
  1. 通过此项目,每位管理培训生都会有机会经历康新整体的财务作业流程、运营机制及公司文化。

    The FMP program is designed to present a golden opportunity for members to experience EDG 's finance function , operating system and culture .

  2. 分析了仓库现有组织作业流程和运营模式,指出了现有作业流程中信息技术运用不足所产生的总体效率不高、物流信息不一致造成仓储、配送不协调、水平不高的必然性。

    This project also analyze the warehouse organizing flow pattern in existence and point out the inevitability of the low logistics level because of not enough information technology .

  3. 时间轴/里程碑模式对企业内的许多业务流程的运营都十分关键,这些业务流程包括订单跟踪、产品发布、实现、服务提供等。

    The timeline / milestone pattern is critical to the operations of many business processes in the enterprise including order tracking , product announcement , fulfillment , service provisioning , etc.

  4. 综合绩效考核结果不仅仅与员工个人利益挂钩,还应用于战略分析、改善运营流程和运营计划等。

    Comprehensive performance assessment result is not only linked to their personal interests with the staff , but also used in strategic analysis , improving operational processes and operational plans .

  5. 我们定义了一个详细的时间轴/里程碑模型,通过示例展示了如何定制这个模型,以构建灵活的应用程序来自动化业务流程的运营管理。

    We defined a detailed timeline / milestone model and showed by example how to customize this model to build flexible applications for automating the operational management of business processes .

  6. 随着全球化的经济发展,企业为了生存和发展,纷纷引进和建立了企业资源计划信息管理系统(ERP)以规范企业流程,提高运营绩效和增强市场竞争力。

    With the tendency of global economic development , enterprises have introduced and established the information management system called Enterprise Resource Planning to standardize enterprises ' process , improve operating performance and strength competitive capability in the market .

  7. 随着经济全球化、知识化、信息化的不断发展,企业为了生存和发展,纷纷引进和建立ERP系统,希望规范企业管理,重新梳理改造企业业务流程,提升运营绩效,增强市场竞争力。

    With the consistent development of economic globalization and increasing demand for knowledge and information , many corporations attempt to establish ERP system in the hope to formalize business management , reorganize business process , promote operation performance and thus enhance market competitiveness .

  8. 流程是企业运营的基本构成要素。

    Business Processes are the basic elements of business operations .

  9. 这种流程存在一些运营挑战,因为农民的物流有时候会出问题,导致货物丢失。

    That had its challenges because sometimes farmers would run into logistical hiccups and miss the drop-off .

  10. 业务流程是企业运营的核心和本质,其重要性毋庸置疑。

    Business process is the core and essence of an enterprise , so it is very important for enterprises .

  11. 更有效地利用分配资产和业务流程,降低运营和未来的资本开支;

    Operating Efficiencies – More efficient use of distribution assets and streamlining of business processes , reducing operating and future capital expenses ;

  12. 各种业务流程活动的运营管理可以作为一个带有多个里程碑、关联通知和其他动作规则的时间轴建模并管理。

    The operational management of various business process activities can be modeled and managed as a timeline with milestones and associated notification and other action rules .

  13. 制造商和分销商在集成业务流程以促进运营效率和提高投资收益时,仍然可以保留现有的技术平台。

    The manufacturer and reseller can each keep their existing technology platforms while they integrate their business processes to drive operational efficiency and return on investment ( ROI ) .

  14. 组织机构是流程银行成功运营的保障,而作业中心的职能梳理和业务条线的垂直管理是集中运营组织机构搭建的关键所在。

    The organization is the protection of the successful operation of the processing bank , the functions of the job center comb , vertical and business line management is centralized operations organization to build the key .

  15. 业务流程作为企业运营管理的一种基本形式,对其进行根本性的思考和再造,将飞跃性地改善成本、质量、服务和速度等现代企业的主要运营基础。

    The business process is taken as the basic function of enterprise , doing a fundamentally consideration and reengineering of that will dramatically improve the major operation foundation such as cost , quality , service and speed .

  16. 自动化工具能够帮助IT部门降低成本、简化流程,优化IT运营管理。

    Automation tools could help IT shops looking to reduce costs , streamline processes and optimize IT operations .

  17. 这堂课我们区分制造性企业采取的不同流程,并描述运营分析的方法。

    In this class we define the different types of processes employed by manufacturing companies and describe methods for analyzing operations .

  18. 本文介绍了时间轴/里程碑模式,强调了它在业务流程活动管理和运营中的作用。

    This article described the timeline / milestone pattern and highlighted its essential role in the management of business process activities and operations .

  19. 因此,内审应该更加深入的理解那些能够帮助组织达成目标的业务和流程,并且对运营风险和控制做出评价。

    Consequently , internal auditors must have a deeper understanding of the business and processes that make the organization successful to assess the effectiveness of operational risks and controls .

  20. 不断更新IT人员的技能,使其能够适应新的技术和流程,也是帮助运营团队在满足预算的条件下降低成本,提供IT服务的一个长期手段。

    Updating IT staff skills to accommodate new technologies and processes will also go a long way to helping operations teams reduce efforts and deliver IT services within budget constraints .

  21. 它要求企业经营者在优化业务流程、提高企业运营管理水平的同时,进行行业价值体系分析,只有这样才能使成本控制的水平达到最优化。

    It requires top operators optimizing business processes and improving management of enterprise operations , at the same time analyzing the value systems of the whole industry . Only in this way can the company achieve the optimum level of cost control .

  22. 这种价值不仅体现在为企业带来稳定可观的销售利润,并且可以激励快递企业优化组织体系和业务流程,提升其运营效率,从而影响企业长期绩效和发展。

    This value includes not only stable and impressive profit brought by customer loyalty , but also an enhancement in efficiency because customer loyalty can spur express company to optimize business processes , which will affect the company ? s development and long-term performance .

  23. 从物流企业的特征出发,分析虚拟物流企业组建的基本要素及其相互关系,提出虚拟物流企业的构建流程模型和业务运营流程模型,探讨虚拟物流企业运营中可能存在的问题。

    On the basis of the features of logistics enterprise , the basic elements of virtual logistics enterprise are analyzed ; then a construction framework model and an operating model are designed . And finally , the probable problems in the operation of the virtual enterprise are analyzed .

  24. 国内外对企业执行力体系的构建和研究大都围绕着人员流程、战略流程以及运营流程。

    The studies both of domestic and foreign mostly around strategic process 、 personnel process and operational process .

  25. 从流程角度,分别提出了从改善人员流程、战略流程、运营流程这三个流程入手,提出了提升企业执行力的三种途径;

    From the process angle , this thesis pointed out the ways from three core process-personnel 's processes , strategic process , operating process , to promote execution of business enterprise ;

  26. 不要仅仅写“开发和实施创新流程改进”,而要写“通过开发和实施创新流程改进,将运营效率和年营收提高了13%。”

    Instead of just saying ' developed and implemented innovative process improvements , ' say ' increased operational efficiency and annual revenues by 13 % by developing and implementing innovative process improvements . '