- 名inoculum

Fresh mature chlamydospores will be the most ideal inoculum for inoculation .
Influence of inoculum and inoculation site on the inoculation effect of squash blight
An air-cathode microbial fuel cell ( ACMFC ) was successfully started up using anaerobic activated sludge as inoculums , generating a voltage of 0.24V after inoculations for 110 h.
NOTE-Either absorbance or transmittance measurement may be used for preparing inocula .
Studies on the preserved pear scab inocula
The infection rate associated with eath inoculum combination was calculated , and two groups were compared .
Aerobic granular sludge calculated by glucose synthetic wastewater was used as seed and be acclimated by the brewery wastewater , the feasibility of using the said sludge to treat brewery wastewater was investigated .
Stem segments and leaves of new shoot ing , which are from winter shoot treated by FC , was used as inoculating explant .
917 explants ( shoot-tips and lateral buds ) were inoculated .
The freezing temperature of the insects by feeding INA bacteria showed obvious difference two days after inoculation , and the temperature was 2.25-4.56 ℃ higher than that of control , but the temperature was just 0.93 ℃ higher than that of control after pupation .
After loaded and treated , the size of tumor and specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte ( CTL ) assays in vitro were detected .
The results showed : their differences among the twenty-three varieties were significant , 51.97 % of the 483 explants were not suitable for large-scale propagation at factories .
With the method 44 samples of natural infected rice seeds of bacterial leaf streak were successfully inoculated onto the rice leaves in vitro , and produced lesions and bacterial beads on them .
The results indicated that serum of three kinds of vaccinated mandarinfish had no significant difference in compared with the control group ( P > 0.05 ) in agglutination titer .
Removing xylem when inoculating the buds could reduce the browning rate .
Components of resistance to rust caused by Puccinia arachidis of some newly-identified rust-resistant peanut genotypes were studied by whole-plant inoculation with uredospores of the pathogen in greenhouse as well as by rooted detached leaves inoculation in laboratory in ICRISAT Center .
The paper , through artificially duplication of toxoplasmosis Disease of mouse in a great quantity , systematically introduced the variation of infection dose of toxoplasmosis in ascites , determined that the suitable infection dose of toxoplasmosis was 650-1100 deutoplasms per mouse .
The best explant inoculating method was inoculated vertically . In this case , the callus formed earlier with a large number of callus cell population and evenly distributed on both ends .
The inoculation density of the explants affected the callus and buds induction five to ten explants per culture bottle was suitable .
The suitable medium of sporulation needs to be screened in order to establish system of artificial inoculation of rice kernel smut and research the interaction of N. horrida and rice .