
  • 网络Tutsi;Tutsi people
  1. 他们是圣弗朗西斯孤儿院的图西族儿童。

    They 're Tutsi children from the st , Francis orphanage .

  2. 图西族叛军一定对征兵表示否认。

    The Tutsi cockroaches of the rebel army must be denied recruits .

  3. 现在这些图西族反叛分子,他们回来了。

    Now they have come back , these Tutsi rebels .

  4. 来到1988年,地点是在一座囚营附近,里面都是刚果境内的图西族难民。

    The year is 1998 , the place is a prison camp for Tutsi refugees in Congo .

  5. 在他们前往访问的同时,刚果政府军和军阀恩孔达领导的图西族反叛军在刚果东部地区重燃战火。

    Their visit comes amid renewed fighting in eastern Congo between the Congolese army and ethnic Tutsi rebels , led by Laurent Nkunda .