
kè wài zuò yè
  • homework
  1. 夜深了,他还在做课外作业。

    It was late at night and he was still working away at his homework .

  2. 比尔坐着空想,他母亲要他面对现实,去做课外作业。

    Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and to do his homework .

  3. 我现在正忙着在做课外作业。

    I am busy doing my homework right now .

  4. Lucy做她的课外作业都很小心。

    Lucy does her homework very carefully .

  5. 我把k1等于k2的特殊例子留给你们,作为课外作业。

    And I left the special case of k1 equals k2 to do as a homework problem .

  6. 她给了全班一星期额外的课外作业。

    She gave the whole class extra homework for a week .

  7. 开学第一天会有随堂作业和课外作业吗?

    Will there be classwork and homework on the first day ?

  8. 认真设计课外作业是教师工作的重要组成部分。

    Designing homework seriously is an important part of teachers ' work .

  9. 新课程下中学语文课外作业的创新思维

    Creative Thought of Middle School Chinese Extracurricular Homework in the New Course

  10. 可以查看老师布置的每星期课外作业。

    You can check weekly homework from " Assignment " .

  11. 初中科学课外作业的现状调查与优化实践

    Status Survey and Optimization Practice of Science Homework in Junior Middle School

  12. 孩子们正坐在桌子旁,做课外作业。

    The children were sitting at the table , doing their homework .

  13. 老师给了我们十道数学题作为课外作业。

    The teacher has given us 10 problems to do as homework .

  14. 本课程以课外作业为主要特色,辅以课堂中的练习活动及各种教学资源。

    This course features assignments , accompanied by in-class activities and various resources .

  15. 本实验将两种不同的数学阅读策略及教学策略贯穿于整个教学中,具体体现在课前预习、课堂教学及课外作业中。

    It includes preview in class , classroom teaching and assignments after class .

  16. 课外作业把我给难住了。

    I got bogged down by the difficult homework .

  17. 我们要交课外作业吗?

    Will we have to turn in our homework ?

  18. 小学高年级英语课外作业状况调查与对策

    A Study on Status Quo and Countermeasure of English Assignments in Primary Schools

  19. 我做完了我的课外作业就出去散步了。

    When I had finished my homework , I went out for a walk .

  20. 英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。

    The English assignment is a book report .

  21. 做一些课外作业有个老师来指导你学习是很必要的。

    Do Some Extra-curricular Work Having a teacher to instruct and guide you is vital .

  22. 课外作业的布置与批改是对外汉语教学中的重要环节之一。

    The design of homework is an important component in teaching Chinese as a second language .

  23. 探讨了课外作业的批改方法。

    Discuss ways to comment assignments ;

  24. 上课证明书〔海外教育津贴〕英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。

    Certificate of Attendance [ overseas education allowance ] The English assignment is a book report .

  25. 老师和同学就应该布置多少课外作业的事意见分歧。

    The teachers are at loggerheads with the students 's on how much homework should be set .

  26. 中小学英语教学中适当的配置课外作业是必要的,在配置时必须掌握一定的度,即配置的基本原则有;

    This study aims to explain English middle formation . appropriate assignment is essential to English teaching in middle and primary schools .

  27. 项目化课外作业要求教师根据学生的语言水平和学习兴趣,恰当地确定任务的内容和形式。

    Project-based homework requires teachers to appropriately determine content and formats of homework design based on students ' language levels and learning interest .

  28. 然而,传统的课外作业单调枯燥,偏重书本,脱离生活和学生实际。

    Traditional homework , however , was blankness 、 short of flexible 、 extreme focus on textbook , deviate living and student 's practice .

  29. 高中物理课外作业是巩固知识、形成能力的重要手段,是培养学生良好学习习惯,促进学生个性发展的重要途径。

    Senior physics homework is an important measure to solidify knowledge , form ability , and an important approach to cultivate student 's good learning habit .

  30. 从上个世纪未的新时期语文教育大讨论开始,语文课外作业一直是学校、家长和社会关注的焦点。

    From the end of last century the new period discussion of Chinese education , Chinese homework has been the school , parents and the focus of the society .