
  • 网络Basic Psychology;general psychology;Fundamental Psychology
  1. 自Posner于上个世纪80年代初期提出这种分类开始,关于内源性和外源性视空间注意转移的研究成为基础心理学的前沿和热门领域之一。

    Ever since Posner rendered this category in early 80 's of last century , endogenous and exogenous visual spatial attention shifts have been the leading and hot field in general psychology .

  2. 单位:西南师范大学全国重点学科基础心理学研究中心和西南师范大学全国重点文科研究基地西南民族教育与心理研究中心。

    SETTING : National Key Research Center of Basic Psychology and National Key Liberal Arts of Southwest Normal University .

  3. 这是给中小学的教师开的基础心理学课程。

    That 's elementary psychology for public school teachers .

  4. 在基础心理学课本中,这么说是的。

    It 's right there in basic-psychology textbooks .

  5. 我已经学过基础心理学,我想学高级一点的。

    I 've already had Elementary Psychology . I 'd like to take something more advanced .

  6. 该研究体现了目前心理测验发展的两种趋势:传统的智力测验需要获得基础心理学理论的支持;

    The study reflects two trends of the psychological test development : the traditional intelligence testing requires for the support of theoretical psychology ;

  7. 第三部分介绍课堂互动的理论基础包括心理学,教育学和语言学理论基础。

    Chapter Three introduces theoretical bases of Classroom Interaction .

  8. 但是虚构的神经基础和心理学机制目前仍不十分明了。

    But the psychological mechanisms and neural basis of confabulation are not understood yet .

  9. 它的主要理论基础是心理学、社会学、人类学和管理学。

    The main theoretical basis are psychology , sociology , anthropology , and management .

  10. 体验学习理论的构建既有它的哲学基础、心理学基础,同时也有它的生理学基础。

    Experiential learning theories have their own philosophical foundation , psychological foundation and physiological foundation .

  11. 有关心理活动的生理基础的心理学分支。

    The branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes .

  12. 音乐教育学科研究的理论基础是心理学、社会学和哲学。

    The theory of music education based on interdisciplinary research in psychology , sociology and philosophy .

  13. 课程论理论基础的心理学转向&从学习心理学到发展心理学

    Psychological Transformation of Curriculum Theoretical Basis

  14. 论述生命教育的哲学基础、心理学基础和教育学基础。

    Discuss the philosophy basis , psychology basis and pedagogic basis of life education . 4 .

  15. 基础神经心理学及其临床应用

    Basic neuropsychology and its clinical application

  16. 主要论述了派纳的自传式课程理论形成的社会背景以及研究的哲学基础、心理学基础及研究方法。

    This part mainly gives the background , philosophical foundation , psychological foundation and investigative methods of autobiographical curriculum theory .

  17. 在教学中进行知识发生过程教学具有坚实的科学基础、心理学基础、教育学基础以及后现代主义知识观基础。

    There is solid basis of science , psychology , pedagogy , and post-modern outlook of knowledge in its classroom implementation .

  18. 它们显著的健身效果原自于其深厚的东方哲学基础、心理学基础、人体生命科学基础以及完整的技术体系与技术方法。

    Their remarkable exercising effect originates from deep oriental philosophy , psychology , life science and whole technical system and methods .

  19. 从探讨双手交互理论入手,逐一讨论了双手交互的行为学基础、心理学基础和双手交互的时序特征。

    Starting from the theory of dual-hand HCI , the issues of behavior basis , psychology basis and the timing characteristics of dual-hand interaction are dis-sused .

  20. 美国艺术教育有其深刻的哲学基础及心理学基础,故而形成了美国民族对艺术思维的独特理念以及从事艺术教育实践的独特做法。

    Because American artistic education has philosophy and psychology as theoretic basis , the Americans has formed special idea of art and the remarkable way of implement artistic education .

  21. 要判定心理学是否面临危机,首先应对危机加以界定,然后以此为基础分析心理学是否具有危机的种种特征或迹象。

    To judge whether psychology is being confronted with crisis , the first is to define crisis , then on its basis to analyze if psychology has the characters or evidences of crisis .

  22. 以教育与劳动相结合的实践教育思想理论和知识分类观原理为依据,对职业幼师教育实习改革的教育理论基础和心理学支撑做了深入剖析。

    The article makes deep analysis on the foundation of educational theory and psychological support of the reform of educational practice of students of preschool education major on the basis of practice education ideological theory of combining education with labor and knowledge classification view principle .

  23. 本文的理论基础是认知心理学信息加工理论和产品设计理论。

    The theory is based on information processing theory of cognitive psychology and product design .

  24. 研究语言能力与成效的心理基础的认知心理学分支。

    The branch of cognitive psychology that studies the psychological basis of linguistic competence and performance .

  25. 其一,构建心理学的理论基础,强化心理学的基础研究;

    One is to construct the theoretical basis and to intensify the basic research of psychology .

  26. 计算机技术与数学教学的整合有一定的理论基础,教育心理学理论是课程整合最关键的部分。

    There exists a certain theoretical basis in the integration of computer technology with math teaching .

  27. 第二部分,介绍本文研究的理论基础,积极心理学和多元智力理论。

    The second part describes the theoretical basis of this study , positive psychology and multiple intelligence theory .

  28. 本文主要讨论了多媒体英语教学的心理学基础及认知心理学原理在其中的应用。

    The paper focuses on the psychological base of multimedia CAI of English and the application of cognitivism in it .

  29. 而一些较热门的专业,如基础教育、心理学等,却位列收入最低专业。

    Some popular subjects , such as elementary education and psychology , are among the lowest pay , according to the report .

  30. 美国著名的心理学家奥苏贝尔为学校的理论和实践提供了较为系统和全面的心理学基础,对心理学的学习理论和教学论的有机结合进行了创造性的尝试和探索。

    Ausubel , who is a famous psychologist of American , gave the systematical and thorough psychology foundation for schools theory and application .