
zhǐ shì zhǒnɡ
  • indicator species
  1. 然后利用排序得分对物种进行二元指示种(TWINSPAN)分类。

    The scores of ordination were then used for a two way indicator species analysis ( TWINSPAN ) to the species .

  2. 采用样方法取样,依据重要值指标运用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)法,将山西中条山中段植被群系分成16个群丛。

    62 samples collected in Midpiece of Zhongtiao Mountains were classified into 16 associations by Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) .

  3. 根据盖度值应用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对其分布格局进行了分析。

    TWINSPAN and DCA were adopted to analyze their distribution pattern on the basis of their degrees of coverage .

  4. 因此,近江牡蛎可作为监测研究Cu、Zn、Cd污染的可靠生物指示种,但能否用于监测Pb还需进一步的研究。

    As a result , this oyster appears to be a reliable bio-indicator for monitoring copper , cadimium and zinc , although its use to monitor lead requires further study .

  5. 利用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对昆嵛山不同林分类型下的灌木层和草本层进行了数量生态学分析。

    The TWINSPAN classification and DCA ordination were employed for the quantitative analysis of the shrub layer and herbage layer under different stands .

  6. 把先进的双向指示种TWINSPAN分类方法引入混交林分类,并找出混交林的演替序列与规律。

    The method of TWINSPAN quantitative classification is applied to classify mixed forest and therefore a succession serial and law of mixed forest has been gotten .

  7. 本文运用二元指示种分析TWINSPAN和无倾向对应分析DCA的数学方法对草地植被进行分类与排序。

    The classification and ordination of the grassland vegetation are studied with the numerical methods of TWINSPAN ( Two-way indicative species analysis ) and DCA ( Detrended correspondence analysis ) .

  8. 结合双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN),在CCA样地&环境因子双序图上区分出8个样地组,分析了8个样地组的植被成员组成及其分布与环境因子间的关系。

    Based on Two-Indicative-Species-Analysis ( TWINSPAN ), eight site groups were identified on site-environment variable two dimensions graph , the main components of communities and their relationship with environmental factors were analyzed .

  9. 基于75种记录的藓类植物及其盖度数据,应用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)分析其分布格局。

    Based on 75 recorded moss species and their coverage , Two-way Indicator Species Analysis ( TWINSPAN ) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) were used to analyze their distribution patterns .

  10. 采用样方法和样线法进行植被和土壤调查,在2005年到2009年之间,每年的6-8月进行调查,采用TWINSPAN双向指示种分类法和植物多样性计算了解盐池县的植被现状及其恢复情况。

    Investigate vegetation and soil by sampling method and Line transects from June to August between 2005 and 2009 , and come to understand status and recovery of vegetation in Yanchi county by using TWINSPAN two-way indicator species classification and Plant diversity calculation .

  11. 在样方调查的基础上,分别采用双向指示种分类法(TWINSPAN)、除趋势对应分析法(DCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)对东灵山地区濒危植物刺五加的生存群落进行数量分析。

    Based on the survey of community plots , a quantitative analysis of endangered Acanthopanax senticosus communities in Dongling Mountain was performed with two way indicator species analysis ( TWINSPAN ), detrended correspondence analysis ( DCA ) and canonical correspondence analysis ( CCA ) . The communities of A.

  12. 近江牡蛎作为重金属污染生物指示种的初步研究

    Oyster Ostrea rivularis as an indicator of heavy metals pollution

  13. 麻雀可以作为环境污染的指示种。

    The sparrow can be used as the designation of the pollution of the environment .

  14. 指示种、伞护种与旗舰种:有关概念及其在保护生物学中的应用

    Indicator , umbrella and flagship species : the concepts and their applications in conservation biology

  15. 辽宁沿岸海域重金属和石油污染的生物指示种初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Bio-indicator Species for Heavy Metal and Oil Pollution in Liaoning Coastal Waters

  16. 群落多样性、优势种类及指示种随季节变化而呈现差异性。

    The diversity , dominant species and the best indicator species of each community varied seasonally . 3 .

  17. 小头虫作为一种广分布的有机污染指示种而为人们所关注。

    Polychaete Capitella capitata is an excellent indicator of polluted environment and attracted the attention of marine scientists .

  18. 作者采用双向指示种分析法,对在中国分布的栅藻属植物进行了数量分类的初步研究。

    In this paper , 52 species of the genus Scenedesmus from China have been studied by means of numerical taxonomic methods .

  19. 南极生物链中的关键初级生产力是微藻,南极冰藻是极好的生态指示种。

    The microalgae are the key primary producer of Antarctic biological chain , and the Antarctic ice algae are good indicator species for the ecological environment .

  20. 从底栖动物指示种的变化,可预测水质变化的趋势以及季节性的差异。

    From the changes of the biological indicators , it could be able to predict the trends of changes of river water quality and seasonal variations .

  21. 鸟类对周围环境的变化非常敏感,因此可以作为指示种和预测种来反映生态环境的质量,其多样性研究在实际工作中有着广泛的应用。

    Birds are sensitive to the change of environment , they can reflect the quality of environment as indication species , and the research of diversity are used extensively in the practical work .

  22. 主要研究结论如下:(1)研究了黄土高原典型区域主要气候因子与不同植被地带指示种的变化趋势。

    The main results and conclusions of the study were as follows : ( 1 ) The study investigated the tendencies of major climatic factors of typical regions and different indicator species of the grasslands in the loess plateau .

  23. 2003年2~12月对福建晋江水系15个采样点的浮游植物群落季节性变动的生态特征,进行了种类组成、种群数量、优势种、污染指示种、水质等项目的调查研究。

    From Feb to Dec.2003 , the seasonal changes in the ecological feature of phytoplankton community , including species composition , population size , dominant species , saprobic indicators , water quality , were studied at 15 sampling station in Jinjiang River .

  24. 对巢湖浮游植物在22个样点,四季采样,进行了种类组成、种群数量、优势种、污染指示种,多样性指数及硅藻指数等群落生态学的初步研究。

    The seasonal ecological features of phytoplankton community including its species composition , population size , dominant species , saprobic indicator , diversity index and diatom biotic index were preliminarily studied at 22 sampling stations in the Chaohu Lake , Anhui Province .

  25. 共见到鱼类74种,隶属8目16科,其中许多是北方区、宁蒙区和华西区鱼类的指示种,也有华东区和华南区的代表种。

    There were 74 fish species in these waters , belonging to 8 orders , 16 families , most were indicator species in North China Region , Ningxia-Mongolia Region and West China Region . Also , there were some representative species in East China and South China .

  26. 下表指示每种应用程序类型的可用选项。

    The following table indicates which options are available for each application type .

  27. 麻痹性贝类毒素监测指示贝种的筛选研究

    Identification of Indicator Species of Paralytic Shellfish Poison

  28. 这些名词都指示一种坏运气或倒霉的状态或事件。

    These nouns all refer to a state or an instance of ill fortune or bad luck .

  29. 指示一种依赖关系,其中一个元素需要另一个元素配合实现或操作。

    Indicates a dependency relationship in which one element requires another element for its full implementation or operation .

  30. 汽车照明系统担负着照明和信号指示两种功能,是汽车安全性能的主要组成部分。

    The lighting system of cars takes on two functions , lighting and signaling , which are the main parts of the automotive safety performances .