
  1. 全国政协委员、中科院院士秦大河

    Qin Dahe , member of CPPCC National Committee and an academic with the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  2. 秦大河院士是国际著名的气候和全球变化研究专家。

    Professor Qin is an internationally renowned climatologist and expert on global change .

  3. 但秦大河表示,其它国家不应对中国期望过高。

    However , Mr Qin said other countries should not expect too much of China .

  4. 秦大河表示,冰川对国计民生至关重要。

    Glaciers are vital to the national economy and people 's livelihood , Mr Qin said .

  5. 程国栋院士、朱振达教授、谢自楚教授、秦大河研究员先后在国际学术组织中担任主席或副主席职务。

    Professors Cheng Guodong ( Memger of Chinese Academy of Sciences ), Zhu Zhenda , Xie Zichu and Qin Dahe have been or are the Chairmen or Vice Presidents of the international scientific organizations .