
tónɡ bèi qún tǐ
  • peer group
  1. 青少年同辈群体的社会学分析

    The Sociology Analysis of the Youth Peer Group

  2. 有些孩子认为同辈群体比他们的父母还重要。

    Some children attach more importance to the peer group than to their parents .

  3. 同辈群体对青少年学生道德社会化的消极影响及教育干预研究

    The Negative Impacts on Moral Socialization of Adolescence from Peer Group and Educational Measures

  4. 同辈群体及其对青少年社会化的影响

    Group of the same age and the influence on the socialization of the teenagers

  5. 大学生在食品消费中的决策深受同伴(同辈群体)的影响。

    The students ' decision-making in food consuming is being strongly influenced by their peer groups .

  6. 当前,大学生的金融行为主要受家庭、同辈群体等因素的影响。

    Nowadays , family and peer group are the main factors which influence college students financial behavior .

  7. 现代农村人群通过学校教育、同辈群体的相互学习和大众传媒三种主要途径学习社会化的内容,完成社会化过程。

    The modern rural population can realize socialization by schooling , learning from peers and learning through mass media .

  8. 信息文化、追星文化、同辈群体交往模式是校园亚文化最突出的表现形式。

    Information culture , chase-star culture , communication patterns of the peer groups are the forms of campus subculture .

  9. 同辈群体是影响流动儿童社会化极为重要的环境因素。

    The influence of peer group is an important environmental factor that impacts on socialization for mi-grant workers children .

  10. 高中学业不良学生转化过程中同辈群体的消极影响及对策研究

    Research on Negative Influence and Countermeasures of Peer Groups in the Transformation of High School Students with Learning Disabilities

  11. 家庭教育的缺失、学校教育的不到位、同辈群体和社会传媒的不良影响等是造成这一难点的重要原因。

    The absence of family education , defective school education , blights of the same generation and social media are their main causes .

  12. 几大影响女博士性别认同的形成因素包括:家庭、学校、同辈群体、大众传播、重要事件等。

    A few factors influence gender identity formation include : family , school , peer groups , mass communication , and important events .

  13. 文章重点阐述了现实同辈群体和虚拟同辈群体对青少年社会化的消极影响。

    This article focuses on the negative influence on the teenagers'socialization which caused by the virtual and the real group of the same age .

  14. 首先,把握同辈群体的发展及其特点,重视大学生的群体教育和引导。

    Firstly , grasp the development and characteristics of the peer group , emphasis on the community education and management of the college students .

  15. 同辈群体作为大学生学习生活的重要环境因素,对大学生社会化有着重要的影响。

    As one of the important environmental factors in college students ' life and study , peer group plays a very important role in their socialization .

  16. 在微观的个体行为层面,本文从个体因素、同辈群体、家庭期望因素等角度深入分析大学生作弊个案。

    At the micro level of individual behavior , this dissertation in-depth analyzes cases of students cheating from such factors as individual factors , peer groups , family expectations .

  17. 第四,构建思想政治教育政治社会化的和谐大环境,从家庭、学校、同辈群体、大众传播媒介四个方面展开论述。

    Fourth , build harmonious environment for the political socialization of the ideological and political education , explaining mainly on four aspects : family , school , peer groups and mass media .

  18. 三是优化荣誉学院思想政治教育的环境,如优化家庭环境、学院环境、同辈群体环境。

    The third is to optimize the environment of ideological and political education of Honors School , such as optimizing family environment , college environment , the community of the same generation environment .

  19. 具体做到:正视和尊重同辈群体的存在;重视对核心人物的教育;提高学生人际交往的能力。

    Specifically to : face up and respect the existence of peer group ; pay attention to the " leader " character education ; to improve the students ' ability of interpersonal interaction .

  20. 社会大众媒体的误导、同辈群体的不良示范以及社会监管机构的失职阻碍青少年正确价值观和坚定责任感的形成。

    The misleading of mass media , the bad examples from the same generation , and the dereliction of the social supervising organization prevent adolescent forming good view of value and firm sense of responsibility .

  21. 论文首先分析了青年同辈群体环境的一般特征及其作用,继而通过问卷调查总结和归纳90后大学生同辈群体的新特点。

    The paper firstly analyzes the general characteristics and role of the youth peer group environment , and then summary and summarized the new characteristics of the " post-90s " Students ' peer group through the questionnaire survey .

  22. 前者表现为文化传统、政治制度及经济体制的影响;后者表现为家庭出身、社会化过程、同辈群体、学校文化、社区文化等因素的影响。

    The former being the culture traditions , the political systems , and the economic system , and the later such as the family origin , teachers ' socialization , peer group , the school culture and the community culture .

  23. 本研究基于同辈群体是个人社会化的重要影响因素,同辈群体的观念及行为模式几乎是一种普遍强制力量,作用于青少年的成长过程。

    This study is based on that the peer group is an important affecting factor in personal socialization , and the idea and behavior mode of peer group is almost a general force to the growing up of the teenagers .

  24. 同辈群体的一般特征包括:成员关系自由平等;群体凝聚力强;相互交流内容广泛;群体亚文化特征明显;核心人物影响力大。

    The general characteristics of Youth peer group including : the free and equal membership ; the strong group cohesion ; a wide range of exchange ; the distinctive Asian cultural identity of groups ; the Strong influence of core character .

  25. 具体做到:以社会主义核心价值引领同辈群体文化的发展;加强思想道德素养的培育;加强网络同辈群体的引导和教育;在社会实践中提高成员的综合素质。

    Specifically to : lead the peer group culture with socialist core value ; strengthen the cultivation of the ideological and moral qualities ; strengthen the guidance and education of peer group in the network ; enhance the ability of social practice .

  26. 事实上,后现代主义对女大学生的冲击和深刻影响是与社会大环境的剧烈变化息息相关的,如时代背景、家庭背景、学校教育、大众传媒、同辈群体的复杂影响等。

    In fact , the profound impact of postmodernism on female college students is closely related to the social environment changing rapidly , such as times background , family background , school education , mass media , the same generation community and so on .

  27. 积极影响包括:同辈群体在90后大学生思想政治素质的形成、知识素质的培养、能力素质的培养、以及身心素质发展四个方面的积极作用。

    The Positive impact reflect on four aspects which include : the formation of the ideological and political quality , the cultivation of ideological and political quality of the knowledge quality , the cultivation of ability and quality , the development of physical and mental qualities .

  28. 在描述流动儿童社会化现状的基础上,笔者从影响儿童社会化的因素:家庭、同辈群体、学校三个方面分析了这些因素对流动儿童社会化的积极影响和消极影响。

    They frequently feel lonely and their self-awareness is lower . After describing the present socialization situation of the migrant children , the author analyzes negative factors and active factors affecting socialization of the migrant children from three aspects : the family , the compeer group , and the school .

  29. 虽然学校教育在教育传递的规范性和导向性上,在教学内容的选择和系统性上,在榜样作用和同辈群体的影响上具有不可取代的价值和不可回避的责任。

    Though school education is on the regulatory and direction transmitted in education , on choice and systematicness of the content of courses , have value that can 't replace and responsibility that can 't be avoided on model 's function and influence of the colony of the same generation .

  30. 由于我们大多数有关婚姻的观点都继承自我们家人、同辈朋友和社会群体,因此当我最近读到塔拉·帕克·蒲伯的《期待更好:幸福婚姻的科学》一书时,我被书中对婚姻关系的科学探索所吸引。

    Since we inherit most of our conceptions of marriage from our families , peers and social groups , I was drawn to Tara Parker-Pope 's scientific exploration of relationships in For Better : The Science of a Good Marriage .