
zhǐ huī
  • command;commander;control;direct;conduct;order;officer;con;helm;quarterback
指挥 [zhǐ huī]
  • (1) [command]∶发令调度

  • 指挥围攻

  • (2) [conduct]∶指导乐曲或乐队的演奏

  • (3) [commander]∶发令调度的人

  • 乐队指挥

指挥[zhǐ huī]
  1. 他被授以这次军事行动的作战指挥权。

    He was given tactical command of the operation .

  2. 我留下一名中士指挥,自己策马前去侦察敌情。

    I left a sergeant in command and rode forward to reconnoitre .

  3. 这是地面指挥中心呼叫航天飞机“发现号”。

    This is Mission Control calling the space shuttle Discovery .

  4. 教练站在场外,大声指挥运动员。

    The coach stood on the sidelines yelling instructions to the players .

  5. 他是负责指挥作战行动的军官。

    He was the officer in charge of operations .

  6. 在新指挥的领导下,这个乐团建立了国际声誉。

    Under its new conductor , the orchestra has established an international reputation .

  7. 上校指挥士兵列队行进,接受女王的检阅。

    The colonel paraded his men before the Queen .

  8. 现在出场的是今晚的指挥简∙格洛弗。

    Coming onto the platform now is tonight 's conductor , Jane Glover .

  9. 一名警察在指挥交通。

    A police officer was directing the traffic .

  10. 她目前担任一个大合唱团的指挥。

    She now directs a large choir .

  11. 源自美式橄榄球,四分卫指挥比赛,而比赛往往在周末进行。

    The quarterback directs the play in an American football match and matches are usually played at the weekend .

  12. 在柯蒂斯学院,他师从弗里茨·赖纳学习指挥。

    At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner .

  13. 军队指挥者没有想到会遭到叛军的正面袭击。

    Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels

  14. 俄罗斯指挥官指挥一艘巨型航空母舰驶入一个俄罗斯港口。

    Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port

  15. 他一直有一个梦想,希望能指挥一支自己的顶级管弦乐队。

    He had nursed an ambition to lead his own big orchestra .

  16. 丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。

    Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera .

  17. 定期航班的数量正让空中交通指挥系统不堪重负。

    The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system

  18. 他再次举起指挥棒,让铜管乐部加入进来。

    He once again raised his baton and brought in the brass .

  19. 一面旗帜在新的军事指挥部上空飘扬着。

    A flag was flying on the new military HQ .

  20. “你不能指挥我!”她喊道。

    ' You are not to boss me ! ' she shouted .

  21. 1939年,他指挥了攻占波兰南部的行动。

    He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939

  22. 他得到军事指挥部授权,准备反击。

    He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate

  23. 海军最高指挥部对这些进展的回应十分反常。

    The naval high command 's response to these developments is rather curious .

  24. 有段时间他离开了炮兵部队去指挥一支雷达小分队。

    At some stage he left the Artillery to command a radar unit .

  25. 他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥塔台争执不下。

    He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes .

  26. 你需要向布赖恩汇报,听从他的指挥。

    You are to answer to Brian , to take your orders from him .

  27. 索尔蒂将继续在国内外担任指挥。

    Solti will continue to conduct here and abroad

  28. 大奖赛由训练有素的典礼官协调指挥。

    The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals

  29. 指挥将该作品情感上的毅然决然这一主旨充分表现了出来。

    The conductor brought home the full thrust of the work 's emotional resolution .

  30. 他等着警察来让车辆停下,指挥人们前行。

    He waited for a policeman to stop the traffic and wave the people on