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tiān kōng
  • the sky;the heavens;air;firmament;welkin
天空 [tiān kōng]
  • [sky] 地球周围的广大空间

天空[tiān kōng]
  1. 天空骤然转暗,随即下起雨来。

    The sky suddenly went dark and it started to rain .

  2. 暴风雨来临时天空变得黑沉沉的。

    The sky began to darken as the storm approached .

  3. 天空的蓝色渐变成了浅灰色。

    The blue of the sky paled to a light grey .

  4. 阳光灿烂,天空一片蓝。

    The sun was shining and the sky was blue .

  5. 湛蓝的天空阳光灿烂。

    The sun was radiant in a clear blue sky .

  6. 他们看见了在天空的映衬下那座巨大建筑的轮廓。

    They saw the huge building outlined against the sky .

  7. 天空中乌云密布。

    The sky was full of dark masses of clouds .

  8. 耀眼的阳光从清澈蔚蓝的天空中照射下来。

    The sun blazed down from a clear blue sky .

  9. 空气清新,天空碧蓝。

    The air was crisp and clear and the sky was blue .

  10. 在黑暗的天空映衬下,灯塔巍然兀立。

    The lighthouse stood out starkly against the dark sky .

  11. 天空中的点点光亮就是星星。

    The stars were points of light in the sky .

  12. 天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。

    There was a faint pink tinge to the sky .

  13. 远处的第一声霹雳震撼着天空。

    The first distant crash of thunder shook the air .

  14. 他们看到了一颗明亮的星在天空中闪闪发光。

    They beheld a bright star shining in the sky .

  15. 天空中的乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。

    The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming .

  16. 天空晴朗,繁星点点。

    The sky was clear and studded with stars .

  17. 天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。

    There was a pink tinge to the sky .

  18. 天狼星是天空中最亮的一颗星。

    Sirius is the brightest star in the sky .

  19. 太阳在无云的天空中明亮地照耀着。

    The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky .

  20. 那座山在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。

    The mountain was sharply defined against the sky .

  21. 太阳低挂在天空。

    The sun was low in the sky .

  22. 飞机掠过天空。

    A plane shot across the sky .

  23. 天空开始阴云密布。

    It was beginning to cloud over .

  24. 天空一片蔚蓝。

    The sky was a brilliant blue .

  25. 天空乌云密布,阴沉沉的。

    The sky was dark and threatening .

  26. 天空没有一颗星星。

    The sky was void of stars .

  27. 直升机升上了天空。

    The helicopter rose into the air .

  28. 雷声在天空中隆隆作响。

    Thunder boomed in the sky overhead .

  29. 高声的尖叫划破了天空。

    Loud screams rent the air .

  30. 星星在天空中闪烁。

    Stars twinkled in the sky .