
  • 网络Osa;ICP;Optical Spectrum Analyzer;Spectrum Analyzer
  1. 但是高精度光谱分析仪体积庞大、价格昂贵,很难用于实际工程中。

    However , high-precision OSA is difficult for the actual project for its huge size and high price .

  2. FBG将被测信息的变化转变为反射谱的移动,利用高精度光谱分析仪可实现反射波长微小位移的精确测量。

    FBG changes the measured information into the motion of reflection spectrum , we can achieve the accurate measurement of small displacement of reflective wavelength by using high-precision optical spectrum analyzer ( OSA ) .

  3. 岛津μEDX型微区能量色散型X射线荧光光谱分析仪

    Shimadzus energy dispersive micro x - ray fluorescence spectrometer

  4. 为DWDM测试选择最佳光谱分析仪

    To select the best OSA for DWDM mesurement

  5. 利用SEM电镜、能谱分析仪、以及等离子光谱分析仪,对稀土镧在纯净钢中的固溶规律及夹杂物的转变规律进行了研究。

    By SEM , EDS and ICP spectral analysis , the solution law of La and the transformation law of inclusions are investigated in present work .

  6. 利用紫外可见光谱分析仪进行光谱学分析,我们发现随着R值增加,金的紫外可见光吸收光谱吸收峰逐渐红移,这说明纳米粒子逐渐长大。

    We use the UV-Vis spectrometer for spectral analysis . We found that the UV spectral absorption peak had a red shift as the R value increased . These results showed that the nanoparticles grew gradually .

  7. 用光学显微镜、TEM和光谱分析仪等,对量子点光纤的结构、机械性能、光纤中的量子点尺寸及其发射光谱进行了观测与分析。

    The structure , mechanical property , QD size and PL spectrum of the fiber are observed and analyzed by the optical microscope , TEM and the optical spectrum analyzer .

  8. 用XRD,SEM,HRTEM,紫外吸收光谱分析仪和光谱辐射分析仪等手段对纳米管进行微观形貌、光学性能的表征,并探讨了其生长机理。

    The micro-morphology and optical properties were characterized by XRD , SEM , HRTEM , UV Absorption Spectra Analyzer and Spectroradiometer , and the formation mechanism was also studied .

  9. 本文叙述了应用ICP等离子光谱分析仪分析测定钢中微量铌,确定了创建该分析方法的相关条件。

    This text described the means of apply the ICP plasm spectrum instrument analyze minim Nb in steel made sure that the interrelated condition of found the analytical method .

  10. 采用TEM、XRD、BET和连续等离子光谱分析仪(SPS)对产品的形貌、粒度、晶型、比表面积、钠离子含量进行了分析表征。

    The crystal phase , particle morphology , surface area and content of sodium oxide in the nano ATH product were characterized by XRD , TEM , BET and elemental analysis using a sequential plasma emission spectrometer .

  11. 本文以YJG-Ⅱ激光微区光谱分析仪结合CCD光栅光谱仪组成微区分析系统,在减压氩气环境下,以长余辉材料涂层为分析样品,研究了激光微等离子体光谱分析方法用于涂层分析的准确度。

    Laser micro-spectral analyzer , coupled with CCD spectrometer , was used to determine Sr in long-afterglow phos - phor coat in argon atmosphere at reduced pressure in this experiment and the accuracy of this method on analyzing coating materials was studied .

  12. 利用傅立叶红外光谱分析仪获得了LaFexNi(1-x)O3系列陶瓷的红外吸收光谱。

    The infrared absorption spectra of LaFe_xNi_ ( 1-x ) O_3 were measured by FT-IR-NEXUS-670.We found the IR spectra was according with the XRD .

  13. 公司拥有目前国内最大的镁合金专用压铸机DCC1600M、CNC加工中心、三坐标测量机、光谱分析仪等专业生产、检测设备。

    Our facilities include the die casting machine ( DCC1600M ) which is the biggest machine in China , CNC , CMM etc * Our testing equipments are CMM , spectrometer etc.

  14. 根据光谱分析仪设计的基本原理,设计出了三种实现方案:衍射光栅型、Fabry-Perot干涉仪型和Michelson干涉仪型。

    And in succession , it introduces the rationale of the optical spectrum analyzer , and puts forward three schemes to carry out the project : diffraction raster type , Fabry-Perot interferometer type and Michelson interferometer type .

  15. 在线近红外光谱分析仪可以实时测定汽油调合组分及成品油的多种物化性质指标如烯烃、芳烃、苯及氧化物含量、辛烷值(RON、MON)、馏程、蒸气压等。

    The on-line near Infrared ( NIR ) analyzer can provide instantaneous multi-property analysis for gasoline blending components and finished gasoline , such as octane number , aromatics , olefins , benzene , oxygenates , and distillation points .

  16. 拥有国内先进的硅溶胶精密铸造生产线、FSQ光谱分析仪、数控机床等先进的进口专用设备,使产品质量得到了充分的保障。

    We utilize CAD technology and advanced national carbon-steel casting , FSQ spectrum analyzing , numerically controlled lathes in the design and development of products to assure the product quality .

  17. 报道了北京现代瑞利仪器有限责任公司研制的具有完全自主知识产权的新一代光电直读光谱分析仪(WLD-4C型)。

    WLD-4C optical direct-reading spectrometer is a new generation of spectrometer developed by Beijing Rayleigh Analytical Instrument Corp. Ltd. with fully self-intellectual property .

  18. 采用我国自行研制的NIR-6000型多通道在线近红外光谱分析仪同时检测8套催化重整中型试验装置,实时测量重整生成油的RON和芳烃组成等5项物化指标。

    The Pilot scale test of eight catalytic reforming units have been simultaneously monitored with the domestic NIR-6000 multiple-passage analyzer to measure five physical / chemical targets of the reformate ( RON , aromatics composition etc. )

  19. 利用高分辨率光谱分析仪对空气隙FP标准具透射谐振峰频率进行测量,然后通过直线拟合获得自由谱域,从而计算得出FP标准具的间距。

    In this paper , a method was reported that used a high precision optical spectrum analyzer to measure transmission resonant frequency of air gap F P etalon and got its free spectrum range by linear fitting . The spacing of F P etalon was calculated based on this .

  20. 光谱分析仪波长准确度校准新方法

    A New Method of Wavelength Accuracy Calibration in Optical Spectrum Analyzer

  21. 井下流体光纤在线光谱分析仪关键技术

    Key Techniques of On-Line Optical Fiber Spectrum Analyzer for Down-Well Fluid

  22. 大豆品质近红外光谱分析仪测量数据处理

    Processing methods of data measured by NIR spectrum soya quality analyzer

  23. 一种高性能光谱分析仪的设计方案

    A Design Approach for a High Performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer

  24. 谷物品质近红外光栅光谱分析仪关键部件的研制

    Development of Key Components for NIR Grating Spectrometer in Grain Quality Detector

  25. MOSA&Ⅱ型多道光谱分析仪的研制

    The Development of MOSA - ⅱ Multichannel Optical Spectrum Analyzer

  26. 双波长比色微量NO自动分析仪激光显微光谱分析仪的设计

    A Dual Wavelength Colorimetric NO Automatic Analyzer Design of Laser Micro-spectrum Analyzer

  27. 光谱分析仪的定量分析有许多种方法。

    There are many methods in its quantitative spectral analyses .

  28. 激光原子荧光光谱分析仪及其分析性能

    Laser Excited Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer and Its Application in Trace Metal Analysis

  29. 双通单色仪在高性能光谱分析仪中的应用

    Application of double-pass monochromator in high performance optical spectrum analyzer

  30. 红外光谱分析仪温度漂移的软件补偿法

    Software Compensation Method for the Temperature Drift of Infrared Spectrometers