
  • 网络lower Canada;Upper Canada and Lower Canada
  1. 我们想和你一起开发下加拿大的抹布市场。

    We would like to work with you to market them in Canada .

  2. 之后,1791年《加拿娃哈哈》把加拿大分为上加拿大和下加拿大,前者是英国人的定居地,后者是法国人的居住点。

    The Canada Act of 1791 divided Canada into Upper Canada where the British had settled , and Lower Canada populated by the French .

  3. 就在今年,中国拿下加拿大一家大型石油企业和美国一家大型食品加工出口企业,但并没有向这两个国家承诺任何在华收购特权。

    Just this year China , Inc. picked off a large Canadian oil company and a large American food processor and exporter , without promising either country any reciprocal buyout privileges in China .

  4. 现在的问题是,旗下加拿大企业发生的骚动是否预示着,随着巴西企业逐渐去海外展示实力,世界其它地方可能上演类似的事情。

    The question now is whether the upheaval at the Canadian operation could be a taste of things to come in other parts of the world as Brazilian companies increasingly flex their muscles overseas .

  5. 政策制定者不敢轻易宣布已成功地抑制住通胀,尤其在近期全球油价回升的情况下,加拿大皇家银行(RBC)驻香港经济学家布莱恩杰克逊(BrianJackson)表示。

    Policymakers will be cautious about declaring victory over inflation , particularly given the recent pick-up in global oil prices , said Brian Jackson , an economist at the Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong .

  6. 多元文化背景下的加拿大公民教育研究

    A Study of Canadian Citizenship Education Against the Multicultural Context

  7. 今天,我高兴地宣布,在这一伙伴计划下的加拿大第二轮投资。

    Today , I am pleased to announce Canada 's second-round funding under this partnership .

  8. 美国阴影笼罩下的加拿大国防工业基础

    The Canadian Defense Industrial Base

  9. 只有在明显多数魁北克人明确支持脱离加拿大的情况下,加拿大政府才必须与其谈判独立问题。

    Only a clear no to Canada , backed by a clear majority in Quebec , would require a Canadian government to negotiate separation .

  10. 在没有赢者全胜政治文化的情况下,加拿大、新西兰或者离英国更近的欧洲大部分国家照样繁荣昌盛。

    Canada , New Zealand or , closer to home , the majority of European states , prosper without a political culture of winner-takes-all .

  11. 在同化政策和二元文化政策都行不通的情况下,加拿大政府采取了明智的多元文化主义政策,取得显著效果,为其它西方国家所推崇和仿效。

    Owing to the unavailability of assimilation and dual culture , Canada carried out multicultural policy that produce notable effect , and was praised highly and imitated by western countries .

  12. 通过在自然条件下对加拿大一枝黄花生物学特性观察,并采用盆栽法、纸碟砂培法,对土层深度与水分含量对出苗的影响进行研究。

    The observations on the biological characteristics of Solidago canadensis was conducted under natural conditions and the effect of soil depth and moisture content on the seedling emergence was carried out by pot experiments , paper plate method and sand culture method .

  13. 本文以多元文化主义、国家认同与公民教育的关系为分析框架,研究20世纪70年代以来多元文化社会背景下的加拿大公民教育的发展。

    This thesis is a study on the development of Canadian citizenship education since 1970s , which is set in Canadian multicultural society in the perspective of the relations of multiculturalism , national identity and citizenship education as the framework for analysis .

  14. 在此情况下,加拿大的北极环境政策既为实现其北极利益赢得了主动权和奠定了基础,同时也为北极环境问题的治理做出了应有的贡献,有实有虚,灵活巧妙。

    In this case , the Canadian Arctic environmental policy has not only won the initiatives for realizing the Canadian Arctic interests , but also has done its contribution to deal with the Arctic environment problems , which is true and virtual , flexible and appropriate .

  15. 她下星期去加拿大。

    She 's off to Canada next week .

  16. 在一个复杂的形式下,这就是加拿大和法国所做的。

    That 's how Canada and , in a more complex fashion , France do it .

  17. 在美国的影响下,澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰相继建立了它们各自的国家公园。

    Under the influence of the United States , Australia , Canada and New Zealand have built their own national parks one by one .

  18. 原告要求法庭禁止科达公司出售其生产的相机,但该公司早已计划于本月几下月底分别在加拿大和美国出售。

    The suit asks the court to block Kodak from selling its cameras , which it had planned to do starting this month in Canada and late next month in the US .

  19. 在不同的历史背景下,中国与加拿大高等职业教育课程有着不同的开发方法和课程特征,因此形成了各具特色的课程模式。

    There are different developing metheds and curriculum features in curriculum of higher vocational education in China and Canada due to the different historical background , so there have the individual curriculum patterns with different characteristics .