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dòu kǒu
  • quarrel;bicker;squabble
斗口 [dòu kǒu]
  • (1) [quarrel] 斗嘴

  • 老头儿看他们斗口,便连忙走过来排解

  • (2) 又说斗口齿

  1. 鉴于训练后的人工神经网络可以精确逼近任意非线性函数,建立了基于BP网络和RBF网络的引黄灌渠斗口流量软测量模型,并精选水工试验数据构成训练样本集进行仿真训练。

    Because trained ANN can exactly approach to any nonlinear function , ANN-based soft-sensing models ( BP and RBF ) are established and trained by sample-set selected from experiment-data .

  2. 引黄灌渠斗口流量神经元网络软测量模型

    ANN-based Soft-sensing Model of Water-flow at Outlet of Irrigation Channel in Yellow River

  3. 引黄灌渠斗口流量自动测量专家系统设计

    The Expert System Design about Automatic Measure of the Yellow River Ditch Entrance of Flow

  4. 分析了宁夏汉延渠斗口闸孔出流存在的主要问题。

    The main existing problem of discharge at the lateral gate of Hanyan canal in Ningxia is analyzed .

  5. 引黄灌渠斗口流量测量数据处理与分析系统

    A Subsystem of Data Processing and Analysing for Measuring the Rate of Flow at Sluice in Irrigative Canal of Yellow River

  6. 本文成果可供筒仓工程设计使用,还可供确定斗口给料机贮料荷载参考。

    The result of the treatise can be applied to silos construction design and serve as a reference for determining the stored material load of feeders .

  7. 详细介绍了缩小主料斗喉口改善烧结料层透气度的原因,对ISP工艺烧结生产具有一定的指导意义。

    The paper introduces the cause of reducing primary feeding hopper throat inlet to improve the ventilation of sintering mixture , which has certain significance to ISP process sintering production .