
hūn qián xìnɡ xínɡ wéi
  • premarital sex
  1. 我反对宣扬婚前性行为不道德的说教。

    I rejected the teaching that premarital sex was immoral .

  2. 从其他渠道,我们也能知道青少年犯罪、吸毒、婚前性行为在普遍减少。

    From other sources , we also know teenage crime , drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline .

  3. 随婚前性行为的时间延长,CT感染危险性增大;

    The risk of CT infection increased with the time of pre-marital sexual behavior .

  4. 结论:CT感染与胎膜早破和胎次、婚前性行为时间之间存在显著相关性。

    Conclusion : CT infection has significant correlations with , pregnancy frequency and the time of pre-marital sexual behavior .

  5. 采用非条件Logistic回归分析探讨影响婚前性行为的各种因素。

    To assess the relation of factors and premarital sexual behavior by no-conditional Logistic regression .

  6. 女性青少年婚前性行为和妊娠影响因素的两种Logistic回归分析

    Two Different Logistic Regression on the Relative Factors Associated with Premarital Sex and Pregnancy among Adolescents

  7. 目的:探讨孕妇沙眼衣原体(CT)感染与胎膜早破和胎次、婚前性行为之间的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between chlamydia trachomatics ( CT ) infection and premature rupture of membrane ( PROM ), pregnancy frequency and pre-marital sexual behavior .

  8. 采用Logistic回归分析外来未婚女工生婚前性行为和避孕行为的生态学相关因素并拟合模型。

    Logistic regression was used to analyze ecological factors associated with sexual behavior and contraceptive behavior for the purpose of confounding control .

  9. Logistic回归分析显示影响新疆大学生发生婚前性行为的因素有是否谈过恋爱、亲密行为及对婚前性行为态度等。

    The result of Logistic regression shows the effect factors of premarital sexual behavior are whether had love affairs , intimacy behaviors , the attitudes to the premarital sexual behavior etc.

  10. 绝大多数女研究生对婚前性行为持宽容态度,但其中相当多的人对此更谨慎。

    Almost all students are tolerant yet cautious about premarital sex .

  11. 你可能和我女儿有婚前性行为。

    And you 've probably had premarital relations with my daughter .

  12. 对婚前性行为持较开放的态度;

    The coal miners had more open attitude to pre-marital sex ;

  13. 不同意发生婚前性行为的占75.6%。

    Among the respondents , 75.6 % disagreed sexual behavior before marriage .

  14. 大学生婚前性行为和性态度调查研究

    Survey of premarital sexual behavior and attitudes among university studentys

  15. 青少年婚前性行为现状及对策

    Teenagers ' Premarital Sexual Behavior : Its Current Situation and Counter measures

  16. 我进行婚前性行为都没问题。

    I don 't have a problem having pre-marital sex .

  17. 婚前性行为已澳见不鲜。

    Sex act Australia saw before the wedding not fresh .

  18. 婚前性行为在印度仍然是文化禁忌。

    Pre-marital sex remains a cultural taboo in India .

  19. 吉林省某高校大学生的婚前性行为现状分析

    Investigation on a college students ' cognition about premarital sexual behavior in jilin

  20. 81.25%的婚检当事人承认有婚前性行为;

    81.25 % patients accepted their premarital sexual behaviours ;

  21. 他不同意他母亲对婚前性行为的看法。

    He did not agree with his mother 's views on premarital sex .

  22. 我们都反对婚前性行为。

    And we didn 't believe in pre-marital sex .

  23. 不同人口学特征、家庭背景和生活特征的对象,对婚前性行为的态度不同。

    Their attitude related to their demographic characteristics , family environment and lifestyle .

  24. 40.8%未婚者有婚前性行为。

    40.8 % of them who were single had engaged in premarital sex .

  25. 42%对婚前性行为持赞成态度。

    42 % persons supported sex behavior before marriage .

  26. 大学生婚前性行为态度及与性行为关系

    Attitude toward premarital sexual behavior and related factors among college students in Guangzhou

  27. 48.7%的学生对婚前性行为表示赞成或认可;

    48.7 % of the students agreed on or approve of the premarital behaviors ;

  28. 计划生育工作者对婚前性行为和人工流产的态度与看法

    The Perspectives and Attitudes of Family Planning Worker to Premarital Sex and Induced Abortion

  29. 婚前性行为发生率为42.27%,非意愿性妊娠人工流产(含引产)率为12.80%。

    The incidence of sexual behavior was 42.27 % and undesired abortion was 12.80 % .

  30. 不论是成年男人或未成年男孩都不可以跟女朋友有婚前性行为。

    The men and boys should not have any pre-marital sexual behaviors with their girlfriends .