
  • 网络guided teaching
  1. 本研究从教学实际出发,针对当前教学实践中普遍使用的讲授型多媒体课堂教学环境,将ARCS动机设计模式融入小学英语课堂教学之中,旨在提出一套能够有效指导教学实践的多媒体教学策略体系。

    Starting from the instructional actuality , the research applies ARCS model of motivational design into primary English class instruction under the background of multimedia class for lecture , in order to present a set of multimedia teaching strategies that can guide instruction effectively .

  2. 提出用控制工程方法指导教学管理。

    This paper presents teaching management based on control engineering method .

  3. 大学生就业指导教学过程模式的初探

    Discussion of teaching procedure and model of college students employment

  4. 在信息技术环境下用建构主义指导教学研究

    Study of English Teaching Instructed by Constructivism in IT Environment

  5. 《音乐课程标准》指导教学管窥(二)课程教学。

    Teaching opinion of music course standard ( 2 ) Curriculum 's instruction .

  6. 如何把合作教育的理论与教学实践结合起来,使理论更好地指导教学实践,我们进行了新课程改革背景下高中化学教学中合作学习的实践探索。

    How to put cooperative education theory into teaching practice , make theory guide practice .

  7. 指导教学的究竟是什么&兼及“论”与“思”的思考

    What on earth guides teaching & rethinking about the " theory " and " thought "

  8. 因此,用迁移理论来指导教学实践,对实现教学目标,提高教学效率都有非常重要作用。

    It is very important to use this theory to achieve goal , improving teaching effectiveness .

  9. 用布鲁纳的认知学习理论指导教学,有助于改善课程质量,激发学生对学习的兴趣;

    With the guidance of the Bruner cognitive learning theory in teaching , course quality can be improved ;

  10. 这一模式可以这样指导教学:学生通过阅读扩大词汇;

    This paper will guide English teaching in this way : students can enlarge the vocabulary by reading ;

  11. 一个班级为实验班,采用任务型教学法的任务前、任务中、任务后三个环节来指导教学。

    In the experimental class , the teacher adopts three phases : pre-task , during task and post-task .

  12. 三种阅读模式都有一定的局限性,因此引入语境指导教学。

    Three reading models have some limitations , so the introduction of context to English teaching is necessary .

  13. 实验班利用图式理论指导教学。在实验过程中针对所选教材中的阅读材料,采用不同的图式处理。

    During the experiment , for the selected reading materials , different schemata were used to teach the students .

  14. 这样,通过研究得出的方法,来科学指导教学,以期提高教学效率。

    And from activities . So try to guide our teaching with the methods obtained to improve teaching efficiency .

  15. 第五章是研究问题与建议,加强研究的深度,推广其指导教学实践。

    The fifth chapter is research problems and Suggestions , strengthen the study depth , promote their guiding teaching practice .

  16. 要真正搞好双语教学,必须有明确的目标体系,以指导教学全过程,提高教学效果。

    The bilingual teaching needs clear objective system to guide the whole process of teaching and improve the teaching effect .

  17. 这些规律可有效地指导教学管理,为进一步教学改革提供理论基础。

    These regulations can guide the teaching management availably , providing the theories foundation for the further reform in education .

  18. 用先进的幼教观念指导教学设计,优化一日活动;

    Second , advanced ideas should be put into the guidance of teaching design to optimum children ' everyday activities .

  19. 在教学观念上已从以学科为中心调整为以能力为中心来指导教学。

    The teaching concept has been shifted from " discipline - centered " to " capacity - centered " to guide teaching .

  20. 但是不少教师未能把变式教学提到理论的高度,以指导教学。

    However , many teachers fail to upgrade ' Variations in Mathematics Teaching ' into the height of theory so as to guide teaching .

  21. 所有的教学方法最终都必须用于指导教学实践,在实践中检验其科学性、合理性以及可行性。

    All teaching method must eventually be used to guide the teaching practice , test its scientific nature , rationality and feasibility in practice .

  22. 期待视野指读者的认知结构和阅读要求,我们要用有关理论指导教学实践。

    Expectant vision refers to readers'cognitive structures and their expectations out of reading . Therefore , teaching practice needs to be guided by related theories .

  23. 教师首先采用渗透教学模式进行学习策略的指导教学,然后对学生进行合作基础上的学习策略干预指导研究。

    At first , the teacher use the permeate model to guide teaching , ask the students to cooperate , and then to guide them .

  24. 为更好地指导教学,文章还对如何准确、有效地利用对称性简化二重积分的计算作了进一步的探讨。

    To give better advice on teaching , futher discussion , is made on how to simplify the double integral operation with symmetry , precisely and effectively .

  25. 藉此来切实提高中小学教师教育科研能力,以实现有效指导教学的目的。

    To improve the research capacity of primary and secondary school teachers effectively and in order to achieve the purpose of guiding the teaching and learning effectively .

  26. 以实证研究为主要方法,并依据研究结论指导教学实践。

    Empirical study is the main approach of this thesis . Based on scientific analysis , the conclusion of the thesis is to be applied to practical teaching .

  27. 反思和重构教学研究起点有助于使教学研究在更高的层次上正确地统一起来,指导教学研究及由此而来的教学实践。

    Reflection and reconstruction of the starting point of teaching research helps to unify teaching research at a high level , and to direct teaching research and teaching practice .

  28. 二是要用教学理论来指导教学改革,并实行多学科、多兵种作战的改革方式;

    Then a conclusion is drawn that Accounting Education Reform requires three breakthroughs First is the breakthrough of rigid patterns of thought to reconstruct the system of Accounting lessons .

  29. 同时全面系统地研究了电视教材设计与制作的相关知识,用于指导教学视频的拍摄和编辑。

    At the same time it studies the design and production of television materials comprehensively and systematically , with the purpose of guiding the shooting and editing of teaching videos .

  30. 因此,在评价教学效果时利用工具和方法来让全面考查学生和指导教学,概念图是最好的选择。

    Therefore , when appraises the teaching effect using the tool and the method lets examine the student and the instruction teaching , the concept map is the best choice comprehensively .