
  • 网络tianjin dialect;Tianjinese
  1. 当我们比较天津话和普通话的音调系统后发现FF的易变性也是由于普通话的影响。

    The vulnerability of FF rule to change is shown when we compare the tonal systems of Tianjin dialect and Putonghua .

  2. 天津话上声的两条变调规则辨析

    Two New Third Tone Sandhi Rules in Tianjin Dialect : A Critical Re-analysis

  3. 变化中的天津话连续变调规则

    The Changing Sandhi Rules in Tianjin Dialect

  4. 本文的假设是天津话的连读变调已经发生变化,变化的原因是普通话的影响。

    The hypothesis of this paper is that sandhi rules in Tianjin dialect has changed and the changes are due to the influence of Putonghua .

  5. 近些年来,许多人都注意到天津话发生了变化,变化的原因一般归结于普通话的影响。

    In recent years many people have noticed that Tianjin dialect has changed , and the changes are usually owed to the influence of Putonghua .

  6. 一种说法是,天津话是土著方言,是由静海话在声调发生演变之后而逐步形成的;

    Is a kind of Tianjin is the indigenous dialect words , by the tone in the Jinghai , then gradually evolved after the formation of ;

  7. 在街上走,听了满耳朵的天津话,接下来坐了两小时的火车,到了伟大祖国的首都北京。

    Walking on the streets , I was bombarded by local dialect . Then , I took a2-hour train ride and found myself in the capital city of Beijing of the great country .