
  • 网络finite simple group
  1. 用这种方法,不但简化了证明过程,突出了问题的本质,还可以得出有限单群的新结论。

    This method not only can simplify the original proof , stress its intrinsic quality but also get the new conclusion for the finite simple group .

  2. 用极大子群阶之集刻划有限单群

    Characterization of some simple groups with the set of the orders of maximal subgroups

  3. 有限单群的纯数量刻画

    Pure Quantitative Characterization of Finite Simple Groups

  4. 研究了非交换的内有限单群,得到了非交换的内有限群的一些特殊性质。

    In this paper , the authors have proved several special properties of non-abelian inner-finite groups .

  5. 正如素数是正整数乘法的“原子”或“积木块”一样,有限单群宛如有限群的“原子”或“积木块”。

    Along from being analogous with prime numbers for the multiplication of positive integers , finite simple groups serve as the " atoms " or " building blocks " for finite groups .

  6. 有限次单群的结构研究

    Structure of Finite Sub - simple Groups

  7. 有限非交换单群PSL(2,13)的最小级连通3度弧传递陪集图表示的级是182。

    The finite nonabelian simple group PSL ( 2,13 ) has the minimum degree 182 GR of connected cubic arc-transitive coset graphs .

  8. 有限单演半群是π正则半群。

    Finite monogenic semigroups are π - regular .

  9. 关于内有限的无限单群

    On Inner-Finite Infinite Simple Groups

  10. 这样一来,对有限群的研究便分为两大部分:一是确定出所有有限单群;二是探索有限群如何由这些单群结合而成。

    As a result , the study on finite groups falls naturally into two parts : to determine all the finite simple groups and to find how finite groups are constructed by simple groups .