
  • 网络curriculum materials;course material
  1. 泰勒主持成立,它旨在为参与的学校开发课程材料。

    Thayer , was formed in1932 to develop curriculum materials for the participating schools .

  2. 这种支持主要体现在学校为学生提供便于自学的课程材料、灵活的课程设计、个别化的教师指导、多样的学习方式、必要的技术支持、完善的服务系统和周到的特别服务。

    This kind of support includes providing curriculum materials that suitable for self-learning , flexible curriculum design , individualized instruction , various ways of learning , necessary technical support , perfect service system and personalized service .

  3. 相比传统的印刷教材,其数字课程材料能为学生节省60%的开销,该公司补充道。

    Its digital course materials save students up to 60 % compared to traditional printed textbooks , the company added .

  4. 调查机构高德纳公司的AllenWeiner暗示通过校园书店,Barnes&Noble可以销售预先装有课程材料的Windous设备。

    Allen Weiner of Gartner , another research firm , suggests that through campus bookshops Barnes & Noble could sell Windows devices pre-loaded with course material .

  5. 5月份,哈佛大学和麻省理工学院(MIT)共同发布了edX,这是一个包含视频教程和内置测验等课程材料的在线教育平台,它可立刻获得用户的反馈。

    In May , Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology launched edX , an online education platform that carries course material such as video lesson segments and embedded quizzes , which receive immediate feedback .

  6. 请查阅这门课程材料中特定的指导和建议。

    Please refer to the course materials for any specific instructions or recommendations .

  7. 所有的课程材料和课堂作业以及完成日期等信息都登在网上。

    All course material is online , along with assignments and due dates .

  8. 复习完课程材料后,仔细思考有效的视觉辅助教材有哪些特征这一问题。

    Carefully consider the features of an effective visual aid after reviewing course materials .

  9. 现已有打印的康复基础和护理员课程材料的手册。

    Rehab foundations and Care Giver Course materials are both available in printed form as manuals .

  10. 出色的教员和员工,出色的学员,出色的课程材料一种真正改变人生的体验。

    Outstanding faculty and staff , outstanding participants and outstanding course material * a truly life-changing experience .

  11. 现在,全世界大概有160所学校向公众提供免费的在线课程材料。

    About one hundred sixty schools around the world now offer course materials free online to the public .

  12. 我们允许学生在课堂上和同学探讨包括课后后作业在内的课程材料。

    You are permitted to discuss course material , including homework , with other students in the class .

  13. 正在仄台上除有课程材料、课程作业中,另有交换论坛等各类多样性项目。

    With the curriculum information , school curriculum on the platform , there is a forum for the exchange and various diversity projects .

  14. 对寻求拓展、寻找新鲜课程材料的商学院来说,非洲正迅速变成“新的中国”。

    Africa is rapidly becoming the " new China " for business schools that are looking to expand and are seeking fresh course material .

  15. 课程材料将会在第一堂实习课的时候发放,其中包含阅读资料、写作练习、和计算机实习课程。

    A packet of materials will be distributed at the first tutorial that includes readings , written exercises , and instructions for the computer laboratories .

  16. 我想说服你的员工购买我的函授课程材料,课程是关于为何给他们的工作再加把火。

    I 'd like to talk to your men and sell them my correspondence course on how to put fire and sparkle into their work .

  17. 而网络学习环境是能够自主获得的综合了课程材料,在线交流渠道,多媒体和其它具有交际特色的网络资源。

    While a networked learning environment is an autonomously accessible web resource that combines hypertext course materials , online communication channels , multimedia and other interactive features .

  18. 他们还可以分发课程材料,联系学生,管理测试和分数,决定公开和保密的内容。

    They can also distribute course materials , contact students , manage tests and grades , and decide what to make public and what to keep private .

  19. 考虑到教科书价格现在已经太高,学者和商学院正在寻求让学生们获得课程材料的替代办法。

    Concern that prices are now just too high is pushing both academics and business schools to seek alternative methods for getting material into students " hands .

  20. 研究论文(8-10页)的主题可以是关于课程材料之外的社会运动,也可以是本课程包涵的某一方面。

    The research paper ( 8-10 pages ) may be on a social movement not covered by the course materials or on some aspect of the course 's concerns .

  21. 论文可以研究课程材料中没有包含的一次社会运动或者课程涉及的某方面(理论或实践均可)。

    The paper may examine a social movement not covered in the course materials or some aspect ( theoretical or empirical ) of the course materials , for example .

  22. 因此,如果你们偶然中发现了在过去的课程材料中有类似的习题,不要去看他们的解答,而是独立做答。

    Thus , if you stumble across old course material with similar-looking problems , please try not to look at their solutions , but rather work the problem ( s ) yourself .

  23. 因此,课程材料应当被个性化定制,从而在这种情况下解释操作的新模型,并且适当的安置新工具的最佳实践。

    The course materials should therefore ideally be customized to deal with such situations in order to explain the new mode of operation and properly position the best practices of the new tool .

  24. 学生们被要求按一至五分的标准,对课程材料的吸引力进行评分,五分为最高。第一批学生中有80%给出了四分或五分。

    Asked to grade how engaging the course materials were on a scale of one to five , with five being the highest grade , 80 % of the first batch of students awarded a grade of four or five .

  25. 我们将会看到更多的课程材料上线,提高教学质量,学生在学校没有足够的资源进行单独教学时可以根据自己的学习节奏在线学习。

    We will see more and more curriculum material online , improving the quality of teaching and learning , so that for example students will be able to follow online at their own pace courses for which there is insufficient demand in their school for a separate taught class .

  26. 材料力学实验课程在材料力学教学中有着非常重要的地位。

    The experimental teaching of Mechanics of Materials plays an important role in the teaching .

  27. 这课程所有材料都在线上,包括了测验及其它上课学生所使用的资料。

    This course has virtually all of its materials online , including quizzes and other materials used by students in the course .

  28. 期末考试:在学期末学生要参加期末考试,内容涵盖本课程的材料。

    Final Exam : At the end of the course , students will take an exam which will cover material from the course .

  29. 其中42个(84%)州已为地区学校提供教师培训和体育课程设置材料,并提出了实施措施。

    42 ( 84 % ) states therein have provided teacher training and physical education curriculum setup materials for district schools , and have put forward measures for implementation .

  30. 事实证明,作为在“现场”课程阅读材料和案例研究等等开始之前传授资料的一种方式,网络学习尤其具有吸引力。

    Online learning has proven particularly attractive as a means of delivering materials prior to the beginning of the " live " programme reading materials , case studies and so on .