
  • 网络Curriculum and Teaching Theory;curriculum and instruction;Curriculum and Teaching Methodology;Curriculum and Pedagogy
  1. 化学课程与教学论学科建设的回顾与反思

    Retrospect and Reflection of the Construction of Discipline in Chemistry Curriculum and Instruction Theory

  2. 我国地理课程与教学论发展研究

    Research on Geography Theory of Curriculum and Instruction

  3. 将现代化的信息技术与现代教育理论相结合,系统分析和讨论基于校园网的物理CAI设计理论基础和技术方法是课程与教学论学科重要的研究方向之一。

    It is an important aspect of the studying of courseware that combining the modern information technology and education theory , analyzing and discussing the method and theory bases of designing physics CAI basing in campus network .

  4. 《课程与教学论》的导学模式初探

    Primary exploration on guiding mode of " course and teaching theory "

  5. 学习和研究课程与教学论意味着发展对课程与教学现实提出问题的能力。

    Mastering curriculum and teaching theories means to question certain curriculum and teaching .

  6. 人文教育:小学语文课程与教学论的精神主旨

    Humanities Education : the Spiritual Thrust of Primary Language Curriculum and Teaching Theory

  7. “小学语文课程与教学论”学科建设与教学改革

    Discipline Construction and Teaching Reform of The Primary Chinese Curriculum and Its Teaching Theory

  8. 《科学课程与教学论》网络教学资源库的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Network Instruction Resources Database of " Science Curriculum and Teaching Theory "

  9. 当代课程与教学论:新内容体系与教材结构

    The Contemporary Curriculum and Instruction Theory : The New System of Contents and the Structure of Textbooks

  10. 高师《课程与教学论》教学改革初探

    The Investigation of the Teaching Reformation on the The Theory of Curriculum and Instruction of Higher Normal University

  11. 课程与教学论既不能被看成某种课程与教学的描述,也不能被看成对现实课程与教学及其历史发展的某种思辨。

    Curriculum and teaching theories can neither be taken as descriptions nor metaphysical discussions of curriculum and teaching reality .

  12. 然而笔者通过资料搜集发现,学界缺乏对语文课程与教学论教材系统的、全面的研究和探讨。

    However , we found that academics lack the comprehensive study and discussion on it after data collection work .

  13. 随着课程与教学论研究的不断深化,人们对课堂教学交往越来越重视。

    With the constant in-depth study of curriculum and didactics , classroom teaching is receiving more and more attentions .

  14. 为此,我们提出如下建议:1.重新审视英语课程与教学论,改革英语教师课程设置;

    First , reexamine closely the English curriculum and teaching theories , make innovations on the curriculum for English teachers .

  15. 课程与教学论要有活力,就必须干预课程与教学问题,从课程与教学变革、发展和进步的明确观点来规定课程与教学问题,并提出解决方案。

    To be of vitality , curriculum and teaching theories must intervene and try to change the curriculum and teaching realities .

  16. 旨在为信息技术与中学物理课程与教学论整合寻求一条切实可行、效果较佳的途径。

    It is aimed at looking for a practical and effective way to integrate information technology with secondary school physics curriculum and teaching .

  17. 课程与教学论的科学价值取决于两点:承认科学的假说性和确认课程与教学现实的问题性。

    Acknowledging scientific hypotheses and identifying problems in the world of real curriculum and teaching determine the scientific values of curriculum and teaching theories .

  18. 课程与教学论是教育科学的一门分支学科,其实质上是关于教育培养人的理论。

    Curriculum and teaching theory , a branch subject of education science , is essentially a theory about how education can cultivate human beings .

  19. 本文为实验研究报告,以随机方法抽取广西师范大学外国语学院课程与教学论、英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生作为研究对象样本。

    The participants of the research were selected by random sampling from the English postgraduates of College of Foreign Studies in Guangxi Normal University .

  20. 本文剖析了赫尔巴特教育思想在美国的传播过程及其对美国初等教育课程与教学论所造成的影响,阐释了其所以造成深远影响的内在原因。

    This paper analyses the communication process of herbart 's thinking and its impacts on American primary education , and interprets the inner reasons for this far-reaching influences .

  21. 中国课程与教学论发展的特殊性与历史因素有关,现阶段课程问题的研究更为迫切。

    In China , the particularity of curriculum and teaching pedagogy development is related to historical factors , nowadays , the research of curriculum problem is more urgent .

  22. 较多关注的是高师语文课程与教学论的学科建设和课程改革方面以及对某一本或多本语文课程与教学论教材的评介。

    Most people put their attention to the construction of the subject of Chinese curriculum and instruction theory 、 curriculum reform and the review of one ore more textbooks .

  23. 并于2005年3月至5月,在华东师范大学生命科学学院2002级120名本科生的生物课程与教学论课程的实验课中,进行了3个班级共54课时的生物学实验教学法教学实践;

    From March to May in 2005 , we carried out 54-class-hours courses of biology experiment teaching practice among 120 biology majors from three classes in East China Normal University .

  24. 本文还从实践层面,介绍了推动“学科”课程与教学论的研究与发展所作的工作,例如教材的编写、课程的教学模式、学科队伍的建设等。

    For practical application , the paper elaborates on the research and development of subject curriculum and teaching theory , such as textbook editing , teaching models and teacher training .

  25. 近现代以来,伴随着语文课程与教学论学科的发展,中学语文课程与教学论教材不断的进步,积累了大量的经验。

    In the modern time , along with the development of the subject of Chinese curriculum and instruction theory , the textbooks continuous change and accumulated a wealth of experience .

  26. 小学语文课程与教学论在学科性质、内容及课程论、教学论等几方面均体现出其精神主旨&人文教育。

    Primary teaching theory and language courses in disciplinary nature , content and curriculum theory and other aspects are reflected in the spirit of thrust & education in the humanities .

  27. 物理教学论是教育科学中课程与教学论的分支学科之一,是物理教育理论与实践之间的桥梁。

    Teaching Theory of physics , one of the branch disciplines about course and teaching theory in the science of education , is a bridge between educational theory and educational practice .

  28. 教学秩序是一个熟悉又陌生的日常概念,课程与教学论的经典范畴中尚缺少这方面的专题研究。

    Teaching order is a daily conception which we feel both familiar and strange . In the classical field of curriculum and teaching theory , it is still short of professional research .

  29. 从近年来博士论文选题看新课改后课程与教学论研究衷心祝贺你完成研究生课程并获得工程学博士学位。

    Researches on curriculum and teaching theory after new curricular reforms in the doctoral dissertations Hearty felicitation on your completing the post-graduate courses and obtaining the doctorate of engineering , form Paul .

  30. 当代课程与教学论的新内容体系,包括课程与教学概论课程与教学系统课程与教学过程课程与教学管理及领导以及课程与教学美学等五个相互联系的领域。

    The new system of the contents of contemporary curriculum and instruction theory include five related areas : introduction , system , process , management and leadership , aesthetics of curriculum and instruction .