
  • 网络Nu Ursae Majoris
  1. 其他国家敦促埃及保持克制,担心在穆尔西下台一个月后埃及爆发新一轮暴力冲突。

    Other countries have urged Egypt to use restraint , fearing a new outbreak of violence that occurred after Morsi was toppled a month ago .

  2. Strategy&的研究发现,女性领导者被赶下台的一个原因是她们比男性更有可能从公司外部聘用,而不管是男是女,外部人士最终更有可能被辞退。

    Strategy & " s research suggests one reason women are forced out is that they are more likely than men to be hired from outside the company , and outsiders , irrespective of gender , are more likely to end up being dismissed .

  3. 他被赶下台,由一个比较容易摆布的继任者取代。

    He was deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor .

  4. 我们班在QQ群里聊天,有人说在曾轶可被迫下台的那一刻,她哭了,并且哭了一夜。

    Our class in the QQ group chatting , it was said that Yi can be forced to step down once the moment , she cried and cried all night .

  5. 他说,他们下台的那一天终究会到来的。

    He said the day will come when they will also leave .

  6. 他的第二次讲话是在11月8日,正是他下台的前一周,依然语焉不详。

    His second , delivered on November 8th , a week before he steps down , was typically vague .

  7. 他和他的政权被赶下台的那一天,将是你们获得解放的日子。

    And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be the day of your liberation .

  8. 穆巴拉克的辞职下台,而一天前,星期五的晚上他刚宣布会移交部分权利给副总统而不会下台。

    Mubarak 's step came only one day after he announced that he is handing power to the vice president without stepping down on Thursday night .

  9. 在电视里公布穆沙拉夫将军下台的消息一个小时之内,坦克就开上了街头,军队占领了新闻台和机场。

    Within an hour of the announcement on television of Musharraf ' s sacking , tanks were on the streets and troops had taken over the newsrooms and the airports .

  10. 但是韩德胜的下台并非由于某一个分歧。

    But the ousting of Mr Henderson did not relate to one single disagreement .

  11. 他之所以于二月下台,是因为一个绯闻网站张贴出了他的赤膊照片,他曾经将这些照片发给在“克雷格清单”(一个网上免费分类广告网站)上认识的一个女人。

    He stepped down in February after a gossip website posted shirtless pictures he had sent to a woman he had met on Craigslist .