- ministry of penalty;the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China

[the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China] 我国封建社会掌管刑法、狱讼事务的官署,属六部之一
寻移刑部。--清. 张廷玉《明史》
皆归刑部。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》
The Ministry of Punishments - responsible for law enforcement and judicature .
The first part is the Origin of the Board of Punishments and supreme court of Ming Dynasty .
The second part is the process of the evolution of the functions and institutional of the Board of Punishments and supreme court of the Ming Dynasty .
The third part is the reason and historical influence of the evolution of the functions and institutional of Board of Punishments and supreme court of the Ming Dynasty .
The main content of this part is an introduction of the process of the evolution of the functions and institutional of Board of Punishments and supreme court of the Ming Dynasty .
A Preliminary Study of the Law Application to the Criminal Cases of the Minority Groups in the Qing Dynasty : A Study of the Cases of the Ministry of Punishments in the Qianlong Period
When the Xin Tang shu was finished in 1060 , Ouyang was rapidly promoted to the highest councils of state , leaving a remarkable record in social , financial , and military affairs .
However it can be seen from some historical data that the system of Yuan period has a great impaction of the evolution of the function and institutional setup of the Board of Punishments and the Supreme Court .
I was a modern-day storyteller who hid in the background of his early work ; but with the novel Sandalwood Death I jumped out of the shadows .
At last , according to the differences in the regulations of " buried objects " between criminal law and civil law , the author points out the view that the connotation of " Buried objects " in criminal law is much broader than that in civil law .