
tiān yì
  • Providence;God's will;the will of Heaven;fate;decree;emperor's intention;ordinance
天意 [tiān yì]
  • (1) [will of Heaven;God's will]∶上天的意旨

  • (2) [emperor's intention]∶帝王的心意

天意[tiān yì]
  1. 不必再想谁是谁非了,一切都是天意,他以为。

    No need to wonder who was right or wrong , to him it was all the will of Heaven .

  2. 未来的变化还很难预测,但不管怎样,既然天意在冥冥之中让我们找到了这个可行的方法,我们就不该放弃。

    While what the future holds is hard to predict , worry not , since it is the will of heaven that we will find our way forward , and we should not give up .

  3. 她的疾病是天意在告诉她不要太劳累。

    Her illness was Nature 's way of telling her to do less .

  4. 我们做的事都是天意吗?

    Is everything we do preordained ?

  5. 我总认为有某种力量在指引着我们——叫它上帝也罢,天意也罢,还是命运也罢。

    I believe there 's some force guiding us ─ call it God , destiny or fate .

  6. 这些女人认为他的死乃是天意。

    These women regard his death as an act of providence .

  7. 人们的相遇是天意还是偶然?

    Is it destiny that brings people together , or is it accident ?

  8. 他相信她来到这个城市是天意。

    He believes that it is destiny that brings her to this city .

  9. 本人此时受聘于北京中大天意药业有限公司,负责清旋降压片产品的营销工作。

    The company employed me that time , and I charged for selling of hypertension pill .

  10. 她不能说这是天意如此。

    She can 't say it 's not meant to be .

  11. 他们幸免于空难似乎是天意。

    It seemed like providence that they had survived the plane crash .

  12. 两人的命运必须互相凭倚,才得平衡,这种妙用,天意使然,高深莫测!

    Oh , unfathomable and divine mystery of the balances of destiny !

  13. 好吧,科西嘉先生,我就算这是天意吧。

    Well , amiable Corsican , let us suppose it is providence .

  14. 天意不允许人们手工做任何事。

    Heaven forbid one should have to do anything manually .

  15. 他幸免於地震的灾难,看来像是出於天意

    It seem like divine providence that he have escape from the earthquake

  16. 我本来希望出国留学,但天意弄人,不能如愿。

    I hoped to study abroad , but fate had decided otherwise .

  17. 也许是天意如此,今天正是独立纪念日。

    Perhaps it 's fate that today is the Fourth of July .

  18. 如系天意,这会在圣诞节前完成。

    It 'll be finished by christmas , please god .

  19. 有人把它看作天意行为。

    Some see it as an act of divine providence .

  20. 我们被告知,这是天意;

    We are told it was an act of God ;

  21. 我很相信一切都是天意。

    I really believe that everything is meant to be .

  22. 他们的相识和结合是天意。

    It was their fate to meet and marry .

  23. 我本想当一个医生,但天意使我不能如愿。

    I hope to become a doctor , but fate have decide otherwise .

  24. 命运·天意·上帝&《雷雨》的神秘主义思想本体破译

    Fate , Decree , God & Further Explanation to Mysticism The Thunder storm

  25. 或许冥冥之中自有什么天意,只是我们还没有参透。

    Perhaps what fate has its own * We just haven 't searches .

  26. 显然是天意助他完成这一项大事的。

    He had exercised functions and fulfilled a mission .

  27. 他幸免于地震的灾难,看来像是出于天意。

    It seemed like divine providence that he had escaped from the earthquake .

  28. 把我放到这儿是天意如此。

    But it were Providence that put me here .

  29. 神圣的意旨(天意)不经商量就分派了我们在生活中的角色。

    The divine will has assigned us our roles in life without consulting us .

  30. 回头再看好似爱有天意。

    And it just works like a charm .