
  1. 进而对搜索所得文献进行分类与整理,筛选出具有研究价值的文献,并对其进行深度分析,着重从绿地中生态建筑的技术领域进行详细的归纳和总结。

    Then I classify and organize the Literature that I have searched , filter out the valuable literature and then analysis it , focusing on the techniques that can be used in eco-buildings in open space .

  2. 徽州文书的分类法与整理方法;

    5 , estimation of amounts and methods of amounting of Huizhou ' Documents ;

  3. 方法依据国内外刊物公开发表的文献,对有关以纳米颗粒作为基因递送载体进行基因治疗的研究进行分类、归纳与整理。

    Methods Based on the publicly literature , the research work on genic therapy , which use nanoparticles as carrier , was classified and summarized .

  4. 就公路工程施工、竣工文件归档内容、分类原则与方法、整理程序进行阐述。

    Discussion is made on the contents , principles and methods of the pigeonhole management for the construction and complete files .