
jiàn ɡuān
  • Remonstrator;imperial censors
谏官 [jiàn guān]
  • [imperial censors] 古时专规劝天子改正过失的官

  • 鲁公为谏官。-- 宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

  1. 首席问题官:古代谏官对现代企业的启示

    Chief Solution Officer in Contemporary Enterprise : Inspiration from Ancient Advisor

  2. 谏官及其活动与中唐文学

    The Activity of Remonstrating Officials and the Literature in the Middle Tang Dynasty

  3. 中国古代谏官制度研究

    Analysis of Advisor System in Ancient China

  4. 借鉴古代谏官制度,大中型现代企业也有必要设立类似的职位,即首席问题官。

    Modern enterprises should set the position Chief Solution Officer ( CSO ) as ancient Advisors .

  5. 谏官是中唐政治和文化舞台上活跃的社会角色之一。

    The remonstrating officials played an active social role on the political and cultural stages of the Middle Tang Dynasty .

  6. 孙吴监察制度可以大致分为常规监察、谏官言谏、特任监察三个部分。

    State monitoring system can be roughly divided into routine monitoring , the censors remonstrance , special monitoring three parts .

  7. 谏官制度是中国专制君主政体的构成部分之一,是值得研究的重要政治历史现象。自周代设保氏以降,各朝皆有谏议大夫等谏官的设置。

    The advisor system is a component of China 's absolute monarchy and an important political and historical phenomenon in ancient China .

  8. 专职谏官制度始于秦汉,完善于唐,转变于宋,亡于明清。

    The system of full time remonstrant emerged from Qin dynasty , perfected in Tang dynasty , transformed in Song dynasty and terminated in Ming and Qing dynasty .