
jiāo lónɡ
  • flood dragon, a mythical creature capable of invoking storms and floods
蛟龙 [jiāo lóng]
  • [my thical flood dragon] 传说中能使洪水泛滥的一种龙

  1. 各色各状造型的“蛟龙”如箭离弦,顺流而下,欲争群龙首

    Rows of dragons pull downstream , each striving to take the lead .

  2. 周处只身进山,果然杀掉了猛虎,接着又跃人河中与蛟龙搏斗。

    Zhou Chu went to the mountain alone , and sure enough , he killed the tiger . Then he jumped into the river and fought with the dragon .

  3. 后来,有人鼓动周处进山杀猛虎,人河斩蛟龙,希望能除去两害,只留一害。

    Later , someone instigated4 Zhou Chu to go to the mountain to kill the fierce tiger , and to the river to behead the ferocious dragon , in the hope of getting rid of two evils , leaving only one .

  4. 蛟龙入海&中国联通引领CDMA产业价值链

    China Unicom Dominates CDMA Value-chain in China

  5. 有朝一日,它一旦从酣睡中觉醒,朝气焕发,那时它将斩蛟龙,杀掉狡猾的侏儒,唤醒勃伦希德(Brunhild),——那时甚至沃顿(Wotan)的长矛也不能阻止它前进!

    Some day it will find itself awake in all the morning freshness following a tremendous sleep : then it will slay dragons , destroy vicious dwarfs , wake Br ü nhilde -- and even Wotan 's spear will not be able to stop this course !

  6. 潜水蛟龙美国军事专家谈中国潜艇部队

    Military Climb Chinese Submarine Force in the Eyes of Americans

  7. 激活每一个细胞,唤醒每一条蛟龙!

    Activating every cell , and awakening every capable person .

  8. 蛟龙摆尾巨浪翻,蟒蛇缠树居苍山;

    Dragon put tail waves over , Python entangled in the tree features .

  9. 到了现在,我已经是一条水中小蛟龙了!

    Now , I was able to swim like a fish in the water .

  10. 蛟龙最终未能降伏对手。

    The Dragon bowed to it adversaries .

  11. 蛟龙要有海来游。

    Dragon swam to the sea .

  12. 草庐有了主人,好像小小的石洞飞来神仙,浅浅的溪水藏卧蛟龙。

    With master , as if little fairies flying Cave , shallow water lying hidden dragon .

  13. 蛟龙飞舞、腾云驾雾代表了发展。

    With dragon flying up and down , speed across the cloud , standing for the development .

  14. 一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。

    An old doctor poured a jug of into the river , to medicine aquatic animals , lest damage flexor doctor .

  15. 她给了我们一个自由驰骋的舞台,一如那水中的蛟龙,我们都是她的孩子。

    She gave us a free ride to the stage , as was the water dragon , we are all her children .

  16. 明知水中有蛟龙,但却每天仍然在水中讨生活,这就是渔夫的勇气。

    Fishman 's courage is that he knows there is a dragon in the water but he still makes a living on the water .

  17. 先前参加过这比赛绿蛟龙号的郭川不属于船员之一,只属于媒体队员。

    During the last edition , Guo Chuan was a Media Crew Member on the Green Dragon team but not classed as a competing sailor .

  18. 他还说,“蛟龙”号设计者从海外购买了很多“现成”技术,并曾在美国海军“阿尔文”号载人潜水器上做过潜水训练。

    He also said the Jiaolong 's designers had purchased a lot of'off the shelf'technology from overseas , and had benefited from training dives on the U.S.

  19. 执行计划的小型潜水器蛟龙号,来源于神话中一种海龙在秘密发展8年后,上个月被公开了。

    The small craft that made the trip named Jiaolong , after a mythical sea dragon was unveiled publicly late last month after eight years of secretive development .

  20. 当时,义兴河里有一条凶恶的蛟龙,山上有一头猛虎,经常残害百姓。

    At the time , there was a ferocious dragon in the river and a fierce tiger in the mountain in Yixing , which often injured and devoured people .

  21. 他被选中的那个星期,一出新的耐克广告在中国拉开了帷幕,易建联从一只篮球中升腾出来,宛如蛟龙出世。

    The week he was drafted , a new Nike commercial was unveiled in China , featuring Yi rising out of a basketball , like a dragon from an egg .

  22. 后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用楝树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成棕子。

    Later , for fear of fresh rice balls for the dragon , people think of using neem leaves Bao Fan , Chan Choi , silk , to develop into Zongzi .

  23. 弱信息铅同位素示踪发现,蛟龙掌矿区各地质母体铅同位素差异明显,利于进行同位素示踪。

    The tracing of lead isotopes indicates different matrixes of lead isotopes have great difference , which makes an Pb isotope tracing is much easier to identify the sources of Pb .

  24. 因其斩蛟龙为民除害的事迹广为传播,民众祭祀他,遂形成许真君信仰。

    Because of the deed was widely circulated which he cut the Dragon for the people . , the people all sacrificed him . And then form the XU true person faith .

  25. 在争议的中国南海去年的底部的一个蛟龙潜水,在海底种植一些作为一种挑衅行为中看到中国国旗。

    During a Jiaolong dive to the bottom of the disputed South China Sea last year , it planted a Chinese flag in the seabed in what some saw as a provocative act .

  26. 而粽子的传统边的渔夫,将米丢入江中平息江中的蛟龙,希望他们不要将屈原吃掉。

    The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan .

  27. 改卷,一题曰“清水出芙蓉”,或答“乱世出英雄”,或答“山村出美女”,或答“深海出蛟龙”叫人哭笑不得。

    Change book , a Yue " clear water lotus ", or answer " chaotic hero ", or answer " mountain village beauty ", or answer " deep sea flood dragon ", Call the person is in distress situation .

  28. 而粽子的传统则来由於汨罗江边的渔夫,将米丢入江中平息江中的蛟龙,希望他们不要将屈原吃掉。

    The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan 。
