
xíng bù
  • ministry of penalty;the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China
刑部 [xíng bù]
  • [the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China] 我国封建社会掌管刑法、狱讼事务的官署,属六部之一

  • 寻移刑部。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

  • 皆归刑部。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • 刑部系囚之。

  • 余在刑部狱。

刑部[xíng bù]
  1. 刑部——负责法令的颁布与司法;

    The Ministry of Punishments - responsible for law enforcement and judicature .

  2. 第一部分是明代刑部、大理寺渊源。

    The first part is the Origin of the Board of Punishments and supreme court of Ming Dynasty .

  3. 第二部分是明代刑部、大理寺明代刑部、大理寺职能格局嬗变及机构设置过程。

    The second part is the process of the evolution of the functions and institutional of the Board of Punishments and supreme court of the Ming Dynasty .

  4. 第三部分为明代刑部、大理寺职能格局嬗变的原因和历史影响。

    The third part is the reason and historical influence of the evolution of the functions and institutional of Board of Punishments and supreme court of the Ming Dynasty .

  5. 主要内容是对明代刑部、大理寺的机构设置和职能格局定型过程的介绍。

    The main content of this part is an introduction of the process of the evolution of the functions and institutional of Board of Punishments and supreme court of the Ming Dynasty .

  6. 清代少数民族刑事案件法律适用问题初探&以乾隆朝刑部驳案为中心的考察

    A Preliminary Study of the Law Application to the Criminal Cases of the Minority Groups in the Qing Dynasty : A Study of the Cases of the Ministry of Punishments in the Qianlong Period

  7. 1060年《新唐书》完成之后,欧阳修很快升任枢密副使,次年任参知政事,以后,又相继任刑部尚书、兵部尚书等职,在社会事务、财务、军事等方面留下了值得注意的记录。

    When the Xin Tang shu was finished in 1060 , Ouyang was rapidly promoted to the highest councils of state , leaving a remarkable record in social , financial , and military affairs .

  8. 但是从一些史料来看,元代体制对明代刑部、大理寺职能和机构设置的转变有很大的影响。

    However it can be seen from some historical data that the system of Yuan period has a great impaction of the evolution of the function and institutional setup of the Board of Punishments and the Supreme Court .

  9. 在我的早期作品中,我作为一个现代的说书人,是隐藏在文本背后的,但从《檀香刑》这部小说开始,我终于从后台跳到了前台。

    I was a modern-day storyteller who hid in the background of his early work ; but with the novel Sandalwood Death I jumped out of the shadows .

  10. 最后笔者通过埋藏物在刑民两部法律中规定的不同,指出埋藏物在刑法的内涵比民法更为广泛的观点。

    At last , according to the differences in the regulations of " buried objects " between criminal law and civil law , the author points out the view that the connotation of " Buried objects " in criminal law is much broader than that in civil law .