
  • 网络Exponential growth;exponential increase
  1. 据报道,凯莉化妆品品牌的指数式增长令人印象深刻。

    The exponential growth of Kylie Cosmetics , as it is reported , is impressive .

  2. 上面的比较,只是近年来奥运会规模的指数式增长以及NBC环球所面临挑战的一种体现,NBC环球将着手进行或许是历史上最为复杂的多媒体播报。

    That comparison offers just one measure of the Olympics ' exponential growth in recent years and the challenge facing NBC Universal as it embarks on what may be the most complex multimedia broadcast in history .

  3. 随着IP网络规模指数式增长而带来的对网络管理和维护的迫切需求,流量矩阵估计已成为当前的热点研究问题。

    With the exponential increase in the size of the IP network and the urgent demands in network management and maintenance , traffic matrix estimation has currently become an interesting topic .

  4. 2异常幅度与震级之间为非线性的指数式增长关系,也大致分为3个阶段:MS≤5.0地震,随震级增大异常幅度增长很小;

    There is a nonlinear exponential function between anomaly amplitude and magnitude , for earthquakes M S ≤ 5.0 or so the amplitude increases slowly with the increasing of magnitude ;

  5. 由于摩尔定律(Moore'sLaw)不可阻挡的前进步伐为计算能力带来了指数式增长,深蓝在人机大战中最终大获全胜几乎是定局——这只是个时间问题。

    Thanks to the inexorable advance of Moore 's law - bringing exponential increases in computing capacity - it was almost inevitable that Deep Blue would crush the human competition in the end : it was just a matter of time .

  6. 随着单位面积内的晶体管数指数式增长,微处理器芯片的功耗也不断增加,而TLB一般采用的全相联结构使其成为微处理器中的功耗焦点。

    And the TLB uses fully associative placement generally , this make it become the focus of the microprocessor power dissipation .

  7. 我们已经开始看到用户数量呈指数式增长,而且从一些用户公司的首席信息官处也直接听到,他们可以看到Outlook和Yammer使用量的此消彼长。

    We were beginning to see exponential user increases , and were hearing directly from CIOs that they could see decreasing their use of outlook and increasing their use of yammer .

  8. 德意志银行亚洲外汇交易部门联席负责人延斯沙夫-汉森(JensScharff-Hansen)表示:该市场将会成指数式增长。

    This market is going to grow in an exponential way , says Jens Scharff-Hansen , co-head of foreign exchange trading for Asia at Deutsche Bank .

  9. 而这一切的基础是科技。和近代指数式增长的科技。

    Underpinning much of this is technology , and of late , exponentially growing technologies .

  10. 数据收集量的指数式增长要求更有效的应对方法。

    The exponential rise in the amount of data being collected makes a more effective response essential .

  11. 当今社会,信息呈现指数式增长,在给大众带来方便的同时,也为其获取信息带来困扰。

    Nowadays , the information presents an index type growth , while convenience , population also obtain the harassment for fetching information .

  12. 彼时,数字音乐已像录像机、手机、电视和许许多多其他产品一样开始呈现指数式增长了。

    By then , digital music was starting an exponential expansion of the sort that VCRs , cellphones , TVs and so much else has experienced .

  13. 整个运动业在他是NBA的超级明星时经历着指数式的增长。

    The entire sports industry enjoyed exponential growth when he was the superstar in NBA .

  14. 随着软件与网络的融合,网络化软件系统的复杂性呈指数爆炸式增长。

    With the integration between software and network , the complexity of networked software increases with the explosive exponential growth .

  15. 80年代以来,演化理论在社会经济分析中的应用出现了指数式的增长,演化博弈论源于生物学的进化论,原本是在进化论的基础上为说明动物进化而创立的。

    Since 1980 , application of evolution theory in the analysis of social economy have increased by means of index , Evolutionary game theory comes from the evolutionary theory of biology , originally , it was erected for explaining animal evolution .

  16. 作物复种方式不断优化,复种指数呈波动式增长。

    Multi - cropping optimized and cropping density increased in wave .

  17. 自20世纪中叶起,科技术语的数目便指数式地加速增长起来,尤以生命科学和信息科学最为突出。

    Since the middle of 20th century , the number of technological terms has been increasing exponentially , especially those of life sciences and information sciences .

  18. 指数种类的爆炸式增长,一方面表明了金融行业中对于量化投资成果和过程的关注,但另一方面也表明了指数化的威力和对投资市场深远的影响。

    On the one hand , explosive growth of index shows the attention to achievements and process of the quantitative investment , but it also shows the powerful of the index and deeply influence on the investment market .