
  • 网络Oaxaca;state of Oaxaca
  1. 一场裹挟着垃圾、动物的死尸和传染病菌的洪水,沿着墨西哥南部瓦哈卡州的运河河道,淹没了特丽莎•伟加穷得响叮当的家。

    TERESA VEGA 'S first son was two when a flood carried rubbish , dead animals and disease through the canals of Oaxaca , her desperately poor home state in southern Mexico .

  2. 尽管当地也有大的巧克力制造商,但瓦哈卡州的大部分巧克力还是在家庭作坊里用传统方法生产的。

    While there are major chocolate producers based here , a lot of Oaxaca 's chocolate is made with old family recipes the old-fashioned way , ground either by hand or with electric grinders and mixed by hand 。

  3. Oaxaca,Mexico墨西哥瓦哈卡州古代的中美洲人是世界上最早的巧克力制造者,从那时起墨西哥人就一直在生产巧克力。

    The ancient Mesoamericans were the world 's first chocolatiers and Mexico has continued to produce chocolate ever since .

  4. 然而,对于越来越多来自墨西哥南部贫穷的瓦哈卡州的人而言,这也是他们的家。

    To an increasing number of Mexicans from the poor southern state of Oaxaca , however , it is also a home .

  5. 其实很多人并不知道瓦哈卡州州长说今天早上在新闻电台所讲的有100至300人,

    There 's really not a whole lot known besides what the Oaxaca state governor said this morning on the Television news station program and he said there were between 100 and 300 people ,

  6. 瓦哈卡州,墨西哥&近两个月前在墨西哥走失的一个加利福尼亚本地人在周末被发现死亡,一个明显凶杀案的受害者,一名墨西哥国家官员在星期二说。

    OAXACA , Mexico – A California native who went missing in Mexico nearly two months ago was found dead over the weekend , the victim of an apparent homicide , a Mexican state official said Tuesday .

  7. 如今在墨西哥瓦哈卡州,居民们将巧克力视作他们文化的一部分,而在游客看来,在该城要想穿过一条街而不被提供任何形式的巧克力简直是不可能的。

    Today in Oaxaca , residents have embraced chocolate as a part of their culture and it seems visitors to the city can 't walk down the street without being offered chocolate in some form , whether it is hot chocolate , chocolate pastry or chocolate candy .