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  1. 我国夏热冬暖地区居住建筑外窗节能分析和设计

    Analysis and design on energy conservation on outside windows in inhabitancy in certain areas

  2. 我国夏热冬冷地区民用建筑节能策略及影响因素研究

    Factors in Energy Saving of Civilian Architecture in Areas with Hot Summers and Cold Winters

  3. 本文系统地进行了生物气候设计理论和设计策略的研究,并在此基础上分析了我国夏热冬冷地区的设计策略。

    And on this basis , has analysed the design strategys in the hot-summer and cold-winter zone in our country .

  4. 地源热泵技术在我国夏热冬冷地区使用普遍。

    GSHP ( Ground Source Heat Pump ) is common used in the hot summer and cold winter region of China .

  5. 我国夏热冬暖地区和夏热冬冷地区建筑节能的差异性分析

    Analysis for energy conservation difference of building in hot summer and warm winter zone to hot summer cold winter zone of China

  6. 湿度是影响我国夏热冬冷地区夏季室内热环境的主要因素之一。

    Moisture is one of the important factors for evaluating indoor thermal environment equality in hot summer and cold winter region of China .

  7. 我国夏半年降水距平与北太平洋海温异常的奇异值分解法分析

    The singular value decomposition analysis between the SSTA field over northern Pacific and the precipitation anomaly field during summer half year in China

  8. 黄淮地区是我国夏大豆主产区,株系鉴定和品种对株系的抗性问题亟待解决。

    Two problems , strains identification and soybean resistance to SMV strains , need to be solved in Huang-Huai regions where summer soybean was mainly planted .

  9. 我国夏热冬冷地区地域宽广,其气候特点是夏季炎热、冬季寒冷且空气湿度大。

    Hot summer and cold winter zone , its climate characterized by torrid summers , chill winters and high humidity , covers a wide area in China .

  10. 我国夏热冬暖地区经济和建筑产业发展都非常迅速,建筑能耗形势较为严峻,对该地区进行建筑节能研究具有重要意义。

    The economy and construction industry has a rapid development in hot summer and cold winter region of China , which contributes the severe building energy situation in this area .

  11. 以我国夏玉米燃料乙醇的生产为例,计算了玉米燃料乙醇生命周期的净碳排放量并对其影响因素进行了分析。

    For the production state of fuel ethanol from summer corn in China , carbon budgets in overall life cycle of the ethanol were evaluated and its main influence factors were identified .

  12. 而我国夏热冬冷地区村镇住宅的建筑能耗,尤其是为改善室内环境而消耗的能源很少,以能耗指标来评价其建筑性能并不合适。

    In China , energy consumption of rural residential buildings in the hot summer and cold winter zone are really few , in particular the part of which to improve the indoor environment .

  13. 最后,运用生物气候设计理论,结合我国夏热冬冷地区的气候状况,从该地区的生物气候分析图入手,提出了一系列适应性的策略。

    Finally , using the bio-climatic design theory , combining the climate of the hot-summer and cold-winter zone of out country , proceeding with bio-climatic chart , put forward a series of adaptability tactics .

  14. 尤其在我国夏热冬冷地区,热工能耗成了能源浪费的主要因素,带来一系列的生态环境问题。

    Especially in the hot summer and cold winter area of our country , thermal energy consumption has become a major factor in energy waste , brings a series of ecological and environmental problems .

  15. 针对我国夏热冬冷地区的建筑气候特点,对建筑围护结构节能在设计中的要点和意义进行了讨论。

    In view of the building climate features of the area which has hot summer and cold winter , the main points and significance for design of building enclosure and energy saving are discussed in this paper .

  16. 两系杂交种生产初步示范超标34&43%,填补了我国夏谷区雄性不育研究利用的空白。

    The production of these hybrids increased by 34 & 43 % compared with the standard variety in the preliminary demonstration , which filled the gaps on the study and use of male sterility in the summer millet areas in our country .

  17. 为我国夏热冬冷地区提高建筑的主动适应性,实现建筑的可持续发展的,营造舒适、健康、自然的建筑环境,同时满足建筑的艺术审美,寻求行之有效的解决方法。

    And find an available solution which can improve the initiative adaptability and provide the design that satisfy the requirement from both sustainable-development and architecture aesthetics for the cold-winter-warm-summer area of China , which also make a comfortable , healthy and natural building environment .

  18. 目前我国夏热冬冷地区广泛采用空调方式采暖,这种以对流传热为主的采暖方式不仅能耗高,其舒适性也受到用户的广泛批评。

    At present , air-conditioning is being widely used for heating in hot summer and cold winter areas . This heating method ' heat transfer form is mainly convection , which is high energy consumption , and is being widely criticized by the users because of its bad comfort .

  19. 通过研究门窗热工特性及门窗节能的设计要点,探讨了我国夏热冬冷地区住宅建筑外门窗节能设计方法与措施,并在此基础上对现有门窗提出节能改造的方法。

    Energy-saving design method of outer door window of the buildings , which lie in cold in winter and hot in summer zone in our country , and measures are all discussed , by means of studying the thermal characteristics of door window and the design of energy-saving door window .

  20. 通径分析结果表明,马唐是我国北方夏播粮田的主要杂草。

    The results of path analysis indicate that crab grass is a main weed forsummer grain crops in Hebei province .

  21. 目前我国仅见关于夏果型树莓的花芽分化的报道,而有关秋果型花芽分化规律的研究还尚未开展,在树莓其它生殖生物学方面的研究也还属空白。

    Now , there are some reports about the flower bud differentiation of summer-fruit type Raspberry in China and there is still a blank in the study of Raspberry procreate biology .

  22. 我国南方的夏秋季,尤其是设施栽培,局部易出现异常高温,严重抑制了作物正常的生长发育,高温胁迫已成为限制夏秋季和设施蔬菜生产的主要因素之一。

    In summer and autumn in southern china , especially in protected cultivation , the abnormal high temperature is occurred frequently . The high temperature stress seriously inhibit the normal growth and development of plants , witch has become the main Constraint of Vegetable production .

  23. 我国长江中下游夏热冬冷地区居住热环境较差,其中西向热环境尤为恶劣。

    The residential thermal environment is worse in the mid and down reach of Yangzi River areas with hot summer and cold winter , especially that of the west direction in building .