
tiān rén xiāng yìng
  • correspondence between man and universe;relevant adaptation of the human body to natural environment
天人相应 [tiān rén xiāng yìng]
  • [correspondence between man and universe] 指人体与大自然有相似的方面或相似的变化。《灵枢.邪客》∶此人与天地相应者也。其主要精神揭示在预防疾病及诊治疾病时,应注意自然环境及阴阳四时气候等诸因素对健康与疾病的关系及其影响。例如在辩证论治时,必须注意因时、因地、因人制宜等

天人相应[tiān rén xiāng yìng]
  1. 中医理论建模的天人相应形式化方法

    Formal method of correspondence between man and universe in TCM theoretical modeling

  2. 中国传统养生体育的理论基础主要有阴阳学说、整体观学说、天人相应学说和五行学说。

    Chinese traditional keeping in good health in PE theory mainly includes the following doctrines : theory of positive and negative macrocosm ; theory of correspondence between man and universe and five elements .

  3. 天人相应观中的自然科学原理初探

    Principles of Natural Sciences in the Thought of Man Corresponding to Universe

  4. 从天人相应探讨上消化道出血相关规律

    From Heaven Corresponding to Explore the Relevance of upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Laws

  5. 中医学天人相应论体系的建构

    Construction of Theory of Human - environment Inter Relation

  6. 论天人相应与实践的关系

    On the Relations of " Corresponding of Human and Nature " and Practice

  7. 《内经》论天人相应与时间治疗学

    Correspondence of Heaven and Man and therapeutics of Time in the Internal Classic

  8. 五行学说和天人相应的数学模型

    Mathematical Models for the Five-Element Theory and the Relationship between Human Body and Environment

  9. 结论:中医学“天人相应”论具有普适性数学基础。

    Conclusion : There is universality of mathematics basis in the theory of correspondence between man and nature .

  10. 《黄帝内经》天人相应论与有机系统哲学

    The Idea of Correspondence between Man and Nature in Huangdi Emperor 's Internal Classic and Organic_ Systematic Philosophy

  11. 提出天人相应思想不仅是传统的祖国医学的理论基础,也应该成为现代医学的理论基础。

    He maintains that the thought should be the theoretical basis of not only TCM but also modern medicine .

  12. 中医学将天人相应思想贯穿于治疗原则、治疗手段等各个方面。

    In Chinese medicine , the Theory of Human-Environmental Inter Relation exists in treatment principle , therapy and others .

  13. 进一步说明了《黄帝内经》天人相应整体观念的科学性与实用性。

    Further illustrates the 《 Huang Di Nei Jing 》" Heaven correspondingly " overall concept of the scientific and practical .

  14. 天人相应论的思想基础为中国古代的元气论,天人相应的物质基础在于天人一气。

    The thought basis of the theory of human-environment inter relation is theory of vitality Qi of ancient Chinese philosophy .

  15. 大量的人与周围环境密切联系的思想与内容所体现的天人相应观。

    Concept of correspondence between man and nature embodied by a lot of thinking and content about the close relationship between man and its environments .

  16. 中医时间治疗由此演变而来,它与古人“天人相应”的哲学思想密不可分。

    The time treatment of Chinese medicine evolved from it and is inseparable from the ancient philosophical thinking of " correspondence between man and nature " .

  17. 强调脏腑不和是诸病之源,“治病求本”、“顾护脾胃”、“天人相应”为其治疗特色。

    " Corresponding of human and nature "," Harmonizing stomach and spleen " and " Looking for the basic causes in treating diseases " are his clinical treatment features .

  18. 中医学天人相应学说与环境致癌、环境治癌及环境对基因表达的影响极为相似;

    The theory of " correspondence between man and heaven " is very similar to the effect of environment in causing cancer , treating cancer and affecting gene expression .

  19. 在天人相应系统思想指导下建立的中医学中,有许多关于时间医学的精辟论述和记载。

    There are many incisive views on chronomedicine in TCM , which has been established under he guidance of the system view of the " Correspondence between man and nature " .

  20. 从《黄帝内经》作者到后世医家,传统的中医学文化对天人相应说有着颇深的见地和精辟的论述,把人和天地万物视为一个统一的整体。

    From the author of " Huandi Neijing " to his following medical men , the traditional Chinese medical culture has made thorough understandings and accurate elaborations on Corresponding of Human and Nature .

  21. 对疫病来说,不能正确把握“六气”病因,就难以在辨证论治中体现天人相应的中医本色。

    To epidemic disease , not correctly knowing reasons of " 6 pathogens ", it is hard to embody TCM true quality of nature and human being corresponding mutually in differentiation of signs .

  22. 再次,人、物形神的关系,从道、天、气、天人相应的哲学角度加以分析,并找出人与物的形神融通的根源。

    Again , people , shape the relationship between spirit and form . From the Taoist , Heaven , gas , the communication between Heaven and man are the source of intermediation and spirit .

  23. 从人类起源来看,人是大自然发展演变的产物,天人相应是人体具有的自然属性。

    From the stance of the origin of human beings , human is the product of development and evolution of nature , and thus the correspondence between heaven and human is of natural property .

  24. 今就糖尿病的四季养生、自我保健,以及如何正确对待等问题,从中医天人相应的角度进行分析以供医患参考。

    The article emphasizes the proper attitude toward it , the treatment and self care etc , through the point of view of " the unification of humanity and nature " in chinese traditional medical .

  25. 同时,把人体放到宇宙的大系统中去,这与系统的本质是一致的,表现在生理上,即天人相应的中医理论。

    At the same time , into the human system of the universe , this is consistent with the nature of the system , manifested in the physical , namely " Heaven corresponding " theory of Chinese medicine .

  26. 从存在论、感应论、恻隐论、家族论、政治论以及天人相应论这六个面向可以揭示出王阳明一体之仁的思想内涵。

    The paper discloses six dimensions in Wang Yang-ming 's thought of forming one body & existential theory , induced theory , theory of compassion , theory of family , political theory and theory of correspondence between man and universe .

  27. 由于阴阳五行学说和天人相应学说是《内经》的基本哲学思想,因此四时、五脏脉象属于《内经》脉象的核心内容,亦即是本论文的重点。

    Because of Yin and Yang , the heaven corresponding theories are Nei Jing basic philosophy , and therefore ever-green , five zang-organs pulse Nei Jing pulse condition belongs to the core content of this paper , which is the key .

  28. 哲学方面,天人相应理论的提出显现的不同于先秦内省的精神要求,阴阳五行学说的应用,对事物之发展态势、内在因素的把握与认识都体现了汉代学人积极入世的心态。

    Philosophy , appeared to Nature of the Theory of the spirit of introspection is different from the pre-Qin demands the application of yin and yang theory , the development trend of things , grasp and understanding of the internal factors .

  29. 但如果把自然等同于自然界来认识人与自然的关系,则很容易陷入董仲舒所提倡的天人相应论的泥潭,《思考中医》一书也未能避免。

    However , if we regard natural laws as nature to understand the relationship between man and nature , we may fall into the concept of man 's adaptation to nature proposed by Dong Zhongshu , and the book Reflections on TCM unavoidably fall into this concept .

  30. 从哲学及史学角度,揭示了道教养生保健体育阴阳五行、天人相应、俯脏经络等学说以及气血理论,使我们对道教养生保健体育有一个更深入的理解。

    In terms of philosophy and historiography , Taoism health care sports negative and positive five elements , correspondence between man and universe , bow dirty collateral channels , etc. theory and qi and blood theory is raised , make us have one deep understanding of Taoism health care sports .