
  1. 《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。

    The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin , Ying Zheng , conquered the other six kingdoms , to the rise of the king of Western Chu , Xiang Yu , who captured the capital city , Xianyang .

  2. 在过去一个月中,中国的几家影院试着用弹幕放映了3-D动画电影《秦时明月》和轰动一时的青春电影系列《小时代》的第三部。

    Over the past month , several theaters around China have been experimenting with bullet screen showings of films like the 3-D animated film The Legend of Qin and the third installment of the blockbuster young-adult franchise Tiny Times .

  3. 然而,《秦时明月丽人心》并不能让更喜欢真实历史而非虚构故事的观众满意,该剧豆瓣评分仅为4.9分。

    Yet the TV adaption couldn 't satisfy the audience , who prefer real history rather than fiction , and it only got 4.9 points on Douban . Nothing Gold Can Stay

  4. 8月首播的《秦时丽人明月心》全剧共48集,围绕着秦朝(公元前221-206年)时的争斗和爱情故事展开,剧情均为虚构。

    The King 's Woman Premiered in August , the 48-episode TV series is a fictional story , with a plot centering on struggles and romance during the Qin Dynasty ( 221-206 BC ) .