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mó hu bù qīng
  • Ambiguity;nebulous;misty;indeterminacy;cloud over;blurred and indistinct;inexplicit
模糊不清[mó hu bù qīng]
  1. 公平这一概念在税收领域一向是模糊不清的。

    Ideas of fairness in taxation are usually nebulous .

  2. 我对第一次世界大战的记忆模糊不清,因为在1914时,我只有1岁,所以我一定是匆匆度过了那个战争年代。

    My memories of the First World War are nebulous , as I was only one year old in1914 , so I will hurry past them .

  3. 艺术和生活之间的差别似乎已变得模糊不清。

    The differences between art and life seem to have blurred .

  4. 照片上孩子们的脸模糊不清。

    The children 's faces are badly out of focus in the photograph .

  5. 这个故事的起源由于年代久远而变得模糊不清。

    The origins of the story are lost in the mists of time .

  6. 这电影声带有些地方模糊不清。

    The soundtrack is fuzzy in places .

  7. 水蒸气使镜子变得模糊不清。

    Steam had clouded the mirror .

  8. 布莱克把手绢包在话筒上,以使自己的声音听起来模糊不清。

    Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice

  9. 学生们对于自己在这个世界上的角色认识模糊不清。

    Students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world .

  10. 杀戮持续了数月后,真相在谣言、谎话和传闻的遮掩下变得模糊不清。

    Rumour , myth and hearsay obscure the truth after months of bloodshed .

  11. 如果你的眼睛或头动了,图像就会变得模糊不清。

    If you move your eyes and your head , the picture will blur .

  12. 这在物体的边缘形成了一道色谱,使图像变得模糊不清。

    This creates a spectrum of colours at the edges of objects which blurs the image

  13. 她的脸模糊不清。

    Her face is a blur .

  14. 她面颊边的镜子变得模糊不清。

    The mirror clouded beside her cheek

  15. 指控的内容模糊不清。

    The charges were vague and imprecise

  16. 他对童年的记忆有些模糊不清了。

    He has a dim memory of his childhood .

  17. 窗户在水汽中变得模糊不清了。

    The windows have clouded up in the steam .

  18. 他发言的要点模糊不清。

    The point of his speech is obscure .

  19. 蒸汽使窗户变得模糊不清。

    The steam has clouded the windows up .

  20. 蒸汽使我的眼镜模糊不清。

    The steam fogged my glasses .

  21. 调频连续波SAR成像算法研究及模糊分析雷达的影像模糊不清。

    The Study of FMCW SAR Imaging Algorithms and Ambiguity Analysis ;

  22. X射线透视成像中物体互相重叠,有时边缘模糊不清。

    In fluoroscopy images , the edges of the objects are overlapped and sometimes blurred .

  23. 我国即将加入WTO,这意味着中国必须遵守《与贸易有关投资措施的协议》的规定,但对于投资措施的经济效应,虽然有些学者进行了一定的研究,但还存在着模糊不清的认识。

    We are at the door to WTO , which means we must abide by Trade Related Investment Measures .

  24. 用户界面规格是模糊不清的,且对于实际系统的UML图是不可跟踪的

    User Interface specifications can be ambiguous and are not traceable to the actual system 's UML diagrams

  25. 由于CCD相机物方视场较小,压头工作中因加热引起的热变形影响CCD图像识别,往往使得加热后IC的图像识别模糊不清。

    Because of the limited view field of CCD , blurry image is conduced by heat transmogrification when the part is heated .

  26. 在重新运行的过程中同时运行一个应用软件的多个实例,将会导致命令目标的模糊不清,比如object()或者click()。

    Running more than one instance of an application simultaneously during playback will result in ambiguity about the target of commands , such as object () or click () .

  27. 但当在额上回向额中回过度的层面时,其髓突支模糊不清,尤其在MRI图像上以皮质信号占优势。

    On the sections which contain superior and middle frontal gyri together , medullary branches are blur , especially signal of cortex predominate on MRI image .

  28. 虽然这屋子里拉长的阴影,使很多角落都模糊不清,Simon找不到能让Pryrate这样的人感兴趣的东西。

    Although the room 's elongated shadows left many corners obscure , Simon could see nothing that would interest a man like Pryrates .

  29. 一名妇女告诉VOA,她对自己和该地区的关系模糊不清。

    One woman told VOA that she is about her ties to the area .

  30. 在实际照度较低的环境中,可见光波段的CCD摄像机获取的图象模糊不清,影响监测精度。

    In the actual environment of lower illumination intensity , pictures captured by CCD video recorder of visible light wave band are always so out of focus that surveillance precision will be decreased .