
  1. 中国民间文学研究的现实困境与未来出路

    The Current Difficulties and the Future Way of China 's Folklore

  2. 新中国民间文学理论研究和学科建设:1949~1966

    Academic Research and Discipline Making of Folk Literature from 1949 to 1966

  3. 佛典翻译文学与中国民间文学

    The Buddhist Translation Literature and the Chinese Folk Literature

  4. 中国民间文学采录研究的黄金时期

    Golden Age of the Collections , Records and Researches of the Chinese Folk Literature

  5. 所以,有必要从中国民间文学、民俗学者的广泛实践中,提炼概括出中国民俗学学派特征的研究方法。

    Therefore , it is necessary to sum up the characteristic research methodology of China 's folklore .

  6. 在他多方面的学术成果中,主要是有关中国民间文学和中国古典小说的研究著述为他赢得了国际声誉。

    It is mainly the studies on Chinese folklore and classical novels that bring him great glory .

  7. 中国民间文学是中国文化的一个重要组成部分,英译中国民间文学,有利于中国文化的传播。

    Chinese folklore is an important part of Chinese culture , and translating Chinese folklore into English is helpful to the spread of Chinese culture .

  8. 译者在英译中国民间文学中,要充分考虑文化因素,把翻译看成文化交流的手段。

    It is suggested that translators consider the cultural elements when translating Chinese folklore into English , and view translation as a means of cultural communication .

  9. 《贤愚经》在漫长的历史变迁中,伴随着佛教文化广泛深入传播,对中国民间文学产生了巨大影响,从而引起诸多学者的广泛关注。

    Xian Yu Jing Changes in the long history , with the extensive spread of Buddhist culture on Chinese folk literature had a tremendous impact , causing many scholars studied extensively .

  10. 基于这些认识,英译中国民间文学应按照文化翻译观的要求,采取一切可用的翻译手法,最大限度地促进中国文化的传播。

    Based on this , translators should employ all possible translating methods in Chinese-English translation of Chinese folklore to improve the spread of Chinese culture around the world as best they can according to the requirements of cultural translation .

  11. 关于中国民族民间文学史编写若干思考

    Reflections on Compiling a History of Chinese Folk Literature

  12. 论中国现代民间文学理论体系的建立与发展

    The Establishment and Development of Modern Folk Literature Theory

  13. 本文对中国网络民间文学产生的历史原因、现状和发展进行了论述。

    This paper illustrates the historic causes of emerging of Chinas network folk literature and its current situations and development .

  14. 同时指出,中国现代民间文学形成渐趋成熟的学科体系,是在中国现代民俗学的发展以及民俗学研究文学化倾向的背景中实现的。

    At the same time , the Chinese modern folklore became mature discipline system with the background of the development of the Chinese modern folklore and literary tendency of folklore study .

  15. 略论中国动画的民间文学传统

    On the Tradition of Folk Literature in Chinese Cartoon

  16. 京剧作为一种古老的戏曲形态,是由中国传统的民间文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术等综合而成的舞台表演艺术。

    Beijing opera as a form of opera is a performing art which synthesized by Chinese folk literature , music , dance , art .

  17. 所以,通过这方面中国和韩国民间文学的比较来,理出各自的文化象征意义是中韩民间文学比较研究,题中应有之议题。

    Therefore , in terms of comparing folk literature between Chinese and Korean , we work out the symbols of different cultures and discuss these subjects in this paper .

  18. 北大《歌谣周刊》不仅是中国第一个民间文学刊物和民俗学刊物,还是中国最早的和惟一的专门的歌谣研究刊物。

    The Ballads Weekly published by Beijing University was not only China 's first periodical on folk literature and folklores , but also the only periodical then that focused itself on studies of ballads .