
  • 网络curriculum;Curriculum view
  1. 一是教育观念的转变,要求教师树立新的课程观、学生观、教学观、评价观;

    The first is the transformation of educational idea , which calls for the changes of the ideas of curriculum , student , teaching and evaluation of a teacher .

  2. 多尔在其后现代课程观中提出4R的后现代课程模式。

    Doll puts forward 4R in his post-modern perspective on curriculum .

  3. ODES理念和4R标准&多尔后现代课程观的一种解读及其对我国新课程改革的启示

    ODES Idea and " 4R " Course Standard & An Explanation of the Postmodern Curriculum by Doll and Enlightenment for Our New Curriculum Reform

  4. 第二章是本研究的主体部分,总括了多元智能理论的课程观,构建了基于MI的个性化学习的三大课程实施模式,并开发设计/整理了相应的课程教学范型。

    Chapter 2 , the main body of this research , synthesizes the viewpoint of curriculum of MI theory , constructs three curriculum implementation models of Mi-Based Personalized Learning , develops and designs patterns of MI course accordingly .

  5. 而后又概述了国内外能力本位课程观发展现状,包括德国双元制模式、CBE模式、MES模式以及这些模式在我国国内发展取得的主要成果以及目前存在的不足。

    Then it summarizes the development actuality of curriculum view of competence based education ; including Germany " two buck system " mode , CBE mode , MES mode and some production and disadvantages in our country .

  6. 斯宾塞教育思想的产生及其科学教育课程观

    Science Curriculum Sense and the Forming For Education Thought of Spence

  7. 新时期化学课程观的发展

    The Development of the Chemistry Curriculum View in the New Period

  8. 后现代课程观对中学生物课程目标改革的启示

    Object on curriculum of biology transit to post - modern doctrine

  9. 传统课程观和现代课程观之间具有四方面的差异。

    Traditional and modern curriculum outlook has differences in four aspects .

  10. 后现代课程观给中学化学教学的启示

    Enlightenment on Middle School Chemistry Teaching from Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum

  11. 论新课程观下的数学教师素质

    On Mathematics Teachers ' Quality in the View of New Curriculum

  12. 后现代课程观与教师角色转变

    The Post-Modernist Perspective on Curricula and Role Transformation of the Teacher

  13. 泰勒与多尔课程观的比较与反思

    The Comparison and Reflection of Curriculum Perspective between Tyler and Doll

  14. 新形势下高师课程观的重构

    Reconstruction of the View of Normal School Curriculum Under the New Situation

  15. 后现代课程观与我国课程实践

    The Postmodern Curriculum and the Curriculum Practice in Our Country

  16. 经验主义课程观的价值与荒谬性的思辨

    The Values of View of Empirical Curriculum and Absurd Speculations

  17. 后现代课程观下的精品课程建设研究

    Research of Quality Courses Construction from Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum

  18. 生命哲学视域中的体育课程观内蕴

    Philosophy Implication of Physical Education Course Viewpoint in the Vision of Life

  19. 后现代课程观对音乐教育的影响和启示

    On the Influence and Enlightenment of Post-modern Curriculum Outlook on Music Education

  20. 多尔的后现代课程观及其启示

    About Doll 's Post-Modern Perspective on Curriculum and Some Advice From It

  21. 用数学新课程观指导数学教育实训

    Using New View On Math Teaching To Guide Teaching Practice

  22. 初中化学教师课程观研究

    On the Viewpoint Teaching Course of Junior School Chemistry Teachers

  23. 第三部分,人本主义课程观的历史演变。

    The third part , humanistic curriculum idea historical evolution .

  24. 后现代课程观视野下的地理教材再开发研究

    Research on Reproducing Geography Textbook in View of Sub & modernized Course

  25. 职前与在职幼儿教师课程观评价研究

    Pre-service and In-service Teachers ' Beliefs about Early Childhood Curriculum

  26. 第三章阐述了后现代女性主义课程观。

    The third chapter deals with the unique curriculum views of Postmodern Feminism .

  27. 论课程观的主体间性转向

    The Concept of Curriculum and Its Transferring to Intersubjects-dealings

  28. 论改造主义的课程观对我国课程改革的启示

    Transformism Views on Curriculum and China 's Curriculum Reform

  29. 每个国家都有它各自的教材特色,笔者从中总结出不同课程观下的中外教材中函数内容的异同。

    Each country has its individual characters of curriculum .

  30. 布洛克的后现代课程观探析

    A Study on Block 's Postmodern Perspective on Curriculum