。

    Vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and specific attenuation factor are computed at 5,10,35 and 94 GHz using the Mie theory at rain rates below 12.5 mm / h.

  17. 考虑到Au的吸收不能被忽略,我们将衰减因子引入PDS模型中描述多次反射过程的理论公式。

    Considering that the absorbency of Au can not be ignored , the attenuation constant is introduced into the theoretical formula describing the multi-reflection process occurring in the plated dielectric slab ( PDS ) model .

  18. 针对常规卡尔曼滤波的不足,论文将简化的Sage-Husa自适应滤波算法和衰减因子自适应算法相结合,提出了一种改进的自适应算法。

    We developed an improved Sage-Husa adaptive filtering algorithm which combines the simplified Sage-Husa adaptive filtering and adaptive fading filtering .

  19. 本模型的特点一是GARCH模型对EWMA模型中的关键参数&衰减因子进行测定,解决以往使用EWMA模型时没有一个科学的确定衰减因子的方法。

    The characteristics of this model are as follows : First , using the GARCH model to determine the key parameter and attenuation factor of EWMA model .

  20. 例如,文献[36,37]在真空相移和调谐衰减因子都固定时,研究了延迟反馈器下填充因子对K-V分布离子束的束晕控制效果的影响。

    For example , the author studied the filling factor impact on the control effect under the delayed feedback controller in ref.

  21. 本次计算WLAN收发设备技术参数,选取衰减因子模型作室内无线传播模型、选取自由空间传播模型作室外传播模型,作为覆盖设计方案中链路预算的依据。

    Computing WLAN transceiver equipment technical parameters , select the attenuation factor of this model for indoor radio propagation model , select the free-space propagation model for outdoor propagation model , in order to cover the design of link budgets .

  22. 推导了Turbo码的最优译码算法&MAP算法及其在对数域中的相关改进算法,并结合译码实现的迭代停止准则,提出了一种应用了衰减因子的改进译码算法。

    The optimum decoding algorithm-MAP algorithm and its improved algorithm in logarithm domain used in Turbo codes were derived , combining them with the stop criteria of iteration hi realization of decoding , an improved algorithm using fading factor was introduced .

  23. 最后利用转移误差展开效益转移法(BT)在陕北石油开发跨区域环境损失评估中的精度和可靠性研究,指出在利用效益转移法评估跨区域环境损失时应当引入距离衰减因子,以提高转移精度。

    Based on these analytic ( results ,) the accuracy and the reliability of the benefit transfer in evaluating the cross-regional environment deterioration were tested . For improving the accuracy , a factor of distance-attenuation was introduced in the benefit transfer equation .

  24. 通过对所选区域及六个有代表性城市的几何精度衰减因子(GDOP)和可见星数进行仿真,验证了系统的可用性。

    The availability of the system is validated through the simulation of the area and six representative cities about Geometric Dilution Of Precision ( GDOP ) and N Asset Coverage .

  25. 采用AR过程对信道进行建模,利用基于导频的低维Kalman滤波算法进行信道估计,并采用LS算法估计时变的信道衰减因子。

    The time-varying channel was modeled as an autoregressive ( AR ) process and a low-dimensional Kalman filter based on pilots was used to estimate the AR parameters , and the LS ( least square ) algorithm was adopted to track the time-varying channel fading factors .

  26. 通过分析Turbo码的最优译码算法&MAP算法及其在对数域中的相关改进算法,提出了一种应用了衰减因子的改进译码算法,仿真结果表明,该算法可以改善Turbo码的译码性能。

    An improved decoding algorithm with fading factor is proposed by analyzing the optimized decoding algorithm of Turbo code ( MAP algorithm and its improved algorithm in logarithm domain ) . Simulation results show that the decoding algorithm can improve the decoding performance of Turbo code .

  27. 针对Morlet小波,通过理论推导和数据试验,确定了衰减因子与主频的关系、衰减因子与尺度参数的关系、衰减因子与频率域滤波器品质因子(带宽)的关系。

    Aiming at Morlet wavelet , the relations between attenuation factor and main frequency , between attenuation factor and scale parameter , between attenuation factor and quality factor of filter are deduced by theory deduction and data experiment .

  28. 复合地基的减振性能主要体现在减小振幅、粘滞阻尼耗能和摩擦耗能上。EXAFS数据分析中振幅衰减因子标度常数近似影响的模拟研究

    The shock absorption capacity of the composite foundation manifests in amplitude reduction , viscous damping energy dissipation and friction energy dissipation . THE MODEL STUDY OF THE SCALE FACTOR APPROXIMATION OF THE AMPLITUDE REDUCTION FACTOR IN THE EXAFS DATA ANALYSIS

  29. 反衬度、反射率、自由光谱带宽是FFP干涉仪的重要性能指标,而FFP腔光波几何衰减因子、端面反射率及腔长3个参数又是影响这些指标的主要因素。

    Discrimination , reflectivity and FSW ( free spectrum width ), which are determined by the geometric attenuation factor of optic field and reflectivity of two ends greatly , are the important factors of FFP ( fiber Fabry-Perot ) .

  30. 研究了系统最佳布局下的最佳测量区域问题,给出了几何精度衰减因子PDOP在三维空间内的变化规律。

    The optimal measuring zone under the optimal arrangement of four laser tracking interferometers is discussed , and the distribution of PDOP of the measuring points in 3D space is also given .