
yìng wò
  • Hard sleeper;tourist coach;tourist car;tourism coach
硬卧 [yìng wò]
  • [tourist car;tourish coach] 指列车上的硬席卧铺

硬卧[yìng wò]
  1. 硬卧车厢在前面。

    The tourist coaches [ carriages ] are in front .

  2. 而冬季空调客车的软卧及硬卧车厢CO2浓度均超过国家卫生标准。

    In winter , the concentrations of CO 2 in soft berth and hard berth cars both exceeded the same standard .

  3. 夏季硬座和硬卧车厢内CO2浓度超过国家卫生标准。夏季样品达标率也明显低于普通客车,差异有显著性(P0.01)。

    In summer , the concentrations of CO 2 in hard seat cars and soft berth car exceeded the national standard with a statistic significance ( P0.01 ) .

  4. YW(25G)型空调硬卧列车车厢内换气效率研究

    The Study of Air Exchange Efficiency for YW_ ( 25G ) Train Compartments

  5. ⅠDEAS软件在客车车体静态模态有限元分析中的应用25.5m空调硬卧车静态有限元分析

    Application of I DEAS Software on Static Modal Finite Element Analysis on Passenger Carbody & Static Finite Element Analysis on 25 5m Air Conditioned Semi Cushioned Berth Sleeping Car

  6. 我要一张从北京到无锡的硬卧。

    I 'd like a hard sleeper from Beijing to Wuxi .

  7. 请问有一张硬座活是硬卧的票吗?

    Do you have a hard seat or a hard sleeper ?

  8. 我要买两张明天到北京的火车票,硬卧。

    I 'd like two hard sleepers to Beijing tomorrow .

  9. YW25G型空调硬卧客车

    Air Conditioned Semi Cushioned Berth Sleeping Cars Type YW 25G

  10. 空调硬卧车内人体热舒适性研究

    Study of Thermal Comfort in Air-conditioned Hard Sleeper Cars

  11. 基于空调车厢内气流分布的人体热舒适研究铁路空调硬卧车内气流分布的数值模拟

    Thermal comfort study based on air distribution in air - conditioned train passenger compartment

  12. 外宾:买两张到北京的硬卧车票。我想买一张去北京的头等单程车票。

    Two semi-cushioned berth tickets for Beijing please . I want a first-class single to Beijing .

  13. 有,硬卧车厢(旁边)没有餐车,而是由乘务员来回走卖食物。

    Yes , the hard sleeper has no dining car , the staff bring food round instead .

  14. 对不起,硬卧没有了,只有软卧了。

    I 'm sorry , hard sleepers are sold out and we just have soft sleepers left .

  15. 椅子和其他坐椅的椅垫你想要软卧还是硬卧?

    Bottom for chairs and other seats Do you want a soft berth or a hard berth .

  16. 火车的硬坐与硬卧是不同的产品或服务,所以硬坐与硬卧的价格差别不是价格歧视。

    Price discrimination is the practice of charging difference consumers different prices for the same product or service .

  17. 实际上,在硬卧车厢我遇见了很多挺有意思的人,交了许多朋友。

    As it turned out I met a lot of interesting people in the hard berth carriage and made many friends .

  18. 去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱?去昆明的硬卧票多少钱一张?

    What 's the fare to New York , Economy Class ? How much do I have to pay for a hard berth to Kunming ?

  19. 外宾:硬卧车厢同软卧车厢有什么区别?乘客的火车整列都是坐厢或卧厢。

    What 's the difference between a hard berth sleeper and a soft-berth one ? A passenger train is made up of a line of cars or coaches .

  20. 采用k-ε双方程三维紊流模型,对YW25G型铁路空调硬卧客车室内气流的温度场和速度场进行了模拟。

    A three dimensional turbulence k - ε model was used to predict the distribution of air velocity , temperature and mean air age in an air conditioning compartment of YW 25G train .

  21. 注释:中国的火车分为软卧、硬卧、软座、硬座四个级别,票价依次递减。

    What 's the difference between a hard berth sleeper and a soft-berth one ? Note : There are four classes on the train : soft berth , hard sleeper , soft seat , hard seat . The prices are lowered accordingly .