
  1. 第四章探讨与课予义务诉讼构建有关的几个问题。

    Chapter four explores some relevant problems about the establishment of the demanding-performance-of-liabilities lawsuit .

  2. 借鉴域外经验,从诉讼经济原则出发,对行政不作为的司法救济宜适用课予义务诉讼。

    Borrowing abroad experience , we can apply obligation imposing lawsuit to the judicial remedy .

  3. 课予义务诉讼研究

    Study on Demanding-performance - liabilities Law suit

  4. 通过借鉴国外的课予义务诉讼针对我国履行判决的缺陷逐一进行分析完善。

    It analysis and perfects the defects of the performance judgment in china according to the research of foreign demanding-performance-of-liabilities .

  5. 课予义务诉讼的出现源自于政府职能的转变、民众法治意识的提高,它采用特殊的审判方式以有效解决新的社会矛盾。

    Course obligations to the litigation stems from the emergence of the transformation of government functions in the public awareness of the rule of law , it adopted a special judicial ways to effectively address new social contradictions .

  6. 卫生行政部门通过此案取得了一定的经验与教训。课予义务诉讼可分为不纯粹的不作为之诉和纯粹的不作为之诉两种,分别适用不同的诉讼要件、审理方式和举证责任。

    Some experiences and lessons were learned by the health administrative agencies from this lawsuit . This lawsuit has two sorts , pure and impure , and they have different requirements , trial methods and burdens of proof .