
zhǐ xiàng
  • point to;point;direct;toward;sensing;the pointed direction;sense of orientation;to
指向 [zhǐ xiàng]
  • (1) [direct]∶针对

  • 西班牙的殖民事业的一个主要倾向是指向秘鲁的

  • 他的批评是指向我们所有的人的

  • (2) [toward]∶对着

  • 枪口指向敌人

  • (3) [the pointed direction]∶所对的方位

  • 大桥就在我右手的指向

指向[zhǐ xiàng]
  1. 其次,路由在匹配URL请求并将其指向恰当的操作中起到重要作用。

    Second , Routes play a critical role in matching URL requests and directing them to appropriate Actions .

  2. 指向机构微调平台的结构设计与分析

    Design and analysis of the micro-adjusting platform on directing mechanism

  3. 他一挥胳膊指向门。

    He indicated the door with a sweep of his arm .

  4. 证据似乎指向那个方向。

    The evidence seems to point in that direction .

  5. 罗盘指针指向北方。

    The compass needle was pointing north .

  6. 罗盘指针指向北方。

    A compass needle points north .

  7. 她指向我这边。

    She pointed in my direction .

  8. 她指向天空。

    She pointed skywards .

  9. 法医的证据将怀疑的矛头明确地指向了他。

    Forensic evidence points the finger of suspicion firmly at him .

  10. 它向外指向45度角的方向。

    It was pointing outward at an angle of 45 degrees .

  11. 通常谴责的矛头都会指向政府。

    The blame is generally laid at the door of the government .

  12. 他指向一把椅子,示意她坐下。

    He pointed to a chair , signalling for her to sit .

  13. 我指向地板砖上的一道道划痕。

    I pointed to a number of scratches in the tile floor .

  14. 墙上的钟指向11点59分。

    The clock on the wall showed one minute to twelve

  15. 无论走到哪里,罗盘仍然指向北或南。

    You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south

  16. 其中一个士兵急促不清地说了些什么,然后指向了前门。

    One of the soldiers gabbled something and pointed at the front door .

  17. 他们的怒火主要指向政府。

    Their ire was directed mainly at the government .

  18. 她突然伸出一根瘦小的手指,指向屋子的另一头。

    She suddenly held up a small , bony finger and pointed across the room

  19. 这些网页中每一页都设有热链接,指向网络中的其他文件。

    Each of these pages has hot links to other documents throughout the network .

  20. 他指向大海。

    He pointed out to sea .

  21. 箭头指向卫生间。

    An arrow pointed to the toilets

  22. 她一直看着锅炉上的刻度盘,指针已指向了250度。

    She kept looking at the dial on the boiler . The needle had reached 250 degrees .

  23. 针对英国儿童膳食质量的担忧,数份研究将矛头指向了同一根源。

    Several studies point to a real cause for concern over the adequacy of the diet eaten by British children .

  24. 晴雨表的指针指向“多云”。

    The needle on the barometer was pointing to " cloudy " .

  25. 罗盘指针总是指向北方。

    A compass needle always points north .

  26. 箭头儿指向右方。

    The arrow points to the right .

  27. 客户最终也会被作为一种参考,特别是多萝西·谢弗的喜好,她能够成为罗德与泰勒百货销售教据的指向。

    The consumer was ultimately to be mentioned as well , especially by the likes of Dorothy Shaver , who could point to the sales figures at Lord & Taylor .

  28. 伟大的领导者可以辨认出指向大变化到来的微弱信号或微妙迹象。

    Great leaders recognize the weak signals or slight signs that point to big changes to come .

  29. 这些趋势的联合效应及其产生的政治紧张局势均指向政府和社会的崩溃。

    The combined effects of those trends and the political tensions they generate point to the breakdown of governments and societies .

  30. 再一次,这些结果指向了具体的建议:当人开始做志愿工作时,他主要会对发展志愿者角色这个身份进行持续不断的努力。”

    These results , once again , lead to concrete advice : " Once an individual begins volunteering , continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity .... "