
lónɡ shé lán jiǔ
  • tequila;pulque
  1. 巴西甜酒相当于是巴西的龙舌兰酒。

    Cachaca is Brazil 's answer to tequila .

  2. 里约当地人也许会抱怨20˚C实在是温度太低,但是在商家们进行龙舌兰酒促销活动时,他们又蜂拥到大街上。

    Rio natives may complain that - at 20 ˚ C - it was on the chilly side , but everyone 's spilled out on to the streets while entrepreneurial types sell shots of tequila for a few reals .

  3. 在那次谈话中,奥斯汀指出一个颇有意思的现象:在高端龙舌兰酒市场,还没有涌现出一位足以挑战Patron公司领导地位的参与者。

    In that conversation , Austin pointed out it was interesting that no clear player challenged market leader Patron among premium tequilas .

  4. 帝亚吉欧已经与说唱巨星肖恩・康姆斯(Sean“PDiddy”Combs)联手收购高档龙舌兰酒品牌DeLeon,而乔治・克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)和贾斯汀・汀布莱克(JustinTimberlake)也有了自己冠名的龙舌兰酒品牌。

    Diageo has already teamed up with Sean ' Diddy ' Combs to buy upmarket tequila DeLe ó n , while George Clooney and Justin Timberlake have also put their names on tequila brands .

  5. 随着艾维、Patron和其他制造商更专注于龙舌兰的质量和蒸馏过程,龙舌兰酒市场呈现出一派蓬勃发展的景象,美国消费者对这种烈酒的兴趣与日俱增。

    At stake is a booming tequila market that has seen rapid consumer interest in the U.S. as Avion , Patron and other manufacturers focus more on the quality of the agave and the distillation process .

  6. 一些公司正在使用无人机进行航拍,用于商业推广,而且无人机拍摄的费用要远低于其他拍摄方式,比如说Patron的龙舌兰酒采用两种最前卫的广告技术,将无人机拍摄的素材应用于虚拟现实的竞争。

    Some companies are using drones to capture high quality aerial video for use in commercials that would have otherwise been prohibitively expensive ; some , like Tequila maker Patron , have even integrated such footage into successful virtual reality campaigns , combining two cutting edge advertising techniques .

  7. 尼基:噢,千万不要。要是喝龙舌兰酒的话我会吐的。

    Nicky : oh God no.i 'll puke if I have tequila .

  8. 你的龙舌兰酒里面是加冰块的?

    Inside your American agave liquor adds the ice piece ?

  9. 混有酸橙和柠檬汁的龙舌兰酒和具有甜味的香槟酒。

    Tequila and triple sec with lime and lemon juice .

  10. 给我来杯加橙的龙舌兰酒。

    I would like the puerco pibil and a tequila with lime .

  11. 龙舌兰酒,玛格丽塔,科罗纳啤酒!

    Drink Specials on Margaritas , Tequila , and Corona !

  12. 有杜松子酒,龙舌兰酒

    I 've got gin , I 've got tequila ,

  13. 哈里斯科州对龙舌兰酒的生产实行严格监管,把它限制在143家酿酒厂。

    In Jalisco , tequila production is highly regulated and limited to 134 distilleries .

  14. 在过去十年,高端龙舌兰酒市场见证了有史以来增速最快的一段时期。

    The growth over the past decade has been strongest on the higher end .

  15. 哪里是我的龙舌兰酒?

    Where is my Tequila ?

  16. 他的合作对象是一个连续五代人一直种植龙舌兰的农户(这种植物是所有龙舌兰酒的原料)。

    He worked with family that has grown agave , used to produce all tequilas , for five generations .

  17. 据说她有一个充满龙舌兰酒的胎盘所以婴儿才会幸免于那个坠楼对吗

    Is it also true that the baby only survived the fall ' cause she was rocking a tequila placenta ?

  18. 其茎部的汁液有稍许甜味,经过压榨发酵后,可制成烈性的龙舌兰酒。

    Juice from the stem is somewhat sweet and can be pressed and fermented to make the fiery liquor mescal de sotol .

  19. 在一场扑克比赛中跟沃伦o巴菲特进行的一次关于龙舌兰酒的随意交谈,如何激发一位企业家创建起一门上亿美元的生意?

    How did a casual conversation about tequila with Warren Buffett at a poker tournament inspire an entrepreneur to build a multi-million-dollar business ?

  20. 人们从当地的一种仙人掌&龙舌兰的茎中煮出甜汁,然后再把甜汁蒸馏,得到龙舌兰酒。

    The alcoholic drink is distilled from sweet juices that form when stems of a native cactus , the blue agave , are cooked .

  21. 我所拥有的每一次经历(甚至龙舌兰酒的经历)都把我引上了哦我现在这样的生活方式。

    Every experience I 've had ( even the tequila ones ) have led me down the path of life to where I am today .

  22. 计算机是一种在人类历史上所有发明中,可以让你比以前更快地犯更多的错误的发明,同样,其也包括了“龙舌兰酒”这种发明的缺陷。

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history , with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila .

  23. 这个活,你能付清你所有的债……跟曼尼和丹尼一起去龙舌兰酒的天堂跟美丽的姑娘们厮混了。

    With this job , you can pay off all your debt ... Join Manny and Danny in the land of tequila and grateful senoritas .

  24. 你老板登录脸书时,最不愿意看到的就是你发了一张在提华纳喝龙舌兰酒的照片。

    The last thing your boss wants to see when she logs on to her Facebook account is photos of you taking tequila shots in Tijuana .

  25. 远方的朋友真的来看你时,那就要庆祝一下,自然要狂欢作乐一番,少不了香烟、土豆片、欢呼声和一瓶瓶的龙舌兰酒。

    An actual visit from a Faraway Friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds . Cigarettes , Chips Ahoy , bottles of tequila.the Former Friend .

  26. 他的巨额收入大部分并非来自于他演员的薪酬,而是来自于他卖掉了2013年自己和别人一起创立的Casamigos龙舌兰酒公司,让他净赚了2.33亿美元。

    Most of his giant earnings didn 't come from acting paychecks but from the sale of Casamigos Tequila , which he co-founded in 2013 , netting him $ 233 million .

  27. 尼基:噢,千万不要。要是喝龙舌兰酒的话我会吐的。智慧人的舌,善发知识。愚昧人的口,吐出愚昧。

    Nicky : Oh god no. I 'll puke if I have tequila . Knowledge is dropping from the tongue of the wise ; but from the mouth of the foolish comes a stream of foolish words .

  28. 但旧石器生活方式的信奉者们乐于对伏特加另眼相看(特别是土豆酿制的伏特加,它不含谷蛋白),以及100%龙舌兰酒(嘿,它可是用仙人掌做的)。

    But Paleos tend to look the other way on vodka ( particularly potato vodka , which is free from all associations with gluten ) and 100 percent agave tequila ( hey , it 's cactus ) .

  29. 但是,尽管在大多数时间,汇市只是在温和摇摆仿佛刚和朋友有分寸地分享了一瓶基安蒂红葡萄酒,但眼下却在大幅震荡就像痛饮了一瓶烈性龙舌兰酒的16岁少年。

    But whereas most of the time the movements are gentle , swaying like someone who has shared a decent bottle of chianti with a friend , at present they are lurching like a 16-year-old swigging a bottle of tequila .