
  • 网络rvd;rendezvous and docking
  1. 随着空间交会对接技术的发展,航天器的相对位姿的测量显得尤为重要。

    With the development of technologies in RVD , the relative position and attitude measurement of spacecraft is very significant .

  2. 空间交会对接CCD光学成像敏感器光学特性

    Optical Performance for CCD Optical Sensor of Rendezvous and Docking in Space

  3. 空间交会对接中Hill方程的计算误差特性研究

    Research of calculation error property of Hill equation in space rendezvous and docking

  4. 本文讨论了在航天飞行器的空间交会对接(RVD)技术中采用激光雷达敏感器的可行性。

    The practicability of laser radar sensor used for spacecraft rendezvous nd docking have been discussed in this paper .

  5. 在近距(150m~1.5m)空间交会对接中,CCD光学成像敏感器承担测量任务,CCD像机在观测视场角内如何捕捉到目标是首要问题。

    In spatial short-range ( 150m ~ 1.5m ) Rendezvous and Docking , CCD optical sensor is main measuring device . At measuring field of view , how CCD camera catches the targets is principal problem .

  6. 空间交会对接(RVD)技术是人类深层开发空间的关键技术,完整的空间交会对接是个非常庞大、复杂的系统,在地面进行仿真验证试验十分必要。

    Space Rendezvous and Docking is the key technology on space depth exploitation . It is a very large , complex system , and simulation on the ground is very necessary .

  7. 在空间交会对接(RVD)近距离逼近阶段,RVD成像敏感器作为相对导航信息获取的主要测量敏感器,其测量有效性和测量精度直接关系到空间交会对接能否成功。

    In the final approach phase of space rendezvous and docking ( RVD ), as the primary measurement sensor , RVD imaging sensor can provide the information of relative navigation . The validity and accuracy of its measurement are the determinants on the success of RVD .

  8. 空间交会对接中的安全轨迹研究

    On " Safe Trajectory " in Rendezvous and Docking System

  9. 自聚焦透镜阵列在空间交会对接中的应用

    Application of Grin Lens Arrays in Spatial Rendezvous and Docking

  10. 空间交会对接中太阳光照窗口的研究

    Study on Sun Illumination Window during a Space Interconnection

  11. 激光雷达在空间交会对接中的应用

    Application of Laser Ladar in Space Rendezvous and Docking

  12. 空间交会对接过程的动力学模型与仿真

    Dynamical model and Simulation of rendezvous and docking procedure

  13. 空间交会对接低信噪比标志捕获技术研究

    Investigation of low signal-to-noise ratio beacon capture technique in space rendezvous and docking

  14. 空间交会对接用激光雷达敏感器

    Laser Radar Sensor for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking

  15. 空间交会对接的智能控制

    Intelligent Control for Rendezvous and Docking in Space

  16. 激光雷达可以作为空间交会对接过程中的相对导航敏感器之一。

    Ladar is one of the guidance sensors in the spacecraft rendezvous and docking .

  17. 空间交会对接中二航天器相对运动的精确计算模型

    The Precise Calculation Model of Relative Movement between two Spacecraft in Space Rendezvous and Docking

  18. 空间交会对接标志灯发光器件的选择与分析

    Selection and analyses for the luminous devices of beacon lamp of space rendezvous and docking

  19. 标志识别是近距离空间交会对接中的一项重要的关键技术。

    Beacon recognition is an important and critical technique in short range space rendezvous and docking .

  20. 自主相对导航技术是空间交会对接靠拢段的关键技术之一。

    Autonomous relative guidance is one of the key technologies in proximity process of space docking .

  21. 基于激光雷达测量的空间交会对接相对导航

    Ladar-based Relative Navigation for Spacecraft Rendezvous

  22. 最终逼近阶段是空间交会对接活动的重要阶段。

    The final approaching stage is an important stage in the space rendezvous and docking activities .

  23. 光学敏感器通常用作空间交会对接最后阶段的测量敏感器。

    Optical image sensor is used as measuring device for final approach phase of RVD in space .

  24. 空间交会对接技术

    Space rendezvous and docking technique

  25. 项目发言人称,“天宫一号”将作为空间交会对接的目标飞行器,完成交会对接试验。

    The program spokesman said that Tiangong-1 will serve as " a target spacecraft " for rendezvous and docking experiments .

  26. 中国计划在2011年下半年发射无人目标飞行器“天宫一号”,并完成中国首次空间交会对接任务。

    China plans to launch an unmanned space module , Tiangong-1 , in the second half of2011 for the nation 's first space docking .

  27. 贺电中说:“突破和掌握空间交会对接技术对推进我国载人航天工程三步走战略至为关键”。

    " Breakthroughs in and acquisition of space docking technologies are vital to the three-phase development strategy of our manned space programme ," Hu said .

  28. 研究九自由度空间交会对接模拟器横向平移控制系统设计问题。

    The paper investigates the design of simulator transverse linear movement control system for space rendezvous and docking , and discusses the unstructured uncertainty model .

  29. 空间交会对接涉及到两个航天器同时要进行多达12个自由度的轨道和姿态控制问题。

    The rendezvous and docking ( RVD ) between two spacecrafts in space involves both orbit control and attitude control with up to12 degrees of freedom .

  30. 本文具体讨论近几年来在国际上迅速发展的虚拟现实技术在空间交会对接仿真中的应用。

    This paper presents the virtual reality ( VR ) technique recently developed and its application in the Simulation of rendezvous and docking ( RVD ) .